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Ari Gold

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Everything posted by Ari Gold

  1. Team is not fundamentally sound, they cannot manufacture a run for anything it seems like.
  2. Which ones? Policing the base paths? There is some disconnect in the clubhouse this year I will give you that, but few teams have had stronger chemistry in 2010 and 2012 in my opinion.
  3. Notice I said "regular season" not the note any teams wants to end on especially a do or die situation.
  4. I'm just tired of hearing about this dude. He sucks as a coach, so why does ESPN continue to talk about him.
  5. I believe Joe Strauss said it best, by saying something like the problem isn't us Braves, you (Braves) are always the common denominator. Gomez erratic, crazy, etc... yes. But, McCann didn't need to step out in front of the plate. At that point you're not protecting your pitcher, just let him go to the dugout and do whatever it is he does. McCann seems like a tool, but hey JMO.
  6. Just an overall pathetic end to this regular season to be quite honest.
  7. Max Smith can't avoid a pass rush to save his life. I'm sorry I know Florida is big and athletic up front, but some of those sacks he just folded like a cheap suit.
  8. No one within ten yards of Whitlow...
  9. Mainly I just read the site. I applaud him for his success as others on here have mentioned and think he really knows how to tailor to the UK audience because he is such a big fan. At the same time this could be a reason why some discredit the show, because he is just a "fan". Matt does a pretty good job of entertaining, I think some of the stuff is cheesy and over the top, but the whole ridiculousness is the brand he built KSR off of. I think he has made some good connections that actually supply some good info, and that is part of the success as well. My biggest pet peeve of the sight is some of the other writers who are NOT funny at all, and continuously attempt to mimic Jones, and his comedic efforts. Some of the other writers on there should not be producing material for a public platform or even any platform. I tend to only read stuff written by Matt, and a few others. All in all not a bad way to earn a living, he takes a lot of heat, but deserves most of it. What else can you expect from UK news brought to you by a UK fan hahaha. If there were a LSR (Louisville sports radio) I wouldn't listen to it, so I can see why some wouldn't like KSR. It's like me (UK fan) getting on a UL message board and expecting not to get mad, it just isn't going to happen.
  10. Man if they could lock down Latos, and Bailey I take that every day.
  11. Probably more likely to sign Arroyo back, correct or no? I would love to have Choo back though.
  12. Any recent UK player that he reminds you of? Just trying to get a gauge on this guy.
  13. UF looked bad with Driskel, and now lose him. Unless the back up is better logic says UF got worse this past weekend. Is that bad enough to lose to UK? Idk, but I would like to think so. Cats 30 Gators 22 Need big games out of Kemp, and Whitlow!
  14. Zimmerman's touch and footwork seem pretty good, but I can only go off of what I see on you tube. But I can agree, closer to the 8-12 range. I just have a knack to like the big men that have some touch. Also, Kennard seems like he can really fill it up--love the dead eye shooters, especially lefties. Malik Newman could be Jodie Meeks 2.0?
  15. You don't get it though, UT is the state of Texas not just Austin. He would be the up there with the governor in the state of Texas.
  16. I agree with GT here Texas is one of the few places he could go and be bigger than what he is now, and the fact he could potentially resurrect the Longhorn program should be even more attractive. He could get paid more, and wouldn't have to leave the state to recruit. Alabama is Alabama, but the state of Texas loves their Longhorns. Don't see this as a lateral move really.
  17. Whew with Towns, and Ullis the addition of Blackmon, Booker, and Lyles would be huge. Any chance at Okafor, or Alexander?
  18. Him or Zimmerman would be great pick ups.
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