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Everything posted by LOOGY

  1. I agree, but it also goes the other way too. People are trying to sensationalize this as a civil rights case when it isn't. I don't necessarily agree with Rish, but I think his bigger point is anything can be made about attacking a minority, even if it is unjust.
  2. Rush: Jeantel Shows Martin May Have Been 'Gay Basher' | National Review Online Uh oh
  3. Somebody tell me how this was racially motivated besides the fact GZ killed a black person?
  4. If the media, the govmt, and the president aren't careful, I have a feeling they are going to start to trash GZ so much to the point that could make him a victim. Let him go on his way. Get over it. He was tried and acquitted. Let it go, nothing good is going to come out of this
  5. When growing up in Fort Thomas, I was always profiled by the police as a teen. Still is probably the same way today. Wherever I drove it always seemed a cop always had the same route to my house as me. Strange
  6. How can the DOJ have a civil rights case? This is starting to become a joke
  7. I always thought a fair compromise for this was to give just the principle and asst principle access to guns.
  8. I profile all the time. Thats why I when I go to the airport, while waiting for a plane I sit facing the main concourse. For some reason people watching is fairly entertaining. I dont think profiling is wrong, but acting on it is what makes it wrong.
  9. If he didnt have a gun a black male could have killed a white male... Kind of a catch 22 here... Oh wait I mean hispanic
  10. Helen runs political campaigns in Chicago. I think she knows how to lie and manipulate with the best of em
  11. Still love this game. Stupid it counts, but still awesome
  12. Not a fan of the president saying we need to bring on more gun control to honor Trayvon.
  13. That's really appalling. This supports the fact that the media is to blame for this. For some reason they needed to create a race war, and they succeeded...
  14. Lastly, the reason GM was not guilty wasn't cause he was "white", it was because there wasn't any evidence to prove he wasn't protecting himself
  15. Race may have started it. But the reason Trayvon is dead isn't because of his race. Zimmerman is at fault for tracking after him. But if Trayvon wouldn't have come back, none of this would be going on...
  16. Actually agreed with P Doc for once.http://news.cincinnati.com/article/20130713/COL03/307130107
  17. To be fair, both teams of lawyers said this was the best jury you could possibly get for a trial of this magnitude
  18. Casey Anthony has even able to hide fairly well. But she wasn't as polarizing as this
  19. I probably should be watching and paying attention this week. But I'm fed up right now and taking a break from the spoilers.
  20. Too many amateur lawyers that don't know the legal system. All they see is a dead black kid with a white/Hispanic shooter, opinions are immediately formed. Unfortunately no matter what you say, you are considered a racist no matter which side your on... All I got to say is thank goodness people aren't tried in the court of public opinion. Still have the best legal system out there.
  21. Prosecution couldn't prove guilt at all. Very unfortunate
  22. He played jai alai and the called out. I hate umps
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