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Everything posted by Oldbird

  1. Someone who was jealous of Ft. Knox and Ft. Campbell saw the opportunity to throw these two in also and so they did.
  2. The poor publics, my heart breaks. At the end of the day the cream will rise to the top. So if they kick out the privates, if they put some sort of restriction on the independents which somehow changes the way they go about business, no matter what happens, in the end I don't think it will help to give the downtrodden watered down trophies and I don't think it will hurt those it is aimed at near as much as you want to believe. It think that might be a run on sentence. :banana:
  3. Holmes is the perfect example they are class AAAA and have to compete against St. X. Look I don't support any of these proposals, however, don't tell us the reason it is a bad idea is that HC can't compete with much larger catholic schools.
  4. The difference between Holy Cross and Cov. Cath. is smaller than the difference between Holmes and St. X.
  5. Knock it off KyTmcNcc. It is against the rules.
  6. Why doesn't it work? I can promise you what happens on the athletic field isn't that much different than what happens in corporate America. The playing field is not level and those with advantages are the ones who are more apt to succeed. Life is not fair.
  7. If I did, I didn't mean to. Just for clarification Llloyd is in favor of the proposal, but I don't know why.
  8. They are, but I can't think of how they have been harmed in any real way competitively by private schools.
  9. Like I said after you kick out the privates, the parents in my kids school still care more than the parents in most other public schools and as a result we are going to be better at whatever we choose to do.
  10. Just like little league. Give everyone a participation trophy. :banana:
  11. That is what I think. Public school single A basketball in NKY has been weak for a while and it has nothing to do with private schools.
  12. And after you kick out the private schools there will still be schools with advantages. The school I send my kids to will never have the problems you are mentioning.
  13. Who can't get out of the district that deserves to?
  14. I can think of none. Not even Lloyd who is against the proposal.
  15. If prop 20 passes then they have effectively already told the privates "see ya".
  16. What school in NKY is impacted the most athletically by non-public schools?
  17. I think that if pop 20 passes, the private schools take their ball and go home. They figure a way to survive, but I don't think they will be a part of the KHSAA and I don't think it will be a mirror of the way things are now, but with only private schools.
  18. There is 1 school that is opposing prop 20 openly. I think that is very different than other parts of the state.
  19. There is a Northern Kentucky Athletic Conference, but it has nothing to do with post season playoffs. It is a title bestowed upon teams that kind of signals they are the best in NKY. I will say I think publics and privates in NKY get along better than in Lexington or Louisville and I think that is true because there are some very strong public school athletic programs that have prevented the private schools from dominating (other than swimming, golf, tennis, and volleyball)
  20. You wouldn't have forced district games with publics. You would have 2 kinds of games: 1.) non optional games against other privates to determine post season and 2.) optional games that don't matter against whoever - just like now.
  21. The enrollment figures used by the KHSAA are as follows: Holy Cross - 441 Lex. Cath - 862 Cov. Cath - 956 Holmes - 1049 Trinity - 2396 St. X - 3078 Big difference!
  22. Optional for both. If the state championships are seperate than the games (district or whatever structure they come up with) to decide who qualifies will be seperate, therefore, any regular season meeting between privates and publics would be just as they are now, two teams mutually agreeing to play in a game that in the big picture doesn't matter.
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