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Everything posted by Miller

  1. While I would hate to see these schools consolidate, one would think this could be a way for the young people in these schools to have an opportunity to excel academically. Truth be told, I don't have a clue what goes on at Newport, Bellevue and Dayton, but seeing that two of the three are on the priority list, something is not right. Hopefully things can work out for all parties, one way or the other.
  2. Congrats to the Eagles on the win! Really glad to hear that Jackson and McGovney had big nights. With the season on the line you're best players have to be special. Nate is a fine young man and an outstanding basketball player. I wish him nothing but the best.
  3. I don't see it that way. Kids must make plays, play within themselves and play defense. Cooper has a very nice team and will make a solid run at the 9th region. Tim Sullivan is a really good coach, but coaches the same way that Brad Carr does. Kids are held accountable, in good times and bad. Btw, any Scott JV parents who complain about coaching are grinding their axe.
  4. A true gamer! I'd have bet the farm those ft's were going down. A slow first half, followed by a spectacular second. Congrats to Jeff Schraffenberger, Brad Walker and the entire Simon Kenton freshman team on an outstanding season and Regional Championship! Jeff is an outstanding coach and deserves all the accolades he and his team have earned. On the flip side, a devastating loss for Matt Stevens, Steve Sorrell and their freshman Colonels. They fought back and deserved to win, too. Good news for them is that they will be in more regional finals and will win their share of them. Truly a classy event! I absolutely love the pageantry (banners, all tournament team, etc.) but I especially love that freshman basketball is put on a big stage for kids who work for three months on making a lasting memory.
  5. I don't think any freshman who is starting JV/Varsity should play a second on the freshman team. How do you build chemistry when one or more of your players don't practice with you, or are missing your games bc they're at the JV game? It's not right to the kids who are left behind to practice and play everyday, but who take a seat when the JV kids are available.
  6. No word on whether or not Ryle @ St. Henry happened or not. Holmes/Lloyd @ Cov Cath is still being played.
  7. Newport at Boone cancelled. Walton at Dixie cancelled. Scott/Ludlow at Cov Cath cancelled. Cov Cath/Cooper at Cov Cath cancelled. 2/4 games.
  8. I'd say the favorites are Holmes, NCC, Covington Catholic and Simon Kenton. Bottom half of the bracket is really loaded, so whom ever makes it out of it should be the favorite. Crazy things can happen, obviously. Last year, Holmes was the favorite, but got beaten by Highlands in the first round.
  9. This tournament field has been set for years. Brossart and Campbell opted out when they joined the 10th region and participated in their district and regional tournament. The small schools opted out in the very late 90's when they invented their own small school tournament, which I thought was a good idea since it gave them an opportunity to end the year on a win. The small school tourney hasn't been played in a few years, and also had been played sparingly since 2002. Therefore, this tournament has been an "invitational" since the days of the great Jack Kaelin. Scott and SK have participated each year since leaving the 9th Region and have fulfilled their commitments as far as scheduling, participation, etc. TOG said it best, this tournament has grown each year since 2008, when Jack Kaelin stepped down as tournament director. I've been told gym availability is the biggest reason why the field is kept at, or about, the 16-18 number. The addition of WV only improves the field, as they've always put competitive teams on the court, plus their addition evens out the numbering.
  10. Head Coaches are at their best when surrounded by outstanding assistants. It wasn't a shot at Mike, nor his coaching abilities. I saw with my own eyes the 2009 "upset" and Campbell was atrocious that night. Brossart played well and Campbell couldn't hit the broad side of the barn if it was two feet away. Obviously that happens when young people are put into pressure situations.
  11. I was factoring in the double-bonus ft's they'll shoot
  12. Lots of great coaches in NKY. I think everyone that has been named are all deserving of this title. I've not seen a lot of Booher or Ruthsatz, but Booher's reputation/past surely puts him near the top of the food chain. As far as Mike Code, I have tremendous respect for him as a coach. However, I really think he's a better coach when his brother, Scott, is on his staff. While he was gone to CC and TM, Brossart wasn't the Brossart they were while both wore green. Sure, there was a talent dip, but it's just how I felt. Tim Sullivan has done a masterful job at Cooper. Tenacious, hard-nosed, blue collar basketball has defined that program. Brad Carr, for what it's worth, will always be one of the best in the area for the simple fact that his teams play very hard, they guard very well, and they're always in it when it counts. Plus, it's fun to watch teams run and gun instead of walking the ball up the floor and getting into box sets. I'm also a really big fan of Dave Faust. Always a tough out and always prepared. So, I basically agree with everyone. I do think Ken Chevalier gets left off of this list too often due to the type of talent he's had. I think everyone expects them to win, but it's not that easy.
  13. Scott's defensive pressure will bother Cov Cath. As long as Jackson stays out of foul trouble no one will be able to guard him. I'm going with the Eagles at home by 14.
  14. Oh, and congrats to Brad Carr and the Eagles. It's fun to watch them play, when they're playing well.
  15. He did. Totally outmatched against the stronger and older Scott players. Great kid with a great future.
  16. The BBA will call games tight. 9th region officials are much looser, which makes 9th teams vulnerable at Scott, Campbell, Brossart, etc. BTW, they love to call charges.
  17. I believe NCC plays Cooper in another consolation game.
  18. Correct. I'm not a big fan of kids playing up and down. If they play up, stay up. When was the last time a team, who had kids going back and forth, won the regional tournament? I know Cov Cath won last year with Bo going back and forth, but that team was pretty darn good and has a really good coach. I truly believe the chemistry between kids is more than just playing games together. They've got to practice together, ride the bus together, etc. That may sound ignorant, but I've witnessed it too many times.
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