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Everything posted by Emmitt

  1. I was told Union also made tons of miscues in this game. This was the first decent team Hart has played. They have another easy game next week with Larue but then complications set in. Larue is probably their only win in the district.
  2. A SEC win and now a Big 10 win. What a start for the Tops if it happens and I think it does. A lot of action in this game.
  3. Football is a game of character and I believe the Union team will rebound from the beating last week. A lot of bruised egos maybe but they have some very good athletes and good speed and quickness. The QB is a three sport athlete who is a much better player than his stats may indicate. They have experienced backs who are quick and speedy. It's a long bus ride but I think Coach Boone, the Raiders and their fans might be a little surprised at what they see. It should be a great game and should be a nice ride home for the Braves and their fans.
  4. Henderson will go with their freshman quarterback Friday in hopes of getting some offence going. I'm not sure what that says to the team to make the change from their senior after one game. As far as winning, with the exception of McCracken in their district, will finish no worse than 2nd. Might not be as easy as it looks because all district games on the road except Ohio County but feel 2nd is the worse. Boston probably should have been hired but connection to the Duffy's and the death hurt him. If Lewis was to leave, Boston would apply. He has a tough job at Union with the move back to 3a. Union does not have an abundance of athletes. Rumor that his quarterback is out for the opener due to an illness and he is one of the best athletes. Henderson's season will be interesting, already some buzz after that massacre last week.
  5. Coach Starns, It seems in chasing winning and your dreams you have encountered many obstacles including out of control circumstances, sabotage, politics, new administration, humiliation and so forth. I applaud you for sticking it out and with the help of the good Lord getting to the position at Fleming County. I think it is noble that you honored your promise and stayed the two years. I can honestly say that it is well known that you are a good Coach and have been successful, even with the obstacles. Union County was looking for it's third Coach in three years and gave you the opportunity to come back to the area to be with your family and instill a different culture and stability to the program. Do you owe them anything for giving you the job? Is it possible to change the culture and provide the stability in one year? What kind of promise did you give the AD and Administration to give you the job and get you back with your family? If in fact you have applied for the Daviess County job and are looking to leave, do you owe the people of Union County and the players anything at all after staying one year and putting Union in a position to hire their fourth Coach in four years. All I can say is good luck in your chase, keep over coming those obstacles which seem to follow you and I truly hope your winning and dreams come true. As for Union County, get you a young Coach with minimum experience and let him grow with the program. Stay away from the Curtis Turleys of the coaching profession.
  6. Coach, I am not sure the administration at Daviess County will be happy with you posting on a site tooting your own horn when supposedly you are being considered for that job. What kind of commitment did you make to Union County when they hired you? I am sure you didn't tell the AD and Super you would stay one year and then flee leaving that school looking for it's 4th basketball coach in four years. If I was in charge, I would let you flee whether you get the Daviess County job or not. What system would want a coach who is looking for a new job after one year? It's not fair to those who hired you and most of all to the kids involved. Of course the AD and administration at Union should have known better but evidently were lured by your horn tooting also. Go ahead Coach and chase your dreams and I wish you the best in your chase.
  7. Mark Starns, current coach at Union County being considered for the Daviess County job. He previously was at Henderson County, got fired, went to Fleming County where he won the region two straight years. Did not have a good year at Union and in talking to friends there will not be missed if he left.
  8. Webster, know most of those listed in regions 1 and 2 but never heard of the Bubb's girl from Union County. Is she a transfer or what?
  9. Another early exit for the Lady Colonels. Dominated this Male team back in January at the LIT 47-28. Coach Haile, no doubt an excellant Coach has dominated the weak 2nd region for years but just cannot seem to carry that dominance to the State Tourament. Henderson County, one of the largest schools in the state and by far the largest in the 2nd region just seems to under perform on the state level in sports. Boy's basketball for example has not won a regional title since 1999. They blew a good chance this year with a very experienced senior class which is very typical of the program. Well, there's always next year but probably the same results.
  10. No hater here, I picked the Tigers to win the region early in several different posts. Heyworth is one of the best coaches in the state, not only the 2nd region and Matlock a very good player. I notice little things about coaches that many feel are silly. For instance, Heyworth fist bumped the Henderson players last night as they were introduced. When the Tiger players were introduced, not Smithhart or any of the upteen Hendo coaches recognized the Tiger players as they were introduced. All of the Tiger players had a funny look when no one was there to fist bump, no respect. Might be silly to some but not to me or I would suspect the Tiger players.
  11. This was a great basketball game between two outstanding programs but the Colonels were just outplayed and out coached, The Tigers D was amazing, no 3 point shots from Hendo, I think 1-10, never gave them a good look. The Grays and Matlock played great, Simmons was his usual self but waited too late to get going, really didn't get going until the end of the third and then scored 9 straight. Simmons was named player of the year in region 2 and Smithhart Coach of the year. It has to be disappointing for Smithhart and the Hendo brass because of his connections, he was given the job knowing this bunch of seniors would have a good chance to break the 8th district stronghold on the region title. In the end just like Mark Starns run at Hendo, it did not happen.
  12. I am no expert but as a Coach, I would like to have the extra day to prepare and rest. I think it is an advantage. Trigg has already beaten Webster once this year. The Tigers and Colonels should be one heck of a game. I saw the games last night and Eli Pepper was a monster, no doubt the best player on the court LAST night.
  13. Brackets changed so Hendo fans could attend girls final today at 2:00. Hopkinsville plays today, Hendo tomorrow with winners playing Tuesday night, advantage to the Tigers.
  14. Just to clear up, all 2nd region teams were given the opportunity to practice and only Hopkinsville and Henderson accepted and practiced at the Union County gym. Figures that the two favorites would accept, maybe to get an extra edge.
  15. Sure, but two of his losses this year are in his side, Trigg and Madisonville. I think the Maroons are a better team and will move on. A little side note, Madisonville won the region in 2001 and it has been all Hoptown schools since and that trend will probably continue (yes, I think the Tigers will prevail when it counts).
  16. I think this is an advantage for both teams. Assuming you win your first game, each team will have four days to prepare for each other versus if in opposite brackets, chances are that they would play in the semis and the next night play each other in the final. More practice time for each team this way.
  17. This is not an issue. Coach Haworth evidently thought it might help to practice at Union and I think it was a great move. The one practice might not win the region but I think it is helpful to see and practice in the gym where you are going to play. After all, it's almost a home game for Hendo.
  18. No doubt Rick has a way to go before he matches Crums record with the Cards but he has done a whale of a job so far. If I am not mistaken, When Crum arrived and until 1989 every FOUR year player had been to a final four. He had a tremendous run through that period of time.
  19. Very interesting fact of the day that most probably did not know. FACT OF THE CENTURY that almost everyone knows, Cat's basketball program one of the most penalized programs in NCAA history and the Cards one of the least.
  20. Smithhart as a rule does not pour it on like some coaches. After the starters get thier points, he usually puts the jv's in but the jv team can beat a lot of schools. The question for Coach Smithhart this year is very simple -- Can he get by the Hopkinsville schools and win the region? This is the best chance Hendo has had in several years. Coach Mark Starns could not and helped lead to his departure. The jury is still out and The Hopkinsville Tigers will deliver the verdict.
  21. Coach Baker and East Carter must not be aware of this rule
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