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Everything posted by GloryDays

  1. I remember most felt McCracken wouldn't score 10 points on Manual's defense or be competitive in this game. The score was 20-0 at the half. McCracken was getting the ball in space and moving it efficiently. Manual's coaches were bickering most of the first half and had a sense of worry (opinion of one McCracken parent who likes to sit on the visitor side to be more relaxed). I will give Manual coaches credit on their second half adjustments. There was one huge difference that needs to be pointed out. Our coaches continued to have the QB drop his hand for the snap in the second half. Took about 3 plays into the 3rd quarter and Manual was jumping the line the rest of the night (credit to them). Our coaches completely failed on this. We could have marched downfield on offside calls with a hard cadence opposite the hand drop until the Manual defense backed off. Stopping the hand drop at the minimum should've have been done. Instead, Manual lived in our backfield the entire second half totally disrupting the passing game. The lack of passing game by McCracken set up Manual with several short field positions and they eventually overcame the deficit. Late in the 4th Manual was up 28-20 but McCracken had plenty of time. Possessions were exchanged and McCracken had one last chance starting around their own 25. Two incomplete passes, a penalty, and a sack put the Mustangs in a 4th and very long from their own 3. They went for it (incomplete pass), Manual took over on downs and punched it in from there to tack on the final of 35-20. McCracken had all three time outs (0:47 or so) and very possibly should've punted expecting Manual to run three times. Don't think Manual would've risked throwing another INT or saving timeouts for McCracken. Odds were horribly microscopic either way, but 4th and forever (from your own EZ) against one of the best D's in the state? The punt was probably the lesser of two evils. All be it, the game was very competitive to the end. Yes, it was a home game for the Mustangs and 1 vs 4. We all understand any team filling that 4 spot is nowhere near the typical 4 seed. So I'm not quite understanding how this game "didn't help McCracken's image". I walked away from that game feeling like our boys definitely played good enough to win but we were strictly outcoached in the second half. Manual went on to play St. X on the road losing 12-7 in a dogfight. Manual 324 total yds 2 turnovers McCracken 298 total yds 1 turnover
  2. Hey snakesnot, I appreciate hearing the opponents opinion especially in relation to the different field views. 1)Thanks, I didn't have a good view (I did state I'd like to see it on film). 2)You are correct, that did happen but here's the difference as I saw it: Arnett scrambled for several seconds and even reversed his direction I believe, which would allow time for a lineman downfield. Jones' pass was a 3 step drop quick release. 3)Defense can move as much as they want as long as they don't encroach, correct? Didn't see any Mustangs in the neutral zone until after the RT rocked and step backward. 4) I was in agreement that the Cardinals got hosed on the clock, even at the minimum.
  3. Can't draw you a better map on the safety net thing. Not trying to rude, ugly, nasty, or offensive. Just calling it like I see it. How many times does the 6A (now 5A) stuff come up with Marshall Co or even Graves Co? As for the pecking order thing it's basically saying we know where we stand. Our fan base respects the history and accomplishments of Mayfield and PT and that will always continue. We also value the accomplishments of programs like Murray, Caldwell, Henderson, Christian, and Hopkinsville (out of the far west). Heck, hats off to Crittenden too, as they have as many championships as county football (Heath). McCracken is trying to build a 6A program that can compete at the highest level. Absolutely no one ever expected LO to ever compete for a championship and it came close to fruition. We are new, we have no history, we are humble to the accomplished programs. We are trying to establish ourselves and being able to compete with these schools is the first step to our goals. If the Mustang program doesn't continue to move forward we can very well be a 6A doormat in no time flat. So, the pecking order comment, is a compliment to all the other historically good programs in this area.
  4. You BROTHER are the one that thought the storming was ridiculous "like we beat St.X or Trinity". It was a reference BROTHER. Not crying, stated some obvious calls that the Paducah poster must not have recalled. Don't need an excuse, we won right? I saw the props and appreciate them. I cheered the Mayfield boys after the game, recognizing their hard fought efforts. I also saw the comment (not by you) that Mayfield will keep their eye on the prize (very true, love it) and McCracken will focus on winning a playoff game or two (backhanded compliment?). One would think Coach Jackson is focused on the next game. One game at a time, correct? Also stated, that this game will be the highlight of McCracken's season. Some of you guys really are that arrogant I see. I guess it's good the students got their storming on, you know, since it's going to be the highlight the Mustang season. The comments on the Mustangs' coaching attire, is that considered a prop? One thing I promise you, I'll never stop respecting and pulling for the Mayfield Cardinals football program no matter all this board talk.
