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Drunk Johnny

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Everything posted by Drunk Johnny

  1. These "camps" are mostly money makers as are the combines that big universities have in the summer for high school juniors and seniors. Just because a quarterback can throw pitch and catch, means very litte. This does not show how a quarterback can read a blitz, adjust to receivers getting knocked off their routes, or deal with pressure around him. These "camps" play on little Johnny's ego that he will be the next Tom Brady, and everyone wants to be ranked as high as possible. It means basically nothing except that they can brag that "hey I am ranked # whatever at this position", and insert your recruiting service here. Also, Tom Brady was a sixth round draft pick in the NFL. Have no idea what star he was ranked coming out of high school. I saw on an espn article that Tom Brady said that when they measured his 40, high jump, etc. at the NFL combine, he said they were terrible. I think he worked out alright.
  2. St. Henry came out with a lot of energy and Ncc was having a hard time getting into the flow of the offense. Faster than you can say "St. Henry Fish fry" the Crusaders were up 10 to 5 in the first quarter. Ncc settled in, and for most of the first half St. Henry maintained a 3 to 6 point lead. Then late in the second quarter the Breds pressure caused some turnovers, and cut the lead to 1 at 30 to 29 at the half. St. Henry came out in the third quarter and got back to a five point lead, then about half way through the quarter, the Breds put on a 3 point shooting display that would make Larry Bird jealous. Not sure how many they hit, (I lost count after 5), but they erased a 5 point deficit and turned it into a double digit lead. The fourth quarter Ncc maintained a 10 to 14 point lead and was the lead was not threated the rest of the game. Ncc hit 12 treys for the game, lead by Sarah Neace with 6. St. Henry's version of Neace, Savannah, had a very nice game with 19 points and strong finishes around the rim.
  3. Not going to beat this in the ground again, but put the Chuck Taylor's on the other foot. Last year Holmes lost to Glasgow 67 to 29. If the starting five were in for Glasgow late in the game (I have no idea if they were or not), you would probably be scratching your head wondering why they have not subbed out. Its all good on the winning side, but need to remember when not on the winning side.
  4. Game started out very slow for each team. Holy Cross started to go inside and would continue most of the night to Alley Mayhaus that Ncc did not have the size to content with. Ncc struggled to make shots early on and at the end of the first quarter the Indians lead 14 to 7. The second quarter saw better flow to the game and Ncc starting to hit shots and Holy Cross took a five point lead into the half. The third quarter Ncc struggled to make any shot, and Holy Cross continued to go inside to Mayhaus and looked like they would put the game out of reach going up by 13, but Ncc turned up the pressure on defense and started to chip away at the lead. However, in the fourth quarter every time Ncc would cut it to single digits Holy Cross would be able to pound the ball inside for a score or hit an outside jumper to keep the lead at arms lenght. Bottom line tonight Ncc missed way too many shots, some contested, many open. (Ended up 5 for 19 from 3 point land). Holy Cross made a living going inside to Mayhaus and Ncc simply did not have the size to keep her from hitting at point blank range. Both team played very hard, just basically came down to one team hitting shots and the other struggling to make them.
  5. I have never understood that mentality, that hey we got beat by a team by 29, so the next game lets go out and run up the score on a team with lesser talent. It happens a lot in high school sports, but I don't understand it. Was Trigg County in the stands when Htown got beat by Trinity saying run it up! I don't think so. The goal is to win the game, make your team better and move on. This bully mentality of well we can't beat these guys because they are really good, then come back and keep your starter in until 5 minutes to go in the game when you are up by over 40, (by then there is a running clock), isn't going to make the previous lose to T go away. How about using that time to get some of the bench players playing time to make them better so next time they play a team like T they have a better chance to win. Not bashing on Htown, you could pick any team around the state of other places and insert. Also, I am competitive as they come, but not sure what this proves.
  6. Was not the prettiest game to watch for the most part, both teams had several point blank shot that would not drop, but both teams played extremely hard. Martin getting two fouls early in the first quarter changed a little bit how the Pandas operated on offense, but they were knocking down a lot of shot in the first half. Ncc was really having a hard time connecting, and was surprised it was only a two point game at the half. 23 -21 Pandas. Third quarter the game was a two to four point advantage either way until Ncc took the lead for good at about mid way through in the fourth quarter and knocked down free throws down the stretch to preserve the win. First time I have seen ND this year. Very good size, and shoot the pretty well from the outside. Not trying to stir the pot but, didn't understand why ND did not sub at all the second half, until the end when they were fouling to stop the clock. I know one of their better players has been injuried, but very tough to play almost a whole game with no subs against a team that pressures full court like Ncc.
