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UK fball fan

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Everything posted by UK fball fan

  1. Tilghmans district is much tougher with the addition of Caldwell Co and Union Co. Those 2 along with Trigg Co and Ft Campbell could all conceivably win Bteathitts or Etowns district.
  2. I don't think last years Beechwood team would have beaten Williamsburg. Too much athleticism for the Tigers and I believe The Jackets would have scored at will against the Tiger D. B.wood may have had a slight advantage on the OL, but, I'd take the Jackets everywhere else.
  3. It could be argued that Pikeville was the best team in 1a last year throughout the season. Granted, they laid an egg against Paintsville in the playoffs, but, prior to that 1 loss, they were as good and as impressive as anyone. They're also one of the larger 1a schools, so, while they have some key players to replace, they also return a solid nucleus and every team has the same issues, replacing key pieces. I just think they may can replace those pieces easier than some others, plus the fact that Beechwood has several kids not playing this year and they were stout in the trenches, which is what made them as good as what they were and they lose a good number of those players to go along with several key skill guys. I just think Pikeville has as good a shot as anyone in rebuilding a championship caliber team.
  4. Give me Pikeville. While they did lose some key contributors, they also return some talented skill kids and linemen from a team who was arguably the best 1a had to offer for the majority of last year.
  5. Class AAAAAA 1) Trinity 2) Male 3) St Xavier 4) Scott Co 5) Ballard 6) Meade Co 7) C.Hardin 8) Manual 9) McCracken Co 10) Lafayette
  6. Class AAAAA 1) Highlands 2) B.Green 3) Owensboro 4) Pulaski Co 5) Cov Catholic 6) Christian Co 7) Anderson Co 8) Dixie Heights 9) Southwestern 10) Graves Co
  7. Class AAAA 1) Johnson Central 2) John Hardin 3) S.Warren 4) Franklin Co 5) Collins 6) N.Oldham 7) Warren Central 8) Ashland 9) Madisonville 10) F.Simpson
  8. Class AAA 1) Belfry 2) Lex Catholic 3) Boyle Co 4) Corbin 5) Central 6) Caldwell Co 7) Tilghman 8) Bardstown 9) Russell 10) Garrard Co
  9. Class AA 1) Desales 2) Mayfield 3) Murray 4) NCC 5) CAL 6) OB Catholic 7) Danville 8) Shelby Valley 9) Leslie Co 10) LCA
  10. Class A 1) Pikeville 2) Beechwood 3) Raceland 4) Paintsville 5) Frankfort 6) Williamsburg 7) Hazard 8) Russellville 9) Holy Cross 10) Bethlehem
  11. The Trojans return 9 starters on D and 8 on O and had some solid JV kids last year. They should be improved..
  12. David is only 1 of 3 former Mayfield High School greats to have his jersey retired.. Joe Ford and Eddie Williams, being the other 2.. As good as David was in football, I truly thought baseball was his calling.. He was a terrific pitcher that threw in the low 90's and he was also a great defensive infielder and could hit.. Just an all around great athlete.. He was also a very good basketball player.. Had Jack Morris not been a 3 yard and a cloud of dust type coach and been willing to air it out during David's playing days, no telling what type numbers he would have put up..
  13. While I agree with you, I think they're more in the 13-15 range, it's hard to find many other teams that had the overall resume they did.. I think Desales is a team that could have been ahead of them, Pulaski could make an argument, BGreen, maybe even CAL.. Other than those, It'd be just the 6a teams and not too many of those stack up..
  14. I think the difference in the 2 was behind center.. WBurgs QB had a much stronger arm, better accuracy, better wheels, made better decisions and played with more confidence and swagger.. Beechwood's RBs were better and they were a little better on the DL and about even on the OL.. Every other category, I'd go with W'Burg.. WRs, LBs, DBs, special teams, team speed & athleticism all favored W'Burg..
  15. Those stats mean absolutely nothing.. It's your opinion that those teams are better or worse than the prior year. I certainly wouldn't have ranked Caldwells 14 team even with there 13 team. Not sure Beechwood this year was better than Frankfort last year. Russellville was a lot better in 13 than in 14. Not sure McCracken was better in 14 than 13.. Points allowed only mean something if the varsity D plays the same minutes that they did the year before. Last year, the JV D got more opportunities to play more minutes than this years JV did. That was due to Mayfields offense not being near as good as last years and less blowouts. I admit that I didn't feel near as good about this years team as I did the prior year. My question to you is the comment, I and many other Cardinal fans knew this would be more a struggle.. How can you include yourself in that category when you tried all year to convince people how great this team was and how much better the D was, etc, etc, etc. continually throwing out stats to try and back your claims.. Or, like you said, were you just trying to defend your boys? I'd like to know because I don't know whether to take you seriously or not..
  16. I agree with you about Tilghman. Always talented and athletic, but, not always a great team. While this is true, let's look at the 3a picture overall. Russell is a prime example. They make it to the semifinals and they were decent, at best. They took it on the chin to 1a Pikeville. Garrard Co was a highly ranked 3a team and they lost to a bottom tier Top 10 2a team in Danville. Not even sure Danville was Top 10 in 2a when all's said and done. Estill Co was another highly ranked team that wasn't very good. Mason Co and Bourbon Co are other examples.. I think Belfry, Central, SWarren, Corbin and Bell Co were the best 5 3a teams and 4 of those 5 hailed from the west side of the bracket, even though not necessarily teams from the west. Besides those 5, you have a bunch of mediocre teams that I wouldn't put in 1a or 2a's top 10..
