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Everything posted by LOOGY

  1. Agree on the assistant part. My point is those in glass houses...
  2. Lets be real here. Strong obviously has learned from Urbans core values at Florida. Don't act like Urban is above the moral high ground of Strong. As long as Dyer stays out of trouble at UL there should be zero issue with him there. I'm a UK fan and defended UL, I need a shower.
  3. I thought this thread was about Clint Hurtt before I opened it. Unfortunately I was wrong
  4. Hard for a guy who plays every 5 days to light any fire.
  5. Very! They either will score 8 runs a game or less than 3. Never seen a team so inconsistent.
  6. Also they are rednecks with a fairly good amount of money. They can do things a lot of Rednecks cant
  7. Without looking at everything, how many teams truly have a great record against good teams? I would assume most records would be worse than you think. Luckily for the Reds the Cards are also struggling. Pittsburgh is the only team winning right now
  8. He probably deserves a suspension through the rest of his contract. But from what it sounds like that aint happening. the rest of 2013 and all of 2014 will suffice for me.
  9. Guy on 3rd with one out, it is inexcusable not to get him in. Terrible execution this whole series. Time to regroup
  10. I liked Amanda for a week, now for whatever reason wants Howard out badly and I can't really stand it. Now that Spencer won the Veto, Aaryn will put up Candice supposedly. And if she does that she's worried about being called a racist... I bet her PR firm will be thrilled. This is a very weird season so far. Don't know what to think.
  11. Hard to beat Kershaw. Happy how Homer battled. Didn't capitalize on a few opportunities which hurt their chances. Oh well not a bad loss. Get em tonight
  12. Where's UKMF tonight? He'd be loving all of Puigs K's
  13. Leadoff double and they can't even manage to move him over to 3rd... And it was the 3-4-5 hitters... Pitiful, the bottom of the order can't come up soon enough
  14. The "sports analyst" have been saying for a while as long as you get people on base they will start scoring. Looks like they were correct
  15. I do hate Aaryn very much, but I've stopped caring if she stays or goes. I'd rather worry about how they play the game.
  16. Big win! Cuts down the LA momentum and keeps the Reds Mo goin. Like the chances this series
  17. That's one of the reasons I hate the ERA. But it does show how Leake battled when he didn't have his stuff and still do well. One of the reasons I really like him, and one of the reasons that hacks me off about Latos and Bailey.
  18. The Reds are playing great ball right now, but so are the Dodgers. This next series will be fun
  19. Just the broken right ankle? If that is the case then he is extremely lucky. Bones heal a lot better than muscles and tissue and are easier to come back from. He should be fine by spring training. Hoping for a full recovery. Loved Hudson when he played for the A's 10 years ago.
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