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Four King Crazy

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Everything posted by Four King Crazy

  1. How did it work out for teams to not play girls that have been regulars in Varsity Lineups? I think there was a thread discussing the pitching guidelines just curious if there were any issues?
  2. IMO you should always try to remove a teams offensive numbers from a tiebreaker. If not you encourage a coach or a team to run it up. Typically if Run Differential is used there is a cap anyway which only encourages everyone in that pool to try and run it up! Where Runs allowed is a better tie breaker because it rewards good pitching and encourages playing good solid D. I have never seen a team say lets allow them to score out of good sportsmanship. Although I have seen coaches run it up on teams to get more Runs Scored or Run Differential for tiebreakers! Just a better sportmanship option In My Opinion with a similar result!
  3. My DD (is a senior and wears a mask when playing first base) for one reason: Momma says so!!! She doesn't like to wear a mask and has asked several times over the years not to wear the mask. This year she told us she did not want to wear a mask this season (her senior year) said the bar gets in her vision when catching a ball in the dirt! She also pointed out that college girls don't wear a mask! Guess What She is wearing a Mask when playing first. Why you ask? Because Momma said so!!!! Our decision came more out of the reasoning there will be life after softball! Odds are its not going to kill you (Not saying it couldn't happen) but whether its dental work or facial reconstruction is the risk really worth it? Its a simple piece of equipment!!! You are not going to make a career playing the game of Softball best case scenario is you may get your education paid for! As far as mandating it by rule. I think someday somebody will get hurt bad enough where they will mandate it, but until then its a PARENTING decision not a coaches decision! If your little girl gets hurt not wearing a mask its not the coaches fault its not the KHSAA fault! Just my 2 cents worth and I TRULY HOPE IT NEVER HAPPENS TO ANY YOUNG LADY!
  4. Good to see a couple teams from the 9th region receiving Votes: Notre Dame with 32 only 4 votes from cracking top 25. Newport Central Catholic with 17 Votes climbing that ladder fast! Its hard for me to believe there is 25 better teams in the state than Notre Dame! While Newport Catholic must have turned some heads in the ALL A Classic while beating up on their local opponents! Its good too see the 9th region getting some votes! The upcoming Matchup between the 2 highest ranked teams from the 9th Region on the state level (Newport Catholic and Notre Dame) should be a (Cage Match) with winner take all (VOTES) so one of these 9th region will get all the votes and get into the TOP 25!
  5. Very Nice! That's the kind of weekend that can win Championships in the 9th Region! I thought the Birds had a good week beating Conner, Campbell Co., Newport Catholic and Turpin
  6. Fun Game to watch! Big Team effort by the Birds with some defensive and offensive gems to beat a very good Conner Team for the first time in a long time! A win against one of the best teams in the Region is a big step for this group of girls that are really starting to believe in themselves and each other! 13 Hits off one of the top 2 or 3 Pitchers in Northern Kentucky is always a good day at the plate! That young lady throws a drop ball that is in the zone one second and is hitting behind the plate the next second. That's got to be a tough pitch for the umpire to call! Allen R as always you take great pictures!
  7. Sounds like the NC girls got to see some good competition on a state wide level and played ok until they ran into a buzzsaw! As far as the young lady missing for an AAU basketball tournament. Everyone knows there is a double standards when it comes to softball compared to other varsity sports. Besides its just the All A Classic.
  8. Nice Win against a team getting votes for top 25 in the state! Here are those knocking on the Top 25 door. Others Receiving Votes: Woodford County 90, Allen County-Scottsville 66, Notre Dame 51, Taylor County 46, North Laurel 44, Marshall County 37, Green County 36, East Jessamine 35, Grayson County 35, DuPont Manual 31, Ryle 30, Edmonson County 25, Lafayette 24, Scott 22, Paducah Tilghman 20, George Rogers Clark 19, Henry Clay 19, East Carter 18, Magoffin County 18, Boone County 17, Franklin-Simpson 16, Collins 15, Madison Southern 15, Warren East 15, Apollo 14, Paul Laurence Dunbar 14, Butler 13, Daviess County 12, Christian Academy-Louisville 11, Johnson Central 11, Lloyd Memorial 11, Eastern 9, Greenup County 7, Lawrence County 6, Hopkins County Central 3, Louisville Collegiate 3, LaRue County 1
  9. The Monday game has been changed to accommodate a district makeup game Highlands vs Newport at Newport Vets 1 haven't heard a game time yet, but if your there by 5:00 I am sure you will not miss any of the action!
