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NKY Bandit

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Everything posted by NKY Bandit

  1. Jared hates UL and hopes they never win another game. That being said, he isn't the type of guy to serious hope players get hurt. He's made it through some pretty significant injuries so I doubt it was anything more than 'good radio'.
  2. I don't want to look past Lafayette, but, SK has the game plan for stopping a running QB in that offense. They lost a similar game to Campbell a few years back and never adjusted, saving those changes for the playoff game that SK won by stopping the run and forcing the 'running QB' to be a passer. I'd expect to see something similar when SK beats Lafayette and if Dixie beats Ryle.
  3. OK. My cruise control pet peeve is when you have your cruise set, say 77 on 75. Cruising along in the right lane and catch up to a slow moving car and need to get into the middle but can't because some knucklehead is driving at 78. If I'm the guy in the middle and see someone in the situation I described I think 'hey, this guy doesn't want to slow or sit behind the slow car' and I give them that lane by going left or I speed up and get by them so they don't have to slow down. Where has common sense and courtesy gone? Half of those jokers are nose down in their iphone anyway. Should just put the bumper to them (snuck in the nascar reference for ya spindoc).
  4. If the EKU defense plays like they did last week, no doubt EKU wins. I don't think MSU plays enough defense to challenge the Colonels on that side of the ball. Really impressed with Easterns defense and I've been critical of them in the recent past.
  5. Thad was one big boy while at BC. How big is he now?
  6. I would have told you that the equipment was fire related to make you feel bad for picking on him in jest but the pic looks like that school in union in the background (before the locker room fire)so....I've got nothing. Maybe UK can pick me up.
  7. Didn't realize Paintsville was 9-2. Congrats to those kids/coaches on the turnaround there.
  8. Didn't realize today was comedy day on BGP. SK hasn't 'ducked' anyone and we have already beaten Ryle.
  9. You can negate speed somewhat on the offensive side if you play sound, control your gaps and don't over pursue. If you play tight at the line and can eliminate free releases by receivers, your DL has a chance to apply pressure and move the QB out of the pocket.
  10. Let's not get carried away with that talk.
  11. Ram taking all the home teams except for my Pioneers.....Way to pick em! I'm with you with the exception of Manual over St. X.
  12. SK's defense just needs to play a sound fundamental game and keep the ball in front of them. Speed has hurt SK in the past when they get caught up trying to run with those guys. Playing solid defense will negate the big play and allow SK to win this one.
  13. Poor JC. Seems like they always get Highlands or Cov Cath 2nd round. Home team wins...
  14. You're smarter than that....atleast that's what you keep telling me.
  15. If we all had the built in advantages of certain schools, we'd be playing on a level field.
  16. Was he under 5'8"? seems to come with the territory.
  17. Any final four that includes Ohio State, Oregon or Notre Dame is a fraud.
  18. We all can't be Trinity, now can we? Just because we don't beat you guys regularly doesn't mean it can't be done.
  19. I guess anything is possible. Keep in mind that everyone spent this entire season saying no one would ever beat the super district or Scott Co in 6A this year. That's the argument they made against SK so I'd assume they'd say the same for DH.
  20. Were you napping during the tenure of Coach Davis? He's a legend.
  21. I know how you like to go out on limb....just never saw you that far out before. The Dixie folks aren't going to be happy with you my friend.
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