  5. You are exactly right on one thing - the outcome. I thought there were several blatantly bad calls or controversial situations. In no particular order: 1. Arnett fumble called on the field, head ref signals first down McCracken as another ref talks with Coach Morris. Changed to a shuffle pass. Would really like to see that one on film. 2. Mayfield PR signals fair catch, runs 3-5 yds afterwards. No flag for delay of game. Not a big deal but how do you miss that? 3. The horrendous face mask against Mayfield DB mention in earlier post. 4. The false start on Mayfield that was overturned to offside. Sitting inline with that play the McCracken players didn't encroach. Mayfield missed a FG shortly after but it was a huge 10y swing and did result in a scoring opportunity. 5. The PI against McCracken on 3rd & goal at the 12 in overtime. Was listening to the Mayfield radio guys and even those homers stated they didn't see an infraction. 6. The TD pass to Tyce Daniel called back for a lineman downfield. It was a 3 step drop quickly released. A scramble pass or a screen pass maybe but it was a pure pass play. Would like to see that on film. 7. The clock starting before the chains were set after a Mayfield first down reception. It was the potential game winning drive and it cost the Cardinals at least one more play. If there were other bad calls that hurt the Cardinals I'm all ears. This is nothing more than to give those that were not at the game a better feel. Bottom line our guys overcame a 4-0 turnover margin, their own self inflicted penalties (seemed we started 1st & 15 the last quarter and a half, not to mention OT), and the controversial calls above. There are maybe a handful of teams in the state that could go into War Memorial and end a 49 home win streak under those conditions. Hence the field storming!!
  6. On comparisons - Ballard yes, they have an athletic style. Butler, no comment, don't know enough about them. Meade Co not close, they play a totally different style. Either way we would storm the field if we manage to beat you guys as well! :thumb:
  7. Don't worry, the Cardinal fans landed softly in their safety net. I would've maintain a whole lot more respect if the whole "widdle ol 2A" stuff didn't come up. Everyone in McCracken County understands the pecking order of West Ky football and definitely understands the advantages and disadvantages of the school sizes. Seems it has become chest thumping (for some, not all) when Mayfield wins and "we are just 1A, 2A (now)" when they lose. Please Mayfield fans, maintain your senses because a large majority of us pull for you guys year in and year out.
  8. Apparently the speed in space thing happened. I'm anxious to see the write-up on this one. Keep your heads up Eagles, and keep progressing. Nice bounce back PT, sure didn't expect 49 points but knew a win was possible.
  9. I'd like to mention the no call blatant face mask by Mayfield DB on Hughes late in the game since the taunting call is being brought up so much as a game changer. Mustangs second to last position midway through 4th quarter down by 3. On a 3rd & 20 incomplete deep pass, DB and Hughes get tangled on the way to ground (no fouls, clean play). Both began to get into a small tuff (nothing worthy of a call) as they rolled to their feet. Mayfield DB slings Hughes down by the face mask 10 yards from the official watching the play. Hand up underneath Hughes' face mask. Hughes was sitting with hands held up as to say "anybody see that?" His helmet was half way off his head. Drive should've continued beyond midfield, all be it by gift but it was a horrible no call. The Mayfield tailgaters in that portion of the field saw it and even knew they were fortunate. Both teams played their guts out!! Numerous bone jarring hits, and Mayfield absolutely earned the 3 fumbles by delivering hard hits. The interception was underthrown but the DB made the play there as well. McCracken's defense was outstanding with several three and outs, overcoming the 4 turnovers, overcoming short field at the 28 three times in a row in the second half and the overtime stand to force the FG attempt.
  10. Very nice Dragons. I saw a talented team in Week 2. Congrats!
  11. Outstanding! Congratulations on a monumental win.
  12. If your student body, fans, and players heard all week about being 14 to 30 point (some said running clock) underdogs they would storm the field as well. Take it as a complement that a quality 6A team takes great pride in winning at your field. Speaks volumes about the level of Mayfield football, does it not? In several of the past years Mayfield has finished ranked in the top 10 in the entire state. So I'd say storming the field by the students to celebrate with the players was and is exciting for the kids.
  13. Bishop Brossart Kentucky Country Day West Carter East Jessamine Bullitt Central Lafayette
  14. 7 Bowling Green 5 South Warren 3 Graves Co. 2 Ohio Co. 1 Franklin-Simpson TB South Warren
  15. 5 Trinity 3 Belfry 3 Bowling Green 1 Bell Co. 1 Danville 1 Elizabethtown 1 Lexington Catholic 1 Mayfield 1 Ryle 1 South Warren TB 54
  16. First, I do not know anything about Coach Dudley nor his haters. My comments are strictly based on this topic in general as it relates to sports. I'll give my best shot at explaining myself. Disappointment - (self)We lost a game we should've won and I played lousy. (they)The opponent completely dominated us which was unexpected. Hurt - (self)We lost the championship, I dropped the game winning pass. (they) last year's semi's : Central @ Corbin & Owensboro @ North Oldham. These are valid feelings as related to one's performance and/or outcome as a competitor. Humiliate - verb (used with object), humiliated, humiliating. 1. to cause (a person) a painful loss of pride, self-respect, or dignity; mortify Now I'm not saying this feeling is immune from sports but it would be a self inflicted one like cheating, PED use, kicked off team for disciplinary reasons, etc. Nothing an opponent does should cause one to lose their pride, self-respect, or dignity. Unless you have an incident like Andrew Meyer taping Larry Lester's buttocks together - "afterwards, when I was sittin' in Vernon's office, all I could think about was Larry's father. And Larry havin' to go home and…and explain what happened to him. And the humiliation…freaking humiliation he must've felt. It must've been unreal" - The Breakfast Club (1985). Sorry, trying to add some humor but it does give a clear picture. The Taylor Co players or coaches should feel no humiliation. A loss is a loss be it by 1 or 100, that's what we were taught. I think the fans and parents get more upset about that stuff. Our parents instilled self-confidence, self-esteem, and core values teaching us to play with head and heart. Our coaches taught us the fundamentals, toughness, and to compete to the very end up big or down big. Most importantly, to do it with respect for yourself, your team, your coach, your opponents, the officials, and the fans. This is probably where everyone begins to differ. I have always felt continuing to score is not disrespectful if the manor in which you act while doing it remains respectful. Unfortunately it has become pop-culture to talk down in the midst of a drumming and I'm no fan of it. Again, I was taught (mentally & emotionally) by my parents how to deal with those things out of my control. This is probably why so many perceive the up scoring with such a negative spin. Bottom line, focus on negative you'll see negative. I choose to focus on positive. Hope all this has enlightened you.
