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Everything posted by PurpleHaze

  1. I picked out Purple Haze's (Michael Bulldog Drake) Headstone today...actually, it will be a double. I want, and can't find, a picture of a weapons loader loading the A-10 Warthog in Bentwaters from 1981-1984. I was told if I could find a picture, they will put it on the back of the stone...on the front, I am going to have his football number inside the purple and gold H. I am also going to have the double wedding bands with a ribbon through them with our wedding date on it...anyway, I believe the tail letters were WR on the A-10 Warthog. Any help would be wonderful.....Thank you all so much!
  2. Again, thank you all so much. There are days where it is so much harder than others...this one was one of them. You all were his family as well as mine. I love you all so much. Boy, we had been through thick and thin with you all...Your prayers were, and still are, so much appreciated....
  3. Thank you. BGP has always been family to Mike and I. He really did love each and everyone of you as I do. It is still unreal to me that he is gone. When the phone rings it feels like it should be Mike on the other line....When I go somewhere I feel like I should tell him....Thank you all for Mike being excited about belonging to such a wonderful place....Thank you, guru, for dreaming up and bringing to life, such a wonderful place for people to discuss their passion of sports....However, that is not what BGP is all about. You see, it is a place where people become very close...so close that we have become family. No, not all of us have had the opportunity to have talked in person but, that does not matter....we are still close. You all have been here for Mike and I so many times. It all started with a leg amputation. That leg amputation is what made me become a member of this wonderful place. I could not believe that a place like this could have members that are so caring and supportive.... Purple88, that number 57 jersey can not be hung in the locker room....he was laid to rest in it...I thought that was perfect and appropriate article of clothing to have him dressed in....Also, as we would pull up to see BGHS play, Michael would always have Purple Haze by J. Hendrix BLARING on the van's CD....so, as Mike was being led out of the funeral home after the service, Purple Haze was playing...I loved him more than any of you could ever imagine... He was so excited because the BGHS football banquet was on his birthday this year...He did not get to go because he was in ICU. That really bothers me....That was going to be such a special birthday for him....He really fought....I have had 6 of his doctors tell me they have never seen someone who fought like he did...I have also been told by a couple of them that he lived so much longer than they would have ever thought possible, that he was the strongest person they have ever come across. He did love life...loved his family and loved his friends as his family. Thank you all so much again...Thank you for caring, praying, and accepting my dear, beautiful husband as you all did....I can never repay you all for that!
  4. Coach Wallace and I talked...I am going to give it to him and he will keep it in the BG Football office. If someone wants to look at it or make copies, if I understood him correctly, he will be more than happy to let them. Boy, I am still going through all of Michael's things...he really did put a lot of effort into all of this. It is going to take me a while to get it to Coach for the simple reason this was not Mike's only passion....I can't tell you all how many model cars he has...not put together, how many club books, articles, etc for classic cars and trucks...old car brochures, model car literature....just amazing what collections he has. I wish I knew as much as he did about my hobbies...Thank you all so much for suggestions....I miss him so much.
  5. I hate wearing mine...I use the one that just goes over the nose. I am a mouth breather so I hate it. I really was not given the option..did try the one that went inside my nose...that one only caused sores. I have horrible sleep apnea, always had. Used to go to ER a lot when I was a baby....When I do use it I feel sooooo rested.
  6. If anyone knows someone who would carry on the historical view of Bowling Green High School Football, let me know. I have a ton of research that Michael "Bulldog" Drake worked so hard on for so many years....I don't want it all to go to waste. He was very dedicated and could answer any question anyone had. He did not even have to look the answers up, just remembered all of that information....He knew a lot about other schools as well from his research. I don't want the info going to someone who just thinks they want to do this....I want someone dedicated....thank you so much.....you can reach me at 270-202-4211 thanks....
  7. I would love to think that not only Mike's family met him in Heaven, I would like to think Dave did as well....That would be something Dave would have done...showed him around, talk about football and both of them running around without any health problems or wheel chairs. Wow...they passed so close to each other. I just hope they are up there laughing and talking about which football team is better LOL
  8. Thank you all so much for all the prayers and thoughts. When he passed Thursday, I was told that I needed to plan everything in one day. So, Fri, my brother helped me from 8 in the morning until 11 that night. I did not have much time to digest what had happened. Then we had the viewing on Sat with an open casket for the family and closed for friends....Details I would rather not go into except to say that decision was made by the director of the funeral home. PH wore his HS football jersey like he always did at all games. He looked wonderful...just like his ole self. He always said he did not want people crying at his funeral....well, a lot of times there was laughter...Judge Steve Wilson was WONDERFUL at telling stories of when Mike and he were going to school....all funny stories!!! I miss him so very much...have been so busy since Thursday and that has helped some. He was and is the love of my life. We had 29 wonderful years knowing each other and 25 wonderful years married. I feel so empty and sick inside. I really don't know how people get over this feeling. I have been trying so hard to be strong for my family and friends. Michael always told me to never give up and never get in. I am trying hard to make him proud by staying strong like he has his whole life. I want to say a special thanks to Rockmom for EVERYTHING she has done and all the info she has given me....I really do not know what I would have done without that info. There are so many lose ends to tie up and will take a while, however, I will make it through all of this and I will survive....Mike would want no less than that. I love you all as much as Mike did and I love Mike for all he has done and is still doing for me. I do know that he is in no more pain and his body is whole now. RIP my sweet, sweet man You continue to make me so proud....
