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Everything posted by TAC

  1. That .01% is the issue at hand. We are talking about school shootings.-- It takes a nut job to do it. Not saying video games did it. It takes a lot of factors.
  2. So you want the coach to focus on the player and not the team? Makes sense now.
  3. It’s funny, I’ve never really looked at millennials as being a negative. Just a different way of thinking. As a parent and interacting with people at work it all takes a little understanding on how to deal with the younger generation. Much like dealing with the dinosaurs that are still left in my company. Can’t we all just get along?
  4. Well isn’t that kind of a millennial way of thinking and justification? LOL
  5. He will be fast tracked due to his genetics as well.
  6. I believe he also apologized recently to Reds management about a comment he made.
  7. What position does he play? Handles the rock rather smoothly. Not sure he will be a post player. His coach does a fine job with him.
  8. Reminds me of when Cov. Latin started embracing the terms and calling themselves geeks or Nerds. And pointed out to the teams that were about to beat them by 50 that one day they will be working for a Cov. Latin grad. LOL
  9. My $2.43 cone last night was closer to milk than frozen milk.
  10. I may cry! Got any playdough I can borrow? Or at least a cry closet for me to use? LOL
  11. My feelings are hurt! You guys are making fun of me for being old!
  12. YES! Elko County's decision to prosecute three 18-year-olds for a senior prank at their northeast Nevada school got the goat of at least one of their parents. Marcus Morrison, Kelsea Krenka and Jena Venturacci were fined $347 each and sentenced to 40 hours community service for trespassing after admitting they released three goats inside Wells Combined School in May. Police say they wedged a rock in the door to the school's locker room so they could return at night and gain entrance. The goats were labeled Numbers 1, 2 and 4 -- which left sheriff's deputies searching in vain for a nonexistent Number 3 goat. Dayla Morrison is the mother of Marcus Morrison, who borrowed the goats from the family ranch. She says the prosecution was a waste of taxpayers money. She says the prank was part of a tradition where graduating seniors try to outdo each other. She says it should have been handled by school administrators. Police say there was no damage to the school, other than what the goats left behind. But joke or no joke, Elko County District Attorney Gary Woodbury says the county had to dispatch officers to the school to remove the goats. Principal Leslie Lotspeich says school officials originally thought there had been a break-in and that by the time they figured out it was a prank, police had already been called. Wells Justice of the Peace Patricia Calton said at the sentencing on Monday she agreed the prank and not meant to be malicious. But she added, "apparently society does not feel these are actions that are acceptable."
  13. I counted 6? X Ill. st NKU EKU IUPUI Winthrop Who is missing from Verbal commits?
  14. Well I solved the riddle last night. A small ice cream cone is $2.43? I don’t think I’ll be back for that.
  15. See, I don’t see all of these things as being insulting. I wear dad shoes, carry cash, use napkins, bought snacks for my kids soccer games. Pretty much facts. Not really insulted by the truth. Seems millennials tend to be irritated by it, so it opens the door for poking fun.
  16. Not bad, but still my all time favorite is the kids who let 3 goats lose in a school and numbered them 1, 2 and 4 I post this about once a year LOL
  17. Small claims is a bit of a farce. Hard to collect and almost not worth the hassle. It ends up being more out of principle. You might be able to place a lien on his home or business as an option, but once again, I'm sure the paperwork is a nightmare. I'd also be posting this guys name so he does not scam anyone else?? Good luck!
  18. Only reason to go would be on Thursday nights. (Thirsty Thursdays) It is not very good baseball. Lots of has been or wanna bees. Great place to watch a game though. They do make it as entertaining as possible.
  19. School shootings in the 1800’s? That was just the Hatfields and McCoys.
  20. I was Laurel. Wife and junior were yanny. Crazy you can’t hear to other sound. Reminds me of political views LOL
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