  17. ^Now this is an analysis I can respect. No matter the outcome I hope both schools will continue this series. It is good for WKY football.
  18. I'm not picking at the poster here but someone mentioned the players being the ones humiliated. No person playing sports should ever feel shame or humiliation, no matter the situation. If so, they were not taught what it means to compete by parents and/or coaches. Disappointment and/or hurt is and always will be part of it but never humiliation. I've been on the receiving end of several pastings in my sports life, never once was proud of it but never ashamed or humiliated neither. I feel blessed to have my parents' guidance and many great coaches along the way. I was also taught how to provide a pounding and perform at a exceptional level without disrespecting the opponent, officials, or fans. It can be done and laying off was never part of those lessons.
  19. Unfortunately this stuff goes on way too much, hopefully Owen Co can get some good people in position to make some changes. Just try to stay positive no matter how bad you feel the situation has become. Negativity will always trickle down to the kids and then you will have a true mess. One can only have so many grandkids, right? Ha! Don't know anyone in Owen County but sure wish you the best.
  20. Well I tend to judge teams on how they should play on any given night. Not their best or their worst. Mayfield makes that very easy to do year in and year out as they are one of the best coached and consistent teams in the state. As for evidence of what the Mustangs have done on the field, ask anyone who knows WKY football what type of teams Warren Central fields. Putting up 56 against them is worthy of attention. WC may be down a bit but still a quality football team and every bit as good as PT. Their other two losses are to Owensboro and John Hardin (also very athletic teams). McCracken may end up playing Jekyll and Hyde all year, we'll see, but to dismiss them off a common opponent score is not being objective. If both teams play to par it should be a very good game. I bet Coach Morris and Coach Jackson have both thrown the PT results out the window.
  21. This game has been very hard to predict the last couple of years. 2013, PT was considered the favorite and Graves pulled out an exciting come-from-behind win in OT. PT had some costly mistakes late and Graves took full advantage. 2014, Graves had the slight edge (even before knowing what was to come) but PT's 4-0 turnover advantage carried them to a 14 point victory. It will be interesting to see how each team responds to their previous week's performances. Will PT's confidence be low or will they be hungry? Will Graves have another let down after defeating Murray as they did in the previous year or will they ride the high? If the Eagles continue to have success with a balanced offense it will be theirs to lose. I don't see Dixon being shut down by the Tornado defense. Murray was 2 for 12 passing last week, so PT needs to test the Eagles defense through the air. Dunigan is a quality QB and has a few weapons to make big plays. He can and has extended plays with his legs this season for big hitters. Hopkinsville proved speed in space is not a good thing for the Eagles. PT must absolutely reduce the penalties from last week. I'll take Graves at home in a close one.
  22. As compared to Ft. Campbell and Marshall Co.? Come on man! (btw, that's not a poke at Mayfield, I always have great respect for their schedule) just trying to get you to understand the season is three games deep. I agree Mayfield is the favorite, but I hope everyone (esp. the Big Red Machine:D) believes that McCracken doesn't have the potential. The Mustangs were beyond pitiful in the PT game, no question, but I will be extremely disappointed to see a repeat of that performance. Hoping for another classic like the previous two. Good luck to all for a hard fought injury free game.
  23. I totally understand in this day of trash talking, taunting, celebration dances, tweets, blah blah blah........ that at times scores do get run up for personal reasons. I despise all this junk but I learned years ago how to deal with those things that are out of my control. What if it is not personal though? Most often pride and bruised egos do not allow one to see the following is possible 1.) kids work hard to play and they like to score, it's fun! 2.) maybe the backups are in and trying to earn some more playing time 3.) the coach and players are working on plays for potential key situations down the road. Why does everything have to be an injustice these days? Getting it handed to you (in sports or life in general) results in either acceptance, rolling over and quitting, or motivation to become better. My message to anyone on the bitter end of such: I'm glad you don't like it, you should never like it or accept it, now (with a smack on the figurative behind) let's go out and do what we got to do to get better.
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