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Everything posted by TylerDurden

  1. So they have a lot of penalties on the regular? I was watching the game last night and was shaking my head how many times they were flagged. At least 5 flags were for movement before the snap, which is a coaching/discipline issue. No more, no less. On Tilghman's second or third offensive possession they must have gone 30 yards backwards. It would have been more like 45 or 50 yards backwards but the last 3 penalties were only able to back them up half the distance to the goal line.
  2. I finally sat down and watched some film on PT last night and tonight. They definitely have speed at WR, which was why I was honestly kind of surprised to see how many of their passes are swing passes or screens. When I watched last night's game I counted 15 pass receptions by Tilghman. 10 were swing or screen passes, 3 were shallow cross or slant routes and only 2 were deep shots of 15+ yards. There were 3 or 4 more attempts at deep shots where the throw was off the mark plus another couple off-target passes on shallow routes. James is a very solid QB for a junior, but his long balls aren't as on the money as Coach Thompson might hope. If CC has a hard time defending screen passes it could be a long night for them. Game write up mentions beef up front for Tilghman. That's no joke. PT's o-line has to average at least 300lbs a piece. Surprised they don't mix it up and run more behind those fellas.
  3. 10 yards in a game? I'm gonna go ahead and assume JC didn't pull their starters. Kinda crazy considering the 41 point shutout.
  4. +1 for Male. Manual kept them honest though. 30-23 win for the Bulldogs.
  5. So they're 0-10 and they made the playoffs. That's a thing here in Kentucky, huh?
  6. So correct me if I'm wrong, but Simon finished the regular season at 5-4 with three losses to teams that are 2+ classes smaller than they are, yes?
  7. Hi-ho, Silver! That 1919 game. Ouch. Are the folks at Male sure they didn't accidentally play the Little Sisters Of The Poor 3rd grade team?
  8. Look at you with that big word! 😅 I totally agree with you, though.
  9. I sure hope this doesn't turn into a Muhlenberg County situation where consolidation just completely kills the spirit of the school community. I don't know if this is a situation of the Hoptown community giving up on the Tigers in their final years, a new coach who's just not getting much done, or a combination of both. But Coach Clark's 6-10 record as the head man at Hoptown has been very underwhelming, to say the least. Their only really notable win in his tenure was honestly their W over Tilghman last year.
  10. This might be the most notable game result I've seen yet this season.
  11. Care to elaborate on what this means for those of us who aren't in the know? "They" meaning Highlands has a freshman coach who's a possible candidate to be the man who follows up Bob Sphire, whenever Sphire and the Bluebirds part ways? Freshman head coach? Freshman assistant? Or was that posted with a heavy dose or sarcasm?
  12. Re: Highlands paddling Campbell County's rear end this week. 5e3340af-4f4f-43ba-95e8-6b04f99dc4ca.mp4
  13. My gut tells me South Warren should win this. But being a road game and with Southwestern being as strong as they have been, I can certainly see this going in the Warriors' direction. I think the game is won by 7-10 points, with either team realistically being the winner.
  14. I missed that part of thie story in my neck of the woods. What happened with the coaching pool?
  15. FWIW I'm not looking to lure anyone in to "bite" and say anything perceived in-house as airing laundry. I just read through a whole bunch of pages of a thread about the game, and then decided to follow that up reading the update thread and then the JV thread, and my takeaway was that, damn, those Birds fans are unnnnnnhappy. Allow me to supply a few quotes. "...I wasn't impressed with the way they were coached..." "Why do we fix the things that aren't broken and don't fix things that are broken?" "Seriously, Highlands has two plays in their play book." "Poor coaching by the Birds in all aspects of the game." "...You forgot poorly coached. Selfish football team." "Highlands is getting what the administration has tolerated. The taunting and stupid penalties tonight are unacceptable. A perfect example of what's resulted in 6 or 7 years of substandard football." "I don't have an issue with kids being emotional but the taunting isn't the Highlands that I remember..." "I'm going with the poor or lack of offensive play calling for Highlands." "They are much improved from the previous coaches' days but the cockiness and arrogance that was on display last night was cringe worthy." "Year 3 of Sphire and company and the discipline issue has not been addressed, seemingly being encouraged to be undisciplined." "Extremely disappointed. The lack of discipline is frustrating. You are HHS, be better than that." "I will be interested to see how certain people spin this to be 'someone else's fault' rather than looking in the mirror." "The personal fouls....how many years is this gonna be a thing?!? If the coaches accept it, the kids will do it." "...the jawing, pointing, and self love has to stop. It's embarrassing." "...[Hayden Sphire] has LOTS to learn before that [Hayden's hiring as HHS HFC] can even be considered. Both on and off the field...." "Having watched many football games over the years, especially these two teams, I don't recall ever seeing Highlands being so undisciplined." So yeah, I'm just asking some honest questions based on everything that I read.
  16. Going through the threads from the Highlands/CovCath rivalry it reads to me like there are a lot of Highlands folks who are unhappy with the coaching and culture of the Highlands football team. At least a lot of the Highands folks on here seem to feel that way, anyway. Comments about player attitudes and behavior, a mess of personal fouls on Friday including one that was apparently called on Sphire himself, player discipline on the field. I've always heard it takes a new coach 3 years to get his system in place. This is year 3 for Bob Sphire at Highlands. Is his system in place? Obviously the natives are restless after losing to Cov. But is this year do or die for Sphire with the Bluebirds? What is the bare minimum for Highlands fans to feel like he's done "enough" to make them happy come the end of this season? Is his seat hot right now? With a former player as his AD, can his seat really even get all that hot?
  17. Are school IDs issued everywhere now? Asking because I honestly don't know. I was never issued a school I'd until college, but that was also decades ago, so I'm out of the loop.
  18. Never have I ever: seen or heard anyone refer to Beechwood football as "average". Not until that post. I think that's the point, my friend. Beechwood is far from average. Which is why they have more sets of championship hardware than all the schools in Kentucky especially except for two. And 17 more sets than your school, by my counting. Beechwood, Boyle, Mayfield, Highlands, what they do at their schools is exceptional, not average. And that's why people get all up in arms and try to mince words and pick apart any post where someone from one of their schools says pretty much anything.
  19. Yes or no: will Trinity win the 6A championship this season?
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