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Everything posted by Oldbird

  1. I never heard where he lived. I just assumed he lived in Boyle County and his dad drove to work in Columbia. I could be wrong though. Like everything I have said on here, I have prefaced it with the fact that my information was coming from fans. Fans who I believe to be informed, but they are not authorities.
  2. The Danville people said that if you don't have an "academic custodian" who lives within the district then you can't just pay tuition to attend Danville. Maybe if call Mr. Stallard that is what he would tell you.
  3. Let me repeat. I trust the Danville people to know what their rules are and they are saying that is 100% wrong. If you don't have an address in the school district then you can not attend Danville.
  4. Not every independent school accepts students from outside of their district. Plus, I can't think of a single school that would not charge a kid tuition if they did not receive the portion of state funding for that child.
  5. Mitch McMahon is his name. The best way to describe him is just an all around solid football player.
  6. No once cracked on anyone for supporting their team. However, if you say everyone on our team is capable of being all state then you can expect some challenges coming your way.
  7. Then read my post above again. No. If PH or WS would have picked 11 guys from one team and said they all deserved to be on the all state team then I think a logical response would be, then you need to see more teams.
  8. I guess I was number 3 in line to jump on SEB's post.
  9. You see NO difference in this... and this PH, says here are some names to consider. EB, says I think everyone I named is capable of being all state.
  10. Westsiders point was that either: 1.) Middlesboro has all-staters at every position, but there must be some sort of coaching problem as to why they got beat by Bell so bad. or 2.) Eastboy might not be the best judge of talent if he thinks Middlesboro has all staters at every position. So which is it?
  11. Thanks guys. Feels like it was yesterday I started the "IS DALE MUELLER THE MOTHER OF ALL EVIL THREAD". Still one of my all time best.
  12. Where are you BF? You take more vacations.
  13. I don't think it is a matter of having a lot of free time as much as it is people who enjoy prep football enough to carve out some time and make this one of their commitments. If that makes sense? In other words I have plenty of things I could be doing, but I look at BGP much the same way I do running. I enjoy running so I make sure I have time each day to do it.
  14. You didn't get your application when you signed up? :lol:
  15. Ok with that post we immediately send this one to post heaven otherwise known as..... BGP CLASSIC!
  16. MDN: All good points. However, I think at the end of the season if you were to ask the BGP individually to list what teams they have seen in person I think you will be amazed at how we get around. Highlands is my team, but anytime Highlands is involved in a game that I don't think will be a good one I tend to go somewhere else. Guru's team is Beechwood, but he rarely sees them.
  17. It is totally subjective, but who do you think LC could beat? I am not saying this to put you on the spot as much to learn who you think LC would match up well with down the road.
  18. This is great. When it is all said and done can you tell us who everyone is? There are two I don't recognize.
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