  17. 55, I hate to tell you, but, you said all year how much better this years defense was than the previous years D and touted this team to be every bit as good as the previous teams, even when many other Mayfield fans were doubting them. You presented a lot of statistics to try and back your claim. You proclaimed how fast some of those kids are when most people that actually know them, knew better. Now you say I and most of Cardinal Nation felt this year was our best chance to get knocked off. How can you say that now when all year long you made completely different claims? Was it because they didn't get the running clock you called for?
  18. If I had to rank them, I'd go: 1) Desales - most talented team and deepest roster. 2) Mayfield - if you look at entire body of work, hard to put them any lower, despite the so called look test. 3) Belfry - playing it's best ball when it mattered most. Defense was impressive. 4) CAL - Only team to beat Desales and another solid defensive team. 5) Williamsburg - Last of the unbeatens. Very solid team in every category. 6) Central - Won when it counted, although less than stellar regular season. 7) S.Warren - Only loss in semi-finals of state. Great defensive team. 8) Beechwood - Solid RBs and WRs and strong line play on both sides of the ball. 9) Pikeville - Throw out the Paintsville debacle and this team could make a case for a lot higher. 10) Corbin - Solid season. Could have easily went further in the playoffs. 11) Caldwell Co - With a healthy Sindelar, this team was an offensive juggernaut. 12) Murray - Not flashy, but, always effective and in every game they play. 13) OB Catholic - Very solid season and great offensive team. 14) Bell Co - Could make a case to be even higher, but, don't see Top 10. 15) NCC - Tough non-district schedule helped prepare them for a long playoff run.
  19. The funny thing about Mayfield, they didn't pass the eyeball test all year, even to it's own fans. Most knowledgeable Cardinal fans saw this team and didn't put it on the level of the 10,12 or 13 teams. Not as fast, a new QB, smaller in the trenches, no big play WR, etc.. However, as the season wore on, they continued to just win and do it impressively against teams who actually looked the part.. Tilghman, Murray, Graves, Caldwell and even Russellville looked like the better team with the "so-called" eyeball test, but, Mayfield won convincingly against each.. By the way, the Graves game was the 5th game of the year, not exactly 1st of the year as some on here have said.. With every win, the fans became more confident and probably over hyped them. But, in the end, they're hanging #11 in the trophy case, despite what the eyeball test says. This team was a blue collar, opportunistic team that what they lacked in talent, they made up for in playing hard and smart and getting the most out of there abilities. The great thing is, the majority of this years team returns along with some fantastic underclassmen, so, they should be right back in the thick of things next year and may even pass the eyeball test again.. PS : I do wish Mayfield would get rid of the all black look or at least spruce up the uniforms a little. The all red helmets, I can live with, but, they're uni's are pretty plain, imo and they could do a lot better..
  20. What exactly impressed anyone about Pulaski Co. Sorry, guys, I think they had a pretty solid D, but, Graves was also a one-man show with absolutely no passing game. Not to hard to defend. That's why Mayfield shut them out. Pulaski's offense was less than impressive, imo, decent, at best. Of course, I'm strickly looking at 1 state finals game and maybe they didn't play there best game. It happens. I would definitely take Desales over Pulaski, should they happen to play..
  21. Maryville, Tn has several openings for it's 2015 schedule. They aren't a private school, but, the best 6a public school in Tn.. They could compete with Ensworth, BA, MBA, etc., maybe even be slightly stronger.. Would be a great addition to Trinitys schedule..
  22. I think Williamsburg overall.. I think there QB, Griffin, was head and shoulders better than Fieger.. Much stronger arm, could throw from the pocket or on the run, was incredibly accurate and made big plays with his legs.. Not a slight on the Tigers QB, just felt Griffin was on another level.. WRs also an edge to Williamsburg.. Those guys flat go after the ball and can catch them at there peak or in traffic.. They didn't mind laying there bodies out there, also.. RBs, slight edge to Beechwood.. Don't think Williamsburg had as good a RB as the 2 that Beechwood had, but, with the fact that Griffin could run it and WBurg could pass it better, it's pretty much a wash.. I think Beechwoods OL was a little better than Williamsburgs, but, it isn't by much. Both teams had there moments on the ground, but, the Tigers a little more so. Defensively, W'Burgs secondary contained Mayfields passing game better, but, Mayfield was able to run the ball a little better against them then they did against Beechwood.. The DL would go to Beechwood, very strong against the run, the LBs I'd go with W'Burg.. They were very solid left to right, made a ton of tackles and looked a little better athletically. I don't think either one had great kicking games, maybe a slight edge to W'Burg, he did kick a couple of FGs and had a pretty good leg.. I didn't see Beechwood live, just highlights, so, a lot of what I'm saying strickly comes from how Mayfield fared against them, not necc the eyeball test, so, you can take it with a grain of salt. I didn't really feel that Mayfield played there A game against either team and W'Burg probably played closer to it's potential against Mayfield than Beechwood did, but, on the other hand, Beechwood lost by 11 on it's home field and Williamsburg lost by 1 on a neutral field. So, with all things considered, I'd give Williamsburg a slight edge if both teams brought there A games..
  23. I think Dixie would have handled either Graves or Pulaski and won a championship this year had they been in 5a..
  24. Calloway's recent low's have been Murray's gain. The Tigers are the FB school in the county and Calloway is the basketball school.. If this rumor is true about Lawson, then it's likely to get worse for the Lakers and even better for the Tigers..
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