  9. OK...first, it does not matter if you foster or adopt IMO. You do what it takes for your kids...PH and I CHOSE not to have guns with these three girls....we were not told that we could not...we Chose to lock up all knives including kitchen knives...We really watched them around forks....anyway, IMO, it does not matter if the gun is unloaded and locked separately from the ammo....if these kids really want to get to the gun, trust me, they will period.....These kids are so much more street smart then most adults....they are wise and will amaze you. All our children, as many of you know, were long term, placements with no hope of going back home, but for some strange reason the rights were not terminated so they could be adopted.... I believe that most adults will do what is best for their children and family. Therefore, I don't think it should be a blanket rule and should be looked at depending upon the child....I think it should not be up to social services, or the court, but should be a group discussion that would include the family input. Now, I also am would love to think that gun owners would store their guns at a families home if they felt it was in the best interest of the family...like we did. Again, we were not told to do this, it was what we felt was right for our situation....everyone has different situations.....
  10. When I saw this on tv earlier today, PH and I were enraged! Then, me being me, started to try to understand both sides. We have raised thirteen foster daughters. At that time we chose not to have guns in the home. Our youngest saw her father shot....would have been an issue for her...she had many nightmares. Then, we had three that were violent. I would not have felt safe with a gun in the home at that time. These girls I am talking about would have gotten the gun and ammo anyway they could have.....ok, that was a choice of ours for that time in our lives.....I don't think it should be an all or nothing thing. I think each case should be looked at. Our other daughters there was no problem with guns....Now, that being said, PH brought up a GREAT point....if you get rid of guns for those reasons then you need to get rid of kitchen knives (which we did have locked up with three of our foster daughters), can't have anything glass because that can cut etc....We now have riffles and a pistol....when our foster daughters bring their children over, it is not an issue because those children have much different backgrounds....Now, all of this being said....It is HORRIBLE that these people can't foster or adopt due to the whole gun issue...it is just another way for our government to control what we do in our own home....adopting is so much different than fostering as far as how far the state can control what you do in your home. I tend to believe that people are smart enough to look at the kids in their care and be able to decide on what is best for the new members of their family and make good decisions based on the past of the children they want to adopt or foster....Just like PH and I did. Bottom line....it is a right to have a gun if you want and it is just another way to force views of some people on other individuals...this world would be so much better if the government would keep their nose out of our lives.....
  11. Wow...a mixture of the old and the new...I'm excited!!! Now if we can get rid of all of this snow...it is really tough to get to my appointments with all this snow on a county road!! Thanx, gang, for all the support!! :thumb:
  12. God is so great. He surprised me by posting this lol! I love you, you big ole purple cupcake!!!!
  13. Ok, I usually LOVE snow...look forward to it all year round. Now, however, with my dad and now PH I am really upset about it. Not the snow so much but the ice.. We live out in the country and our roads do not get treated or plowed. If our roads did, I would not mind it. Tomorrow, I need to get PH to dialysis and looking at the conditions I don't know how that is going to be possible....but, I will find a way. If I can get through the snow to get on the main roads, it will not be bad at all.....Now, that being said....I went outside tonight and it was really beautiful. The moonlight on the snow made the snow look baby blue. There are so many rabbit tracks along with other critters that I can't identify on the snow....just really beautiful!
  14. Hey everybody! I just wanted to give a shout out to everybody that I'm back and almost ready to be on for more than a few minutes at a time either here or Facebook. Hey CC!! I haven't heard from you for so long...I haven't forgotten that you were one of my first friends here when I joined! Watusi, I knew you would be there if we needed you! Rockmom, thanx for keeping everybody updated and helping the Mrs! I knew that my extended family would not let us down in our time of need!! :dancingpa:dancingpa:dancingpa:dancingpa Let's dance!!!
  15. PH is having a horrible time with dialysis. It is because of all the pain from his bottom...I will be taking him to his pain doctor tomorrow...maybe that will help or he can give us some suggestions. Still praying his kidneys come back. We will see! Other than that, working on trying to get his weight up. He weighed in yesterday at 84 pounds yesterday....with an ileostomy along with dialysis, I understand it is hard to keep weight on....I really can not believe he is doing so well after a massive stroke....God has been so good to us and so have you all!!!! I hope he gets strong enough soon to get on here. He is really missing it!