  10. It has been a GREAT TOPIC but seems to be losing steam and before it does I want to know how many of the people that defended the ALL A Classic in this topic are representing an ALL A SCHOOL that is not affiliated with one of the Catholic Schools in the 9th region? Lets hear from those schools: I am not trying to make it a religious topic but in the 9th region the catholic schools seems to dominate the ALL A field. Or is it religion? I don't think so, but is there something in the water? Maybe. It seems like most of the comments debating or critiquing RCC are supporters of the catholic schools. I would like to hear from the other schools point of view or at least know which comments came from supporters of the community schools. Maybe a different angle: Why is it that the smaller community schools that fall into the same size school criteria in the 9th region like the Daytons, Bellevues, Newports, Ludlows ,etc... has not been able to compete with the NCC or St. Henry or even Holy Cross (I was talking to JMU at the HHS vs Boone Co game at the Birdcage and he made sure to include Holy Cross in that group because they won it when his DD was I think he said a 7th grader. BTW He says Hello to everyone). I think everyone agrees anytime you can get extra time for the KIDS between the lines (especially a spring sport like softball) it improves their High School experience which is really what it is all about! If it wasn't called the ALL A and was just another mid season tournament on the state level most would want to participate! I am not debating whether anybody fits the definition set by the ALL A Classic because those standards are the same as KHSAA. Right? Nor am I debating if your eligible by those standards whether or not you should play in that tournament. Why wouldn't you it could make for a great banquet at end of the season! I guess my question is it a level playing field amongst the Class A sized schools in the 9th region? if so Why? Is it great coaching? Is it facilities?
  11. No real controversy just several bang bang plays that appeared to of been called correctly that could of went either way! The umpires seemed to do a good job of taking their time and got the calls right. 1. There was a bang bang play at First where 7th Grader Rachael Gabbard (remember that name) playing 2nd robbed Hailey Smith of a hit up the middle where she dove to her right and threw from her knees. You can see in the picture ball in the glove as her foot is coming down on the base. Not Controversial just one of those that can go either way and he got it right. 2. The first inning steal where the young lady got her 100th steal. The ball may of beat her there but she slid outside the tag and the tag was literally inches away from her being out! The umpire again did a good job being in the right spot evaluating the play and made the right call which was very close even with the pictures! 3. Another steal attempt at second and there was a collision which resulted in the ball going into center field when the girl tried to advance to third she was thrown out at third by Ashley Grosser from Center Field. Discussion on whether interference. The Umpires discussed and decided she was out. Both teams played hard which usually makes for close calls and I am simply saying the umpires seemed to of done a good job! That might of been a first for me to compliment the umpires, so I will stipulate they were not perfect and may of been a little inconsistent on a few low strikes against both teams just so no one thinks my account has been hijacked!
  12. JUST MY OPINION Poll of Northern Kentucky Teams ( I haven't seen all the teams ) Some of my information is following scores and comments here on BGP! Like NCC has been thumping teams while we haven't heard much from Brossarts fans which is usually a bad sign. Ryle just beat Conner so that flip flopped those teams in my poll. Big Matchup Monday between Highlands and Boone County Monday Hopefully at The Birdcage! 1. Notre Dame 2. Ryle 3. Conner 4. Boone County 5. Highlands 6. Walton Verona 7. Newport Catholic 8. Brossart 9. St. Henry- 10. Dixie-
  13. The umpires did a good job making the calls on a couple bang bang plays! Great effort on the steal to avoid the tag which is likely why she has 100 steals. What an accomplishment! It was a well played game and was FUN to watch! Wished we could of played this one in "The Birdcage" but ND field looked to be in awesome condition!
