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Everything posted by zoneblitz24

  1. I feel like this is a job that a solid young coach would be interested in taking. Somebody who can come in and energize the program and maybe get some kids out that aren't playing and possibly slow down kids leaving to go play at Franklin County. In order to do that the school system has to be willing to update the facilities in order to prove they are willing to support the program. If the facilities are as bad as people are saying it still might not be enough because from what I have seen Franklin County is doing what needs to be done to support athletics.
  2. That still is a significant drop. I was a senior in high school that year and I remember them beating teams by crazy margins where Robinson was still throwing TDs late in the 4th quarter. That's a record I honestly don't see getting broken anytime soon.
  3. With the running clock being implemented it will be almost impossible for somebody to beat Robinsons records. They were leaving him in for entire games throwing for 7-10 TDs no matter what the score was.
  4. Would like to see if it changes with the size of school.
  5. That would be a great statistic to have. I am going to say that the coaches that have been somewhere over 10 years are at schools who are the blueblood programs that are consistently playing deep into the playoffs. It would also be great to see what the average number of years coaches are spending at schools.
  6. A head coach explained it to me this way; When you are hired on day 1 generally 20% of the parents/alumni don't like you because they wanted somebody else or 20% of the hiring committee doesn't like you because they wanted somebody else. Each year unless you have immediate success the number of parents/alumni that dislike you increases by 10% weather its because you aren't winning state titles, you aren't playing their kid, or Nick Saben hasn't offered their kid a full ride even though they are 5'8 145lbs and run a 5.2 forty. Sometimes even if you are winning games people still don't like you because of the last 2 reasons mentioned above. So by year 4 the parents/alumni is 50/50 like to dislike. When you hit year 5 and it now becomes the majority of the parents/alumni are unhappy with you then the admin turn and your time is limited before you get fired so its time to find a new job or move into administration.
  7. Just because guys on staff were pink slipped does not mean that somebody has been hired. That is standard procedure in most cases so the new coach when hired can change stipends and position titles as they see fit. It also gives them flexibility to bring a few coaches in if they want to but it most certainly does not mean the entire coaching staff has been let go for good.
  8. There are very few high school administrators that actually care about sports programs. The schools that do have administrators who are supportive are usually the same schools that are playing on Thanksgiving and in December. Those jobs also don't come open very often because they don't allow the parents to run the show and they give their coaches what they need in order to be successful. There is nothing wrong with having some parents involved in coaching but they cannot make up a majority of a staff. At the end of the day the people working in the building chose to this as a career and are always more invested in the overall success of the program and not just the success of their kid.
  9. Yes I know this just saying that usually that leans toward sin house hires or they already have their short list of coaches they are going to offer the job to.
  10. If a job is not actually posted online to apply it usually means its an in house hire. Is there currently anybody on the staff or in the school system they would be considering for the job?
  11. Against an offense like Murray if they are successful at running the ball and eating clock it turns Mayfield's offensive possessions into must score drives. If Murray is able to get a 2 possession lead it is difficult to overtake them unless you can cause turnovers. The flip side is if Mayfield is able to get a 2 possession lead weather it comes from stops, special teams, or turnovers Murray will have trouble to overtake them. I predict Mayfield to win but I don't think it will be by a large margin due to the style of play from Murray. I see a 10 point or less game for either team.
  12. Nick Kemp at Graves County has had a pretty good start to his head coaching career. Took over as an interim under pretty bad circumstances and has produced. Graves was a top 10 team in 5A last year and many thought they would regress a lot this season and they are sitting at 6-1 ranked #5 in the AP and #7 on Bluegrass Preps.
  13. Don't forget about a safety named Devin Neal who went to Baylor.
  14. I asked if they would move up to 6A. From what I am gathering from the internet so I'm not saying the #s are 100% but they are at 1,446 students with the population being 51% female and 49% male. I'm mentally drained so lets just say 50/50 for math purposes. That puts them at 723 males in the school building and the move up to 6A is 725 males. Now I know the math is not exact but that puts them very close to a jump to 6A if the school is growing that fast.
  15. How close are they to moving to 6A? I see the enrollment for the school is a little over 1400 students and I know football goes by how many boys are in the school but I cannot find what the number of boys are for each classification.
  16. Now with that being said I think Beechwood is the better team but if Mayfield is able to get them at War Memorial I think it evens the playing field. Traveling that many hours to go play a high school game is not easy for anybody to do. If Mayfield has to travel to Beechwood then I think Beechwood gets the win.
  17. This is what I said; "All I know is that if Mayfield holds that #2 spot in the RPI playing them in November at War Memorial is not an easy task. Most cases you are down 14 points before the opening kickoff." I would like for you to highlight the word unbeatable in that statement if you could for me.
  18. Or we can just ask Beechwood how it worked out in 2019 when they came down to War Memorial. Or I can just tell ya they lost 35-7.
  19. All I know is that if Mayfield holds that #2 spot in the RPI playing them in November at War Memorial is not an easy task. Most cases you are down 14 points before the opening kickoff.
  20. Graves lost to Owensboro 28-21 in the 2nd round last year and gave up a kickoff return for a TD to open the 3rd quarter. Then had the ball in the redzone at the end of the game and couldn't punch it in.
  21. I think this is a great opportunity for Graves to go on the road and play a very good football team. The district they play in requires a lot of travel in general so this helps them prepare for some of those long road games. In the 3 games so far Graves has started really fast putting up points quickly. That will be key for them to do in this game. It also allows for some people on the other side of the state to get a look at the athletes Graves has so they can get some consideration for some all state mentions. Clint McKee is currently at 394 yards rushing, 7 TDs, and has close to 200 yards receiving out of the backfield. Mason Grant at WR has 16 catches for 341 yards and 5 TDs, and is averaging around 21 yards per reception. This is completely a trap game for Graves after the 3 games they just played but teams that are considered top 10 teams in their class needs to prove that they don't get trapped and are ready to play no matter what.
  22. I feel like we should be talking a little bit more about how good Graves County looked. McCracken is a team the just played Bowling Green to a 14-10 game and Graves County just put up 49 points on them and made it look easy. Graves defense showed up along with their offense and when both sides of the ball are clicking they are a very good football team.
  23. I am hearing that Hunter Bradley is no longer on the football team and has withdrawn from McCracken County High School. Can anybody confirm that this is true? He is a 5th year student so I don't know what exactly the rules are on if a student can just withdrawal at any time and still have their diploma from last year.
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