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Everything posted by LOOGY

  1. He has more AB's at this point in the season W/RISP than he did all of last yr 92 gms vs 111...
  2. He only has 1 home run this year with 2 strikes on him in the count.
  3. His power is fine, he has 15 HR's. it's his K's that are the cause of the problem. By him striking out so much it has caused him to shorten up his swing. He's falling back in the count more which means shorter swings, singles. If he were to start hitting earlier in the count his doubles would skyrocket. Also it would cutdown on the K's. with his BABIP avg. he would be having a ridiculous year. It's the approach that is the problem
  4. Cozart has more doubles than Votto this yr... Think about that. The worst hitter on the offense has more doubles than a guy getting payed 17+ million dollars.
  5. Also his slugging percentage so far this yr matches his career worst, were not high, possibly drunk, but not high
  6. He has 17 doubles this yr. last yr he was in the 30's by now. On pace for highest K's in career. He's just off
  7. BJ left with a right abductor strain. So it was his knee impacting the ground. I'm no longer an idiot.
  8. The reason I say that is because Ludwicks contract pretty much makes it impossible to be a backup. Unless they get a 2 month rental it won't happen. I agree no way he matches that
  9. You can hide Cozart in the bottom of the order. They aren't going to move for a LF cause of Ludwick coming back. 3B would be your only hope
  10. Choo will be closer to 300 than 270. Votto will be closer to 350 than 270.... Bruce has figured out how to hit oppo. BP has an outside chance at .300... The problem with the Reds is its those 4 are good, but The other 4 they trot out everyday stink...
  11. I'm an idiot, that ball was tattooed of his kneecap
  12. He also left a 3 foot deep crater in center field
  13. That looked very painful. It was his knee jamming into the field you idiot, not the ball
  14. For some reason it's this year. He's been very good in those categories in his career until now. I dont know what his deal is
  15. More important question... Will anyone be under .220 at the end of the year? Choo Phillips Votto Bruce All will be above .270 Votto finishes the year batting .315, he hits enough singles for this to happen
  16. Just saw a stat that blew my mind. Votto has 10 more AB's with runners in scoring position this year (92 games) than the did last year (111). For as bad the 2 hole has been, Choo has picked up a little slack. Hes 6 for 44 with men on and 2 outs. last year he was 14 for 41. He just not right this year.
  17. You could use an interview from 5 years ago and he would say the same things. :lol2: Just phenomenal
  18. Id switch Amanda and Jeremy and I agree.
  19. Gm is also so pitiful. Ive never seen someone so upset after meeting someone 3 weeks ago. Ive had it with her.
  20. Amanda is awesome. She is the one person in the house that isnt afraid to ruffle some feathers by telling how it is. The complete opposite of Aaryn. Dont know how you cant like Helen. I like Elissa though. She is so much nicer and less annoying than her sister. So there are a few more likable houseguests. Its only the 3rd week, once this racism and drama is gone in 3 weeks I think you will start to like more people.
  21. Hope CBS is happy what they let go on with the racial issues. It has hit a tipping point tonight, and has really affected Howard and Candice. Its 2013, cant believe people still act like this.
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