  14. Help! I have always wondered about the All "A" thing. What is the magic number to be an all A school? Does it matter if you have tuition where you can draw from all over the region or is it strictly by enrollment? Why don't they have an all AA Classic or even an all AAA? That's kind of a dumb question I guess those are only football distinctions where all other sports all compete in one end of season tournament. right? That even confuses it more if you compete at a higher level for football like AA do you still qualify for the all A things?
  15. First Walton Verona is Kicking some butt so far this year. I heard someone else talking about them at the Pete Knoll. In my opinion Lawn Boy is as knowledgeable about Fast pitch Softball and the young ladies that play the game in Northern Kentucky as anyone! He promotes the game and the young ladies that play the sport the right way while simply telling it like it is! Unlike some posters on this board that blows smoke and reports inaccurate stats you can rely on Lawnboys comments and stats to be factual! I can tell you if he used the board to blow smoke and exaggerate performance he wouldn't be as respected amongst other teams parents, coaches and players as he is! Don't get me wrong he is still a HOMER (LOL) but you can count on him to tell both sides of the game being good or bad!
  16. Sunday turned out to be a nice day to play softball! Yes it got chilly when the sun went down but not as bad as last year. Yes there were some wet areas that were deemed out of play but overall the conditions were much better than last year. At least field 3 was good between the lines we didn't play on field 1 so I cant say for sure. Credit goes to Coach B for learning from Friday and getting there Sunday Morning early too evaluate fields and getting them ready to go. After Saturday I am amazed they got them ready! The Umpires on Field 3 deserve a note not only did they do a nice job same 2 guys did all 5 games I saw on Sunday while they missed the UK game and being there all day for however much they make wasn't enough but shows a dedication to the game of fastpitch softball so these young ladies would get some games in. Bottom line: Personally it was great to see that tournament atmosphere with High School Teams! For HHS they got 5 games against some good competition in 2 days. Friday Played 2: HHS 11 CCHS -1 & Knock PA-6 HHS-5 Sunday Played 3: Boone-6 HHS-3 & HHS-13 Holy Cross 1 & HHS-3 St Henry-2 ended up 3-2. Boone was best team in the field and Knock Pa was a close second and HHS got lucky enough to play and learn from them both. If they have a Most Outstanding Player award it would of have to of been the Short Stop from Knock Pa or the Pitcher from Boone Co. Obviously several from HHS would be on that list but I didn't want appear to be a Homer (LOL). My commercial for the Pete Knoll would be something like: gate fee-$6, hand warmers- $2, buckets of beer-$11, getting to watch my DD play a game she loves Priceless!!! Thanks to those who organized and took part in running it. It may not of been perfect but The Turner family enjoyed it
  17. Field 3 was in good shape to play! The grass was a little long but wasn't too bad. I don't think field conditions could be blamed for any misplays that I saw during either of the HHS Games. Field 2 looked as if it had been plowed and disced and was ready for planting. I think they would of struggled to get that field ready to play safely this morning even if it wouldn't of rained this morning. I bet it is 3 inches deep of mud right now!
  18. Ryle is a good team and are playing good under their new coach! The new jerseys it is all part of the new era of softball at Highlands under Coach Coffey which will be opening the new field "The Birdcage" at Winkler Park sometime soon! Hopefully if the weather helps just a little! Unfortunately, I think the plan was to unveil the new jerseys at Winkler Park grand opening, but old man winter had something to say about that. I don't think the new jerseys were meant to take anything away from the traditionalists or the teams of the past just adding a little flare with the titanium grey jersey which are made from a different kind of material, and IMO The new Jerseys look great which makes the blue really pop. I don't know coach Coffeys fashion background but My DD is a senior at HHS and she loves how the New Titanium Grey Jersey looks and feels!
  19. Game is Thursday (Hopefully) I think 5:30 at Tower Park! The last 3 times these teams have played I think all have been 1 run games with NCC holding the District Championship. Neither team will be at full strength due to multi sport athletes that go from the hardwood to the dirt.
