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Bengal Maniac

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Everything posted by Bengal Maniac

  1. There is no way they can play that well three more. But if they do, they win it all.
  2. I have seen all 10 play and all are deserving. It would be very hard for me to pick the best, but if I had to, Tandy is it. I make that decision on who I would build a team around. Again, all are very good players.
  3. Nevada only had two team fouls at the 4 minute mark in a close one. I think they needed to start using them so if they needed to to get possession after free throws they could. I said to my wife at that point they better get to 6 fouls or it will bite them and it did. So there tehy were with under 2 seconds to go and still needing to give another foul after they had just fouled. I couldn't believe they didn't use them at the under a minute posssession with Loyola having the ball. They let them run 25-30 seconds off down 1, they hit the 3 with 6 seconds to go, now down 4. May have worked if Loyola misses, however, I put them on the line as quick as I could.
  4. The Wolverines were on fire the first half and coasted.
  5. Looks like 3-5. The amounts changed hourly yesterday on the Weather Channel app. 8-10; 10-12; 5-8; and this morning 3-5
  6. First time I had seen them for a whole game. I saw bits and pieces of some games. Hollingsworth is really really good. The bigs are impressive. This is a very good team. On a given night they caould play with anyone.
  7. That is not necessarily true. If law enforcement and other experts said that we should arm teachers under, I would do what was best for kids. That has not been the case from law enforcement administration and safe school experts. I have never, not even once, given my opinion in those meetings. That is not how I run my professional life. I can't assist in making these decisions on random opinions of the general population. But you will not be convinced, I can see. Your mind must be made up.
  8. So two state police sergeants, one city police chief and two assistants, and two county sheriffs in separate meetings lied to me. Really?
  9. Until you have beeen in my conversations, I am not sure anyone really knows. I have no reason to believe that they want cushy jobs. I think that is a slap in the face of the majority of lw enforcement. I truly believe they have very different mindsets about this now. They did not push anything. They were answering my questions. We had honest sincere conversations. No politics involved in my thinking and eventual implementation. 2800 kids are not going to be my or anyone elses political leaning in our final decisions. I left my feelings at the door. I asked everything whether I thought it was a good idea or not.
  10. Thanks that makes me feel better. Taking a couple of little ones for some activities Saturday and Hate to disappoint them. Even though we make it up, they are too young to understand. LOL
  11. I just saw that NKY might get 5-8 inches of snow Saturday. Is that true?
  12. In all the meetings I have had with law enforcement recently, there is only one trained SRO in the sheriff's and city departments combined. They believe it won't be long until all will be required to be trained. Our district is now working with law enforcement to put sub stations outside on our campuses to serve the schools on those campuses, which the district will build with community companies with materials and labor. All three forces (sheriff, city and state police) have agreed to have officers man them at times. Although not an total solution, it becomes another deterrent. This will be our best solution until we can find funding for SRO's (difficult in these state budget times) and they can get several trained. Then we can use both an SRO and the substation. It takes a certain type of officer to work within a school, thus the training. There are a lot of tools being introduced to schools right now. It is a grueling process trying to vet what will work and what is just junk and some company trying to make a quick buck. This is time consuming, but necessary. Law enforcement and the district have discussed having certain staff with guns, if it were allowable, which it isn't now. I cannot find one law officer that thinks this is a good idea. Their main reasoning is the time and cost of training alone is extensive and not many that even think they would be good, really are not. My eyes were opened (in a positive way) in the annual training on guns the officers get. I had no idea and I would bet most wouldn't. I assumed they did, but not as extensive as they explained. Teachers would never get to teach if they had to have this training, which they should. Ths why I elieve SRO's are the way to go.
  13. This is totally out of my realm of knowledge or experience. Can these things be detected before opening or handling them? If not, that is scary, if so, how and what does that cost? I guess they can because airports can, I think.
  14. My thinking is to get the pass over my biggest guy accurately will have to be done pretty close to the end line. I then guard the ball immediately and make them pick up their dribble and make a pass to half court to hopefully someone coming back for the ball. If they make that, then I lose. A shot within 30 feet is unacceptable. You must practice this as has been stated. I take my chances this way. 4 seconds is a lot of time when you are guarding and hardly any with possession. That is the mindset the players have. I used to make my kids with the ball under 5 seconds count it down. They almost always though it was less time than it really was. Practice, practice, practice. The closer you get to the tournament the more time you spend practicing end of the game scenarios. And there are many of them.
  15. Having researched about everything in the last month with my job on this, I believe this is the must have. A trained armed law enforcement officer. In meeting numerous times with local and state police, I learned the amount of training necessary and needed, plus the expense involved to do the training is impressive. You are in a response mode almost every time. Deterrents are good, and many tools are debatable, and should be in place. But inevitably someone that wants to get in and plans it, will get in. Response and quickly is the best.
  16. Congrats to CCH. They were clearly the best team there. CJ had a great tournament and deserved to be the MVP. This team had a lot more than him, though. I don't know why people get all upset and have to take away from a neutral obeserver trying to make a point about CJ. He is good. It really is impossible to say who the best in the state is. All opinion and no doubt he is one of the best. They were deep and talented. Reading this not enough accolades go to the other kids and I will do that. AJ was solid the whole tourney, Jake is simply a force that changed thing inside, Aiden was an excellent point guard and can shoot, also. Nowak was always steady. Thelen very long and effective off the bench, Mayer 2 is another hoss that plays hard all the time. With all that said, the defense won them the state championship. Again, great job and a deserving championship. On a side note, I have never been a fan of the "crazies". I have stated that before. My reasons are personal and I wll leave it at that.
  17. I am not in the know anymore, but I would believe it will be Perkins or Carr. Perkins the best shot if he wants it.
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