  16. GOD is so AWSOME and so is our BGP Family!!!! Thank you all so much for everything. I was going to let PH read and post first, however, I could not wait! I just needed to tell you all how much your prayers helped and how much I really do love each and everyone of you!!! A very special thanks to RM for everything....and sorry that I could not call you back Watusi. For some reason my phone did not record your number. Please call back sometime and PH will want to talk with you. I will give you all our home number for those who do want to call. PH THRIVES on contact with his friends and family. God is so great. PH went from a vent breathing for him to being home right now...WOW....what a roller coaster ride it was and will be. Dialysis is a challenge for Mike right now. He is not allowed to sit in his wheelchair for the treatment and the chairs they have are just not made for a double amputee with bone for a bottom.....That was his first one out of the hospital...Good news however...He went from four hour treatments to three hour treatments! His kidneys are still not working....The doctor told us that he is giving it eight weeks for a cut off time....this has been a couple of days after five weeks...not much time left. I do know it is possible for the kidneys to come back and I know with prayer and God, they can. His bottom was so raw and draining after the first treatment, but, it will get better with time. Mike does not want much food or drink. He is really giving it an effort though. I, and the doctors all agree with weight gain and fluid, his bottom will get better faster and will give the kidneys a better of a fighting chance to live. As far as the massive stroke.....He has not been confused yesterday or today!!!!! It is hard for him to gain his balance after getting in his chair in the mornings, however, he overcomes that after a while....so, all in all, he is GREAT!!!! I am so blessed to have him, God and you all! I really do feel so blessed and proud. I don't know what I did in my life to have such an amazing husband, family and friends in my life, but, whatever it was, I would go through all of it again!!!! I am going to give you all our home phone number. That way, if he is in dialysis or we are at one of his appointments, we won't have to hang up without talking....when we are at home, we have all the time in the world and would love to hear from you all.....It is 270-796-4114....if we are not here, please leave a message and we will call back later, or the next day. When we are at home, we are done with our new routine after one in the afternoon and around nine at night.....then the routine starts all over again..... Again, thank you all...thank God and we really do love you all!!!! Mike will get on the computer when he feels a little stronger....he is weak right now, but, will only get better from here on!!!!!
  17. OK...thanx for the correction. But he's still going to be a load!!
  18. It wouldn't surprise me to see Highlands, Pulaski Co, BGHS, Owensboro, and CovCath (in no particular order) be in the top five or six on a consistent basis for a while! :thumb:
  19. Hey Pride! As a grad of Alma Mater, you remember Vito Tisdale, right? Well, Vito Jr will be a freshman next season, and he's supposed to be a bowling ball rolling downhill! In fact, they might not be a factor in the coming season, but the next two classes are supposed to be on a par of the three that won consecutive championships. It's going to get real interesting in 5A very soon, especially with Owensboro moving up too! :thumb:
  20. Way to go, Pirates!! Hey 2C, wearing the crown doesn't get old, does it? A big salute to a great program!!:thumb: :dancingpa:dancingpa:dancingpa:dancingpa
  21. Congratulations to the Maroons on a great season! I dearly wish we could have played again for the third time in two years, but you earned the crown this year...wear it well!!:thumb: :dancingpa:dancingpa:dancingpa:dancingpa
  22. You might not want to use my name in that manner when you find out that I'm an Air Force veteran with a lot of brothers and sisters who are at Ft Knox. It is for this reason why John Hardin fans are among my very favorite fans. We definitely respect each other when the final whistle blows! I loaded weapons on A-10s, and the soldiers treat us like rock stars...they're great!! Kudos to the 'Dogs for catching fire when they have! I never would have expected it with their start, but they have done a marvelous job of getting this far. Actually the west bracket final would not be the same without BGHS and JHardin playing in it! Best of luck against Iroquois this week!
  23. The old WKC series started in 1927. The Purples still trail in the series 28-33-4 all time. They're chipping away slowly, but doesn't look like there will be any games between the two old rivals for the next four years as Hoptown drops to Class 4A for the next four years. This was the first time either team scored 50 points in one half. It was also one point short of the record for points scored in one game (BGHS won 51-0 in 1950). Graves County at the Hallowed Ground next as Alma Mater closes out its 2014 home schedule. Sic 'em, Purple!!! :dancingpa:dancingpa:dancingpa:dancingpa
  24. I want to wish all of my fellow veterans a great Veterans Day! I hope that it's a great day for all of us! For those who wished us a happy Veterans Day, thank you with all my heart...it is really appreciated! :thumb:
  25. The Hostess Twinkie Man.....I don't know why, but, even when I was a little kid I would imagine him in my dark bedroom killing me.....My parents would have to go in first and check everything out....other than that, nothing really except for real things like, PH getting really sick again or my dad having another stroke plus him not ever getting his mind back the way it was.
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