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Sportsaholic Mamaw

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Everything posted by Sportsaholic Mamaw

  1. Lots of BGP members frown upon a Kanye West type of Congratulations to the winner. Congratulations Trevon.
  2. Our prayers for complete recovery, such a terrible accident.
  3. It's not the size of the kid in the game, it's the size of the game in the kid. :thumb: Go Camels! Had you seen CC play before the Sweet Sixteen? You are correct, this team quietly gets it done and does it together as a team.
  4. Don't count your chickens before they're hatched. I'm superstitious. Survive and move on! Go Camels!
  5. No pretense, I've not agreed with several SCOTUS rulings but laws are laws. Everyone on here knows I'm old school. Just glad there are several I don't have to obey because of other lawful life decisions I've made. But no politics! Back to thread. America, what a great country.
  6. My dear Mother always told me, God always answers prayers. We just don't always get the answer we want. And so it goes.
  7. Just wondering what happens when they get knocked off that pedestal? :sssh:
  8. I'm in but yesterday while on the bracket page, I had a message pop up that said an attempt had been made to get my financial info but my firewall and security had prevented it. I shut down everything. Today I haven't been able to find any problems. But I'm still checking thru my security.
  9. Why would an engineering company do a stress test on a partially finished footbridge, and not stop ALL traffic on the streets and pedestrian traffic below?
  10. America, what a great country. Where everyone can practice or maybe not practice what they preach.
  11. Ok, I could not care less about a society that doesn't pray. Give me a coach anytime who will say a prayer for a player's safety on a field of play when injuries could be life threatening. Guess that's why I'm a big fan of private schools. I remember each morning our day started with a scripture reading, a prayer and Pledge of Allegiance. And that was for all eight years I attended a PUBLIC school. We also took turns with the American flag each day. My family never sat down to a meal, whether bountiful or meager, that my nine brothers and sisters and I did not say Grace. Yep, America, what a great country!
  12. It was a pedestrian only footbridge. Why did it need to be constructed so heavily?
  13. We will clear out the political angle. No one broke the law here with what this coach said or believes. And if one of the many athletes in this tournament wants to say his prayer to Allah, so be it. We do not know what each player or the coach prays for, possibly a win or no injuries or to be "in the zone" and hit 10 of 12 '3s. You are right no law was broken here. And maybe some players practiced their right and never prayed at all. America, what a great country.
  14. No, exactly what you said," On a legal level, I do not think it is ok to break the law."
  15. "Tobacco, Trusts, and Trump" written by native Kentuckian Jim Rumford. How the Night Riders and Tobacco Wars helped create Big Tobacco and Big Government. The most violent, life threatening and prolonged conflict in Kentucky between the Civil War and the Civil Rights struggles of the '60s.
  16. Work hard young man. Keep the communication line open. Do not rely on texts or emails or gossip.
  17. You would think by March, especially if your team doesn't foul a lot, this would have been a drill in late season practice. It may be hard to accomplish if you're explaining it in the huddle. But it shouldn't be, if it's been practiced as a disciplined drill. I'm not a coach, never have been. But EVERYTHING else gets drilled until it becomes instinct, why not this?
  18. How long does it take for myself as a Week 9 Northern Kentucky winner to receive my prize? I sent my email claim on 2/16/2018. Don't mean to be impatient, was just wondering if it was lost.
  19. Depends on how he was categorizing the faiths? Was he putting Christian church, Catholic church and other religions believing in the Holy Trinity, under the umbrella of Christianity? And not meaning the specific Christian Church? No, if you are Catholic, you are a member of Christianity. I think that was his intent.
  20. Poor you! Somebody isn't a March Madness fan? Bride or Bridegroom or both?
  21. 10 minutes for Schaeffer 4 points and 2 RBs and 5 minutes for Lawrence 1 Assist, off the bench. Those were valuable minutes to get the CC starters some rest time. Fast paced game might have had UHA winded. Looked like UHA subbed for foul trouble. Hollowell and Tandy didn't get much of a breather the entire game, both played 31 minutes. Both are very good players. Tandy is definitely in the hunt for 2019 Mr. Basketball
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