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Everything posted by Juke

  1. Saw PC play with Allen in Berea if I recall and in their gym a few weeks ago. No insult intended to them but I just see Harrison as the better team. Good news for PC is that I am frequently wrong and what I predict has no bearing on the outcome of the game.
  2. Obviously the guy who asked the question is who cares. This could all be avoided if the Title didn't say "8th grader" and simply said the name. The performance stands on its own.
  3. Harrison by 15-20. Have seen both play and just can't see Pendleton winning this one.
  4. Catholic kids typically have played together since elementary school. They know the system like the back of their hand, they know, trust and believe in each other. They are not my team but I have to give them credit because year in and year out they earn it.
  5. What are the restrictions as far as participation with the team for a player that has transferred from one school to another and is not eligible per khsaa rules? Is the player allowed to participate in practice, attend practice but not participate, be on the bench with the team, etc.?
  6. If you are fouled on a shot and don't make the basket it is not counted as an attempt.
  7. I wouldn't feel too bad for Sayre. Their future is bright.....and the basketball is getting better. I wouldn't be suprised at all if they knock off one of the big dawgs in the district in the next couple of years. David vs Goliath.
  8. Congrats to all. Really thought Drew Trimble deserved to be on the list. He was the 2nd best player by far on the LCA squad.
  9. What is there to be jealous of? Heck, it makes me even more proud of my kids for their accomplishments academically, athletically and socially. Also, it must matter to some coaches because they ask the question.
  10. My sophomore is 15 and will be until after this years basketball season is over. In fact all of my children will be 15 in their sophomore year. They have benefitted greatly playing against and with older kids. I have always told them, "it will make you better and it will all even out" and it has done both. By the way, because someone has differing opinions than you does not make it a "witch hunt".
  11. Call it sour grapes, an attack on the kid or whatever you would like. I call it what I believe it is....wrong if it is done to give the kid a competitive advantage in sports. Though it does not violate the letter of the rule it violates the spirit of the rule. Maybe there have have been a lot of comments on here because a lot of people don't think it's right. Kind of reminds me of the recent changes in AAU.
  12. Like I said, "as they should be". 15 or 16 doesn't matter to me. If a kid is held back for sports, in my opinion it's wrong and should not be allowed. It provides a competitive advantage and detracts from those kids doing it the right way. For the record, I have no idea if the kid mentioned is held back. Mine is a general opinion on hold backs.
  13. He did play against Woodford. Came off the bench and scored 12 I believe.
  14. Now I understand completely. Thank you Wireman.
  15. First, I have no "displeasure" with it. I said it leaves me "dumfounded" and I was not trying to be argumentative. Second, it's a ridiculous, or at least extreme example because it references teams with polar opposite records (5-13 and 15-3). Though it has probably happened, I would think his/her example is somewhat rare. As I mentioned in my previous reply, the teams that were ranked lower have better records, comparable and common opponents and to my recollection they have beaten the higher ranked team on two occasions. I should have made this clear in my original post because I know people are always looking to prove someone else's "opinion" wrong. Lastly, I don't know why I am wasting my time responding to someone who uses "Lol" not once, but twice in a reply.
  16. Sorry, but that is a ridiculous example. How about when team A has a better record than team B with comparable opponents and even common opponents and they have beaten them twice. There are two examples of this in the Eleventh Region that I noticed. In my opinion it takes away some credibility of the ratings.
  17. Cantralls ratings always leave me dumbfounded. I have a hard time with a system that puts so little importance on head to head match ups. I understand that just because you beat a team one time does not mean you are the better team, but it should carry some weight. If you beat a team two times, you are the better team in my opinion and should ranked accordingly. If this is not the case then why do they play the games?
  18. Final in Herald Leader says 49-43 but no box score. Where did you find the stats on this game?
  19. I know some teams have tryouts. Does anyone know if these teams have or are having tryouts?
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