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Everything posted by LOOGY

  1. sigh, the person I didnt want to win won the HOH... But it is one of the reasons I love watching this show.
  2. coming from the guy who couldn't open the door leaving the house :lol:
  3. And now they have been told to be quiet :thumb:
  4. Whats up with the studio audience? They are being heard way too much. Not a fan of the cheers and boos during the evictions
  5. http://deadspin.com/cincinnati-columnist-remarkably-upset-that-homer-bailey-658111099 This Deadspin article is what I think of the whole Dougherty thing as well.
  6. You may be right. I'm biased and don't like the Dodgers so I always hope the worst happens.
  7. The reason Homer pitches so well now is because he has matured greatly. Just because he doesn't like Marty doesn't mean he has an attitude problem. I don't like some people and I hope people don't think I have an attitude problem.
  8. ok so 5 games ... They are still below .500. the West is terrible. I still think they will be lucky to win 82 games
  9. I think theyve played 4 games over .500 since they got him. So obviously he is helping, but the reason they are back in it is because everybody in the West sucks
  10. Dont think Harper should have been in last year, and dont think Puig should be either. I understand that this game is must win, but it would be a shame to replace somebody that has been performing at a high level for 3 months than a guy who only has a month under his belt. If Puig keeps playing like this there will be many more all star games in his future. He just doesn't deserve to be in this one.
  11. From what I've heard is that Nerlens was kind of standoffish with other students at UK. He didn't like people going out of their way to talk to him if he didn't want to be talked to. All minuscule stuff really. A college kid who doesn't want to be bothered by fans /students constantly.
  12. I feel like Gina Marie said the worst racist comment because she dropped Paula Deans favorite word. But Aaryn has been non stop. David IMO said something bad like that just to impress Aaryn. Spencer even has gotten in on it. I've never seen anything like this in BB. Sometimes you might get that one person, but there is a few this season.
  13. A handful of this cast sucks. But I think in a few weeks the bad ones will be out an the season will truly be off and running. Nick is my favorite to win if he doesn't play too hard in the early weeks.
  14. Leadoff double with Cozart up, I'd bunt everyday and twice on Sunday. Give me a guy on 3rd with one out with Votto and ill take my chances there. Don't give Cozart the opportunity to screw up. Plus getting the lead in the first is fairly important.
  15. If Mike Brown says you have bad character that really means only one thing. Must have killed somebody. Everything else is ok in his book, as long as it doesn't hurt his bottom line
  16. Forgot to mention David too. No wonder him and Aaryn are a "thing" :puke:
  17. Been reading the spoilers sites today. Looks like there are a handful of bigots and racist in the house. And not shockingly its the attractive white girls that are the culprits. :ohbrother:
  18. Harrleson Liggins Teague There are others but those 3 stick out the most
  19. Jeremy is such a tool. Amanda is the same way. Jessie is a pshycopath. I can not stand those 3 and cant wait till they are gone
  20. After thinking about that trade, I like it more and more. The Pelicans will have a solid team, and Philly gets to rebuild around Nerlens. They could potentially have 2 lottery picks next year too.
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