  7. I think the game was phyiscal the whole time. However, I felt it never got out of control and the refs let them play because most contact was no advantage. It was actually a game that had flow to it because it wasn't stopping every 10 seconds for a whistle. One player did foul out, but most other players only had about 2 fouls on average compared to everyone on the floor having 4 near the end of the game the past two years. As far as the game Ncc came out hotter than five alarm chili and was up 19 to 5 in the first quarter. Walton Verona settled in and chipped away at the lead and the Breds were only up 31 to 27 at the break. The third quarter Walton Verona continued to play very well and cut the lead to 39 to 38 near the end of the third quarter, but the Lexy Breen show started and she hit 4 threes in a very short span of time. Walton continued to knock down shots to cut the lead to maybe 6 in the fourth quarter but could not get any closer. I will say Ison is very good dribble drive and either finishes, or knocks down free throws. Ncc's defense is pretty good, and she flat got to the rim and make something happen. Congrats on getting 1,000 points for her high school career. Very nice gesture to stop the game and announce as soon as she made it, and both sides giving her a well deserved ovation.
  8. There is no doubt that signing between 40 and up to 70 freshman for football at the D2, Naia, and D3, is an enrollment boost. They do it in most sports. Most baseball teams in NAIA, D2, and D3 may have 45 to 50 players. As far as receiving atheletic money for the most part is it a very small portion of the overall financial package that a student/athlete will get. (D3 does not give out athletic money at all.) For football, the majority of the freshman won't make it to their sophomore year, due to burn out, not enough talent to play at the college level, or injury. If a senior class has 20 or more that is considered a sucessful class at pretty much any college level.
  9. Stoops is still building this team from the ground up. This is not Ohio State or Florida where you can turn it around in one to two years. He is still trying to get talent to compete against the best conference in college football. Then he has to try and build some depth, (which no UK team has had in a long time), so when someone gets injuried there is not a complete drop off. As much as this program has struggled in the past the administration would be making a big mistake by letting him go. This is a pivotal year for the program this year to try and keep the momentum going. It is critical to get to a bowl game and keep this thing going in the right direction.
  10. I think these are all very good points, but one thing I would like to add, is the school and academic programs the right fit for the student/athlete. I know of way too many cases where someone goes to a college just for football, and after a season or sometimes less, doesn't enjoy the college experienece and transfers out. It is very tough your first year from going from the "big dog" in high school, to the little "puppy" in college starting over. Many players have a hard time with this and must fight through to stay with it. If the player is not happy with the overall school experience, they do not stay very long. Sometimes not easy to find a good fit at the smaller level, a lot of visits and speaking with coaches and administrators help.
  11. I will chime on an overview of the game. The game was close most of the first half with Ncc maintaining about an 6 to 8 point lead, then with about 3 minutes left to go in the half Ncc pressure starting causing turnovers that led to getting easy buckets and hitting outside shots to extend the lead at the break. The second half Brossart offensively struggled with the press and just could not get the offense into much of a flow. The Mustangs on defense we having a tough time staying with Ncc on man to man, then switched to zone for awhile, but the Breds hit two or three treys in a row and they had to go back to man to man. About half way through the 4th both teams emptied the benches to finish it out. Bottom line Ncc was hitting shot this game, and Brossart was having a hard time getting the offense going and struggled to make shots.
  12. Was surprised that Holmes full court pressure did not create more turnovers. Ncc played very scrappy and even when it looked like they were out of the game, (down 54 to 41 with about 3:30 left in the fourth quarter), and they would not pull the trigger, they fought back. Hitting some big time threes to tie at 59 with under a minute to go. First time I have seen Holmes this year. Very good size and shot the ball well and have a deep bench. Having seen Holy Cross, Holmes, and Highlands I would put the Bulldogs right there with the other two as far as making a strong case to win the 9th region. Ncc seems like they improving as the season has gone along, and hopefully can peak come March.
  13. This still will not stop little Joey who is 12 from using his younger brother's birth certificate who is 10 and Joey is playing for a 10 year old team. But I will say this is a BIG STEP in the right direction. Never understood why coaches and parents get so excited about beating a team when their team is two years older than them. If you are in grade school/middle school you are suppose to!
