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Bengal Maniac

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Everything posted by Bengal Maniac

  1. Kicking the can to the districts and down the road both.
  2. I have said it on here many many times. You are more than likely wasting your time (and lots of it) and money (and lots of it) on hoping or trying to get a sport schools. Get your ACT to a 28 and keep your GPA above 3.0 and the opportunities to many universities and colleges are plentiful. I made some regretful decisions in my lifetime, but I did not fall into this trap (team or individual sport clubs or whatever) and could have with two of my kids because they were very good athletes (but not great). I simply looked at the money involved and realistic chances and stressed academics. One got a full academic ride and the other 75 % ride. Now my other two, I just hoped they'd do something. Fortunately, they matured late (very late) and are doing great now. Not much scholly $$ for those two. But $$ well spent to send them to college because they are self sustaining now. At the time I wasn't so sure and thought they might be on the family payroll for life.
  3. Not if they use sick days. The only discipline, if the district stayed in school, and you had no sick days tehn you would be docked. There are ways around it with banked teacher sick days for others to use. In essence, you probably could but if 80% of your teachers walked out, you could fre them, but you essentially shut down the district for a long time. I don't know of any district of reasonable size that could replace their workforce quickly. There already is a teacher shortage in math, sciences, and special education. And that is nation wide. Answer is yea, but not very likely at all. Teachers know this, as well as legislators.
  4. Of course, the real issue is they made some cosmetic changes that really does nothing to resolve the forthcoming deficit. If the legislature would start funding the Teacher Retirement (I can't speak to others) it would recover in a reasonable amount of time. The problem would alleviate itself even quicker if the legislature would consider raising revenue through sin taxes and casino gambling. I will not get to why because it becomes political, but everyone knows how that plays out anyway. The changes really does not impact me personnally much at all, but this will significantly impact districts in they are pushing everything to districts. The sick days will the ways already stated. Is that a killer, no, I could probably live with that, but I already have mine. My son and daughter will not get it added to retirement, they still can get the pay out if districts still choose to do that (sick day accumulation is not a state decsion only adding to retirement is. The districts have always had control of the payout. I know of no district that doesn't pay out, but they could have always and still can choose not to). The biggest financial incentive to teach in Kentucky public schools was the retirement (pension) plan. There is no doubt this will impact attracting the best candidates (especially with 7 border states that may have better plans now). Pushng the retirement plans to school boards and government agencies will impact all of us more than anyone probably realizes for basic government services. The way it was done was appalling and just plain wrong. However, it was expected by me. I told everyone I knew this would happen. I wish I could say how I thought that and why I thought that, but it becomes political. Everyone really knows how this game is played anyway or should know. Let's see how the budget will impact retirees with health insurance for those under 65. If the health insurance is now not covered in the retirement, then it impacts my wife for the next 7-8 years to the tune of approximately $700 a month. We are fortunate, that is impactful but we can manage. But if you are the avearage teacher with a pension of 35 k before federal taxes, then this is an absolute killer for them to meet their retirement adjusted lifestyle. In plain math, if they bring home 2000-2300 k per month and take a $700 hit, that is wrong when you were never told to plan otherwise for 30 years. That will cause a huge uproar if that plays out in the budget. This will cause (right or wrong) a teacher walkout, no doubt in my mind. It also will change other things, especially in rural Kentucky, but that is political and I will not state what.
  5. Why does it matter what it is called? I don't understand why people would even care of what it is called. It will be a great tournament. Whether they call it a Championship or Tournament or Classic or Event or etc. It doesn't matter.
  6. Those were two tough calls. You hardly ever see the second one called that way with the defender back pedaling. Still one of those either ways where the offensive player usually gets the call. Give Utah credit, they hit their free throws, simple as that. The Toppers played hard, just didn't get the breaks at the end.
  7. He has been top ten around 8-9 in two years, 3 in 2016 and last year doesn't count. He was around the 8-9 range when he got hurt. He is not worth AB, Ty Hilton (look at his stats), Julio $$. He is worth AJ $$, the are about the same, in fact OBJ has a little better stats. Why he is overrated? IMO is the position he plays. WR's are not as valuable to me as QB, D-line, o-line, and DB's , then WR. Being 8-9 on average in the 5th most valuable position, that's all. My thinking is if they put all the players in the NFL and redrafted, he would not be a 1st rounder. He'd be in the late 2nd early 3rd maybe IMO. He's good, but not even top 5 at his position and stats bear that out. I would rather play him any day than playing AB like we do twice a year now. Not even debateable. It has nothing to do with like or not. I usuually root for the Giants in the nFC, they an dteh Vikes are my favorite teams in that conference.
  8. Interesting you say that because the one thing X has been able to do over the last 15-20 years is keep the cupboard loaded. Not many young kids play, but as they mature they start to contribute and are major contributors their last year. They get 4 year kids and have them play the X way. Sounds like they may not have as full of a cupboard. I thought a kid like Walters was good because he would grow and be a contributor his Jr.Sr year. He still might. He is exactly the type of kid they recruit and develop as an example.
  9. Of course he does. Media exposure is huge for him. No way he wants to play for a non media proponent team.
  10. Just because I think he is overrated, doesn't mean I dislike him. I do like him. It's simple, being a Giant really really helps him in the exposure department. That's just the way it is. If he is a Brown, he is just another player. The Browns seem to want him , though.
  11. Two really tough calls on the toppers. each could go either way and they got no benefit
  12. One of the top 5 overrated players in the NFL, IMO. Good talent, maybe great talent. What has he really accomplished except a few Sportscenter catches.
  13. There has to be more than just that. Unless he knew it and didn't correct it, then I get it. If he just missed it along with everyone else. That is forgivable.
  14. I thought Villanove was the best team all year and I will not change now.
  15. That was a great game. Newman was the man and the difference. Fun game to watch. I still don't know how Allen's shot stayed out.
  16. Bengal Maniac


    Keep it coming. I jump into your threads every time I see a new one posted. I wouldn't say I plan my life around your threads, but I tell the lovely lady and she appreciates it. It lets us speculate and explore further before heading to teh lake. She asks, "who is this guy?". I tell her I have no clue that is even a guy, but probably is, however, whoever it is they are pretty spot on. By the way. This shapes up like one of those 50's forever and then 80's , no 60's or 70's kinda thing. I know I am wrong, but I swear it feels like that will happen. Winter to the heat of summer, Kentucky, gotta love it.
  17. Of course. No doubt, the only place to play that is an an elite level program in the state.
  18. I can't imagine him not taking it, if offered. Just a no brainer. Much easier to recruit there. He can get a different kind of kid than at X. I didn't even mention $$$, which there is no comparison. Young family, ties to the city, it will set him up for life, even moreso than he probably already is.
  19. Gotta rebound and make free throws, that simple.
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