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Everything posted by LOOGY

  1. 777's started being made in the mid 90's. so chances are this plane isn't terribly old
  2. I dont mind checkpoints. They keep everyone safe when they find the drunken drivers. If I have nothing to hide, I don't mind the little hassle
  3. David Eun, an executive for Samsung was on the flight and posted pictures on Path of the crash. If I can figure out how to put them on here I will. It looks like its just the tail and vertical stabilizers were sheared off. everything else on the plane is intact. Very miraculous actually.
  4. That's why I hate ESPN. It's one of the reasons I hate Tebow, he's terrible and yet they act like he's Johnny Unitas. I can't hate Yasiel. He's a hell of a ball player. Plays the game right, plays it hard, and is actually very very good. Can't wait to see what the future holds with him
  5. If moving company wants to survive, they have to get rid of Candice. Shes on to them already! Very very smart player
  6. Bullpen was outstanding today again. Lets hope their magic is back
  7. I have never seen so many people blown away by an 89 MPH fastball before
  8. He was definitely looking to prove something. Nothing wrong with what he did, but still. Roll down your window and none of this happens
  9. All he had to do was roll his window down... But how the police officers responded was very very negligent.
  10. Love Pawn Stars, and I believe its a good reality show for History. History like other stations is being sucked into that mindset of reality TV. I used to love History, but now its becoming like everything else. Very sad
  11. Going to the game tonight and plan on parking at the banks. Ive never parked there before, but due to the unsure weather I dont want to chance parking in Newport and walking across the bridge in the rain. What is it like getting out of the garage after the game?
  12. I saw a stat a few starts ago that 1st time through the order he was very very good, 2nd time he was below average, and the 3rd time around he was very very good again. His bad innings usually occur in the 3rd-4th innings then. If he ever gets through those unscathed hes pretty dang good.
  13. congrats! In Pitinos whole career at UL only one player has developed into a pro!
  14. It wasnt about the personal side at all! It was that hes not even a QB anymore and yet he was in the elite 11
  15. They didn't cheat. Kait and Amanda did that at the beggining and were penalized. BB would have noticed and stopped it
  16. Very impressed by what UL has done. If its what gets them going then good for them. I still think its stupid. No matter what the significance is I still think it will be stupid and always will be stupid. I am a UK fan and also hate the whole BBN thing. Guess I'm a negative Nancy
  17. Love that he got into the elite 11, but personally I hate this thing. Zeke Pike was in the elite 11, 2 years ago and we see how that has turned out.
  18. That's why you don't manage an early July game like its game 7 of the world series
  19. I wish Thom would get off of his high horse about the crowd noise
  20. Then she picked Candice, Andy, Elissa, & Helen as have nots...
  21. He has both RBI's tonight. But yeah he still sucks
  22. Jeremy and Arryn. From the sound of it he let Aaryn have it because he wants to play again next week.
  23. Oh, btw the game has finally started.
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