  14. Holmes has too much quickness and depth. Holy Cross will keep it close for a half to midway through third quarter, but Holmes wins by 10 - 14 point.
  15. I am not defending the 9th region refs, but went to a game in Eastern Kentucky earlier this year and it was a complete joke with how they called, or didn't call a game. I have seen many games in the 9th region this year, and for the most part, they have done a pretty good job. Are they going to catch everything, no, but BELIEVE me when I say they are much better than most of the state. No I am not a ref, and have voiced my difference of opinion on calls, but overall they do a good job.
  16. When have you been to a high school girls basketball game where the team's losing parents and fans weren't giving it to the refs. The next one I go to will be the first.
  17. Booth teams were struggling to hit shots tonight. The 4th quarter Holy Cross pulled away with with several second chance points. Ncc just not enough height to keep Holy Cross off the boards. Game was 18 to 12 at the half. The second half Ncc struggling with poor shot selection, and Holy Cross getting some short range shots to extend the lead. Very hard fought game, both teams left it out on the court. Holy Cross moves on to Play St. Henry tomorrow in the finals of the 9th region all A.
  18. It looks as if Ryle has righted the ship. I would say they are a a sleeper, and the other sleeper would be Notre Dame. I don't care what their record is, I would not want to face them in the districts or if they make it to the regional.
  19. It seems like the past 10 years or so, the Raiders have been the "black hole" for coaches. If Del Rio doesn't have decision power on choosing players, he will probably join the long list of coaches who have their two year stint in Oakland and get kicked to the curb. This franchise needs a total rebuild, and not going to get done quickly. Hopefully they will let him bring his plan in and give him the resources and time to get the Raiders turned around into the Raiders of old. He had success at Jacksonville, which is not easy, so lets see what he can do here.
  20. Holmes starts a pretty tough stretch of games, with their next 6 being in this order, ND, Brossart (playing much better), Holy Cross, Newport, NCC, and Highlands. If they can stay unblemished through this part of the schedule, they could go undefeated through the regular season. Should be some good challenges for the Bulldogs.
  21. "For a Catholic school, that offers a prayer before every home game about good sportsmanship, this was the ultimate in hypocrisy." The coach must have been in the locker room before the game telling his team to run the score up and not heard the announcement. There had to be a running clock at some point in the game. I do not understand why some coaches feel the need to try an embarass other teams. The goal is to win the game, make your team better, and when you get a comfortable lead get playing time for the bench players so they can improve. good grief.
  22. I don't see him being successful in the NFL. It is a completely different game, and he doesn't have the tools to be a NFL quarterback. Footwork not good, arm strenght average, hard time reading defenses. Yes someone will burn a first round pick trying to save their job, and the franchise trying to sell season tickets, but he will be a journeyman at best. He will get thrown in too so to try and turn a team around and will be gone from that team within two years. As far as going back to FSU, with everything he had going on off the field, his stock would only decrease if he stayed another year.
  23. I don't think too many people gave Ohio State a snowballs chance in you know where against Alabama and they pulled it out. Yes Oregon has a great offense, and is a heck of a team, but Ohio State has played through so much adversity with injuries, a death of a teammate, and they just keep getting stronger. They just seem to be a team that no matter what is throw at them they find a way to win. Love or hate Urban Meyer this guy can flat out coach and some how he finds a way to beat the Ducks. This one is going to be a shoot out. 49 to 45 Buckeyes on a last minute touchdown.
  24. The Rebels came out with more energy and were attacking the Breds in the first quarter and looked like they get a big lead. However the Breds picked up the intensity, and at the end of the first horn it was 13 to 9 Rebels. The second quarter, and most of the remainder of the game, poor shooting would plaque Boone Co. and the Breds starting hitting some outside shots and Ncc took a 20 to 19 lead into half. The third quarter was pretty much a copy of the second with Boone struggling to make shots, and Ncc playing better defense and extending the lead by around 9 or 10 at the end of the 3rd. The fourth stayed about a 8 to 10 point cushon for the Bred's until about 2:30 left in the game, and the Rebel's turned up the pressure and got several turnovers to cut the lead to 50 to 45. Boone could not close the gap much more though as Ncc hit several free throws down the stretch and Boone did hit a buzzer beater three to make the final score 54 to 50. Both teams have a quick turn around, as Boone travels to Conner on Thursday, and Ncc makes the trip south on US 27 to take on the Camels on Thursday as well.
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