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UK fball fan

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Everything posted by UK fball fan

  1. I'm sure they'll have 4 or 5 kids move into Highlands school district or transfer in from other areas.
  2. While I understand what you're saying, I disagree they outplayed and outcoached Mayfield for 3 1/2 qtrs. The 1st qtr, I'll give it to you. They had 2 nice drives and came away with 10 points while Mayfield had the ball a whopping 3 plays the whole quarter and one of those was a 20-25 loss on a high snap. I thought Mayfield settled in the 2nd qtr and got 2 scores and while W'Burg still moved the ball some, were pretty much in check, especially from a big play standpoint. I thought Mayfield played pretty evenly in the 3rd qtr, outscoring Williamsburg to go up 21-10. Again, other than a couple of super human catch and throws, the Cardinal D was now shutting down the run and the rollouts from the QB. I definitely give WBurg the advantage in the 4th qtr with the 11 point comeback and regaining momentum. Yes, the total yards differential was pretty big, the majority came on 3 big pass plays. Other than the one in the endzone that ultimately tied the game, the other 2 only resulted in a total of 3 points. So, those big pass plays count towards the overall yardage, for sure, I thought it was equally as important the way Mayfield held up after those 2 big pass plays. Those things don't show up on the stat sheet, but, still loomed large in the outcome of the game. Maybe those plays don't look as fancy or flashy, but, I guarantee you those coaches understood how big a plays those were. I also don't think Mayfield was outcoached. I think Williamsburg just made some great plays and beat our DBs a few times. I thought W'Burg coaches had a great game plan and they kept Mayfields D off balance, but, that was more the kids executing than it was Mayfield coaches having the kids in bad positions.
  3. Graves got about 1/2 its games total offense on the 1 scoring drive, but, same could be said for Pulaskii. They got over 1/2 theres on there 2 scoring drives. The Eagles have very little speed even with there skill players. There WRs are primarily possession receivers and none of them are going to win many foot races.. There lack of ability to get open and the QBs lack of ability to get a grip on the ball was a killer. Credit Pulaski's DBs for excellent coverage and there DL for not giving the QB any time to get someone open. I do think on several of the scrambles, Reed could have picked up big yards with his legs, but, he seemed hesitant to take off with it, for some reason. I was impressed with #2 and #44 for Pulaski.. They were a couple of tough hombres and Crider was very tough on both sides, he just didn't get much help over there. Hard to carry a team when the entire D is keying on you and there's no other threat to hurt you..
  4. 2 pretty evenly matched teams.. Graves lack of a passing game really hurt them. There D was solid, but, Pulaski's D was also very good, but, it's a lot easier to defend a one dimensional team.. Reed, the QB seemed like the ball slipped out of his hands on every pass attempt..
  5. I actually think Mayfield was playing better ball last year going into the championship. They were a well oiled machine last year. This year, they don't seem as fluid, but, more blue collar, do what you have to do to win type.
  6. Now that we're down to only 2, how'd you rank the Top 10 in 2a..Would NCC move up to 1 or 2 simply by being there or would CAL, Murray, etc. still be ranked ahead of them but had the unfortunate luck of being on the tougher side of the bracket?
  7. Jumper, don't take a couple of overzealous fans and make that your opinion of the entire fan base. Every fan base and I mean every one of them have exactly the same kind of fan or 2.. In 2011, most Mayfield fans gave Hazard there due credit. Some mentioned the Jackson and Scott injuries as a big reason they lost, but, even when they did, they also stated they didn't want to take anything away from Hazard. I'm not sure a fully healthy Scott and Jackson would have made a difference that particular day, but, it definitely didn't help. I knew about the injuries the whole week before and even asked about the status in the week leading up to the game, but, for some reason, I got the shush treatment and be quiet. No idea why, but, that's the truth, so, I left it alone. Figured there was some reason for it. I was simply trying to get an idea if they'd be able to play or if they were healthy or what not. So, while some opposing fans or outsiders may have thought the Mayfield folks were making excuses and thought it was never brought up before the game were wrong. I'd bet, 90% of the Mayfield fans were well aware of the injuries before the game ever started. Were those injuries a factor in the game, certainly. Was it why they lost, no. Hazard deserved to win that game and outplayed them from start to finish.
  8. Before I heard that Reed had transferred, I actually figured he would be the QB for Mayfield. He was Guhy's backup for a couple of years and when he came in to play, he typically made things happen, mostly with his running ability. But, even if he didn't get the QB job, he would have been a great WR and DB, so, he was a pretty substantial loss, at least going into the season. Others stepped up and Mayfield came out fine and he's been a big part of Graves success this year, so, it worked out well for all involved.