  20. Looking forward to opening up the new field at Winkler Park vs Newport Catholic! I will get the opening date! Maybe the JMU beer garden will be open by then. There is a nice spot in Center a short walk from the pool at Highland Country Club
  21. Well Said! I think the teams from that group of 5-8 will continue to gain ground on the TOP 4, and will turn some heads this year. The 9th region is going to be a great Tournament! Although, I am going to have some fun prodding the girls at workouts with this part of the post: 5. Dixie 6. Newport Catholic 6. Highlands 8. St. Henry Can't wait to tell them Dixie is ranked ahead of them after going 2-0 last year vs Dixie as well as going 2-1 vs Newport Catholic (Although NC won when the championship was on the line)! That should light a fire under their butts and give them a little extra motivation to work harder because those teams have passed them up! Although Coach Coffey does a good job keeping them focused a little extra motivation never hurts. I know at least 7 or 8 of them played competitively this summer and in the fall! I think you could hear a few new names getting some playing time this year there are some of the younger JV girls from last year that were working real hard at summer workouts twice a week all summer that have made some big strides and could be challenging for playing time or at least will provide depth. A couple 7th Graders from last years Freshmen team could also have coming out seasons the Gabbard Girl has been working as hard as anybody, and if the Barth girl plays they both challenge for a spot in the lineup immediately! These are the opinions of a Dear Ole Dad who is simply a bystander and by no means has anything to do with the decision making process!
  22. I like it starting bulletin board material already! I think Highlands has a break out season and wins the 9th region! Yes my DD is a senior and I am a Homer, but I truly think they have the potential to play with anyone in the 9th region! BUT Until someone steps up and beats them here is My thoughts on the 9th Region 1. ND I have to put ND on top of 9th region until someone can beat them from the 9th region. Don't they have 2 of the 5 best Pitchers in the 9th? 2. Conner Hard to beat consistency year in and year out. One of the top 5 pitchers as well. 3. Boone County Did I mention its hard to beat consistency and god pitching. 4. Ryle I am sure they will be hungry with a new coach in place 5a,b.c includes Dixie, Newport Catholic, Highlands etc... Hopefully we will hear from the other teams but a scouting report on Highlands is: All 9 starters are returning under second year coach Rob Coffey! My thoughts on lineup is: 1. Ashley Grosser- CF (Senior) 2. Whitney Quillen- 2B 3. Shelby Graybill- C 4. Brennah Dutcher- 3B 5. Kendall Turner- 1B (Senior) 6. Hailey Coffey- SS 7. Bailey Spencer- P 8. KC Broering- LF (Senior) 9. Peyton Leighty- RF OK the lineup will not be in that order but everyone of these girls has the potential to Hit and play solid D. Have you seen the new Field at Winkler Park? Inside the fences is finished! Outside the fences is still under construction and this weather is not helping get dugouts built or the concession building which will house the restrooms and press box. No More walking over that hill to watch a game! We can not wait to host your school and show off the new Home of the Lady Bluebirds! JMU the beer garden is still in the plans! Just hoping it is done for the Ribbon Cutting in a opening game vs NCC
  23. Cincy Static 96 are returning all 11 girls next year. Playing 18 U. Rachael Carroll- Campbell County Ashley Grosser- Highlands Kendall Turner- Highlands
  24. Cincy Static 96 have all 11 girls coming back. 3 Northern Kentucky kids Rachael Carroll- Campbell County Ashley Grosser- Highlands Kendall Turner- Highlands
  25. My 2 cents worth is that the girls are practicing and playing games during this down period anyway! WHY? Because they can get on a Dry field! This is why the summer months is the opportune time to work on their game this is where the majority of the girls that are going to college get noticed while playing for their summer team! The High School Softball & Baseball season is squeezed in because school lets out around or soon after Memorial Day! The weather makes for a short high school season when half the games are often cancelled due to the weather! In the winter months there is only so much you can do indoors and just happens to be an opportune time for a dead period for softball! What good does the down period do when it occurs during the most opportune time to play the game and improve! Who does it negatively effect? Exactly the ones they are trying to protect! Just my Opinion don't claim to have the answers!
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