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Everything posted by UmayBright*but

  1. War movie to impress your girlfriend, "From Here To Eternity" That is before you impress her with "Pearl Harbor". Then of course, you are going to have to spring for the trip to Waikiki. The airfare is out of sight right now!
  2. What's nice is to finally see the Beechwood People defend their kids. What's not nice is seeing the Beechwood People disrespect the past of the program to promote the present and/or future. Go Tree... And I hope Teipel has even more speed and success than Tree.
  3. I just seem to think there is probably more to the story than what we're hearing.
  4. I remember, the Fast Food Place as being in the back! It was painted white with windows all around and a separate entrance. They had good Roast Beef and that was before Arbys. Boy, am I old!:lol:
  5. Thank -You:thumb: I like David Archuletti, I also like David Cook. What's wrong with that? Both of these guys are winners! It really doesn't matter who wins at this point. We have seen from past seasons that your success is not based on if you are the last "singer" standing. David Cook is a rocker, David Archuletti is a ballateer, no comparison. I personally think you were not paying close attention in the last few weeks if you didn't notice that Archuletta WAS keeping his eyes open. He just has small eyes. You just don't change that in a few weeks.
  6. Wasn't John Bratton one of the lead scouts for Lewis and Clark from Robertson County?
  7. Not that it makes any difference but the Holocher wedding was not out of town. That is unless Mother of God was moved while I wasn't looking. His brother lives out of town, but he was married here in NKY. Details, Details!!
  8. Like I said, whatever the reason, at the time it is a parental decision. Sometimes things do not work out the way you hope they would, and the kid ends up right back where they started. Those that end up back are OFTEN the kids who do not play varsity.
  9. It may not officially be considered a "transfer" but what a shame for Villa to put time and future planning into these kids and they pull out and change schools. This has happened to Villa and other Schools in the past. This will continue to happen, There is no fair solution to it. Parents have the right to send their kids to their school of choice. Just remember OFTEN these kids end up right back where they started.
  10. TOG wasn't it Tony Kreimborg, and I don't think they were called Crazies or anything else for that matter. As I recall there were a lot of females(NDA) mixed in the HS fans at that time and now they do not seem to be included in the CCH cheering section.
  11. Does anyone know how many girls signed up for the soccer clinic?
  12. I was wondering about Simon's comments after the Dan Fogelberg song that David A sang. My impression was that he had never heard of Fogelberg. His criticism was more on the song than the performance.
  13. Beechwood has had 7/8th graders on there Freshman team for decades.
  14. Are you talking about public schools in Kentucky? I was under the impression that the only one the super could fire was (besides his staff) would be the principal.
  15. Doesn't that create a conflict when 3 of the members are working for the principal. I know that in my job if I continuously disagreed with my boss, I'd have a real good chance of having the opportunity to be looking for a new boss.
  16. It would be nice if they did report, but mandatory, what would the penalty be if you did not report.
  17. Yeah Right!!! You don't have to it has been done for you !!! Mike has done the right thing for Mike ,and I would like Thank him for everything he has done for all the hard working football players and non football players at Beechwood. I would also like to thank him for always trying to do the right thing, until it became impossible to continue and still be true to yourself. Loyality has always been important to Mike and his family and he has lived true to that, sometimes to a fault. There is a lot more to this than you will ever find on a public bullitin board.
  18. Observation and guess..not quite the same. I can tell you this, you are very, very wrong. But I guess you will have to take my word for that.
  19. Nice try! attack my opinion through credibility! If that's the best you can do----OH well!!! I"ll have to quess I'm right!!
  20. YOU HAVE GOT TO BE KIDDING!!!! Absolutely the worse choice They could make!!! A good Head Coach has the respect of their players, I can quarentee that Noel Rash does not have that, will never have it and has never had it. You may have the pulse of a few, but you better talk to the players of the past few teams about him!! That is beside your nephews! You have to think about those beside your sons. Beechwood Football is Dead if they give this job to anyone on this present staff! They need to look at members of Yeagle's previous staffs/players and hope they apply. Roy Lucas Jr, David Brossart, Rob Stoll, Bernie Barre and plenty more... Actually, they need to clean house. Bob Burnett would be the easy choice, but Bob is able to retire and go somewhere else. Best case scenario would be for Beechwood would be for Burnett to retire and open up the AD position to a Combo Coach/AD. Right now the formal papers have to be filed and what you need to worry about is that the right people are put in place to hire the right Coach! The handicap at this point is that the present principal at Beechwood could care less.
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