  9. First of all, last year is last year. Has absolutely no bearing on what will happen this year. Ask Hazard. To answer your question, I think Mayfields team speed took Williamsburg by surprise. Not so much the skill players, but, the Cardinal DL was exceptionally quick off the ball last year and were in the Jackets backfield so quickly, it had them on their heels and disrupted there passing game, which was 90% of there offense last year.. This year's Cardinal DL isn't as quick as last years and Williamsburg offense is more balanced, plus the Jackets entire line returns, so, you have to think that extra year of maturity would make them stronger, more experienced and smarter. There QB this year is also quicker and can tuck it and run if the Cards over pursue. The Jackets offense is less predictable than last year. Secondly, Mayfield's offense went for the jugular early last year, starting with the blocked punt that set them up at the 1 yard line, followed by 2 big pass plays deep over the middle to Deion Jackson. While Mayfield is capable of doing the same, what are the chances of running 5 offensive plays and scoring 4 touchdowns. The shock of that onslaught and the inability to give there QB time to throw the ball spiraled things out of control. A pick and fumble in between also didn't help there cause. I think the inexperience of playing on that stage before reared it's ugly head like it does a lot of teams playing in there 1st championship game. I wouldn't expect the Cardinals to get off to such a fast start this year. I also wouldn't expect the Jackets to get a punt blocked, get hit 2-3 times on long scoring bombs on the 1st 3 pass plays as there's no speed threat like Deion Jackson on this years team and with them being there last year, I wouldn't expect the same turnovers. They will know what to expect and if they can maintain some confidence after there 1st couple of drives and get back to just playing football without that anxiety and adrenaline rush at kickoff, they should settle in and be okay. Don't get me wrong, I think Mayfield wins the game by a couple of scores, maybe 3, but, for the reasons listed above, I do think it'll be a much more competitive game. I don't think the talent differential is as large as last year. This Cardinal team is solid, without a doubt, and, they won't take this game for granted. They'll be well prepared and give it hell for all 48 minutes and that's why I like them to take it, but, this Jacket team should be improved simply by returning as many guys as they do from last years team which means they'll be stronger and more experienced and the fact they can run it and pass it, something they couldn't do last year, makes them a much bigger challenge to the Cardinals.
  10. I think 5 classes is the best option with approx. 44-45 in each class. I'd also like to see the 8 #1 seeds earn a 1st round bye and take the top 2 from each district plus 8 at large teams making the playoffs. Some districts are much tougher than others and deserve to have 3 or maybe even 4 in the playoffs, while others only have 1 or 2 decent teams and getting 2 in from that district is all that's deserved. This would eliminate the winless or 1 or 2 win teams, which I think is a good idea. I would also like to see some sort of formula put into place where the top performing teams, maybe top 10%, in a certain class over a period of 3 or 4 years get bumped to the next class up while the lower performing teams in a particular class get moved down a class.
  11. VOR, I agree that this Tiger team had the more talented team, especially in the trenches. Not going to go as far as saying they were a better team though. Great teams find ways to win and take advantage of other teams miscues. Mayfield did that in this game. Honestly, from a sheer talent standpoint, McCracken, Caldwell and maybe even Graves and Murray had more or as much. It's impressive what the coaching staff has built at Mayfield. They have somehow instilled a refuse to lose attitude in those kids and the kids are like sponges, absorbing everything they hear and believing they're going to win every time they step on the field, regardless of the opposition. Even more impressive is that they don't get rattled when facing adversity. They just go to work and continue to try and execute to the best of there ability and somehow, it's worked more times than not. This is a very young Mayfield team that many thought may be a rebuilding type year, but, they've exceeded expectations. Someone forgot to tell them they aren't that good. I credit the coaching staff for instilling that confidence and swagger without being cocky. The best part is they should be even better the next couple of years. A lot of upcoming talent in the lower classes.
  12. 1:45 remaining in the game.. Beechwood jumps off sides giving Mayfield a 1st down and that should do it..
  13. Under 2:00 to go now, Bright picks up 3, bringing up 3rd and 5 at the 39, Tigers call timeout
  14. Bright picks up 2 with 2:29 to go and the clock running..
  15. Bright with a huge run to the Tiger 49 yard line and 1st down.. Finally, he broke loose for a nice gain..
  16. Time is the Tiger nemesis right now. If Mayfield can pick up a 1st down, that would be huge..
  17. A completion but only 2 yds on the play, on 2nd and 8, Studer picks up 4 more, bringing up a 3rd and 4, on 3rd down, Fieger is flushed out of the pocket and throws the ball away..On 4th and 4, Beechwood throws an incompletion in the endzone with 3:46 to go in the game..
  18. Studer picks up 15 yds to the Card 25 yd line..
  19. Another screen pass complete to the CArd 40 yd line..
  20. A screen pass complete up to the 46 yd line..
  21. Mayfield jumps off sides making it 1st and 5..
  22. On 2nd and 10, Tyler for no gain. On 3rd down, another loss, bringing up 4th and long.. 6:00 to go in game.
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