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Everything posted by TAC

  1. Not if you graded it by ACT scores over the past few years. The diocese helps subsidize some schools (at least according to the last budget notes I saw coming from my last parish council meeting.
  2. Better check again. LOL @C_W_B nailed it. FYI, ST. Mary's is $5,075 now.
  3. A lot of folks have said they go because it is cheap entertainment. Will a higher level team and a new stadium cause ticket prices to become unaffordable?
  4. I’m sure every dad whose son has taken his gun and done damage never thought it would happen. It just takes that one time. My guns and ammo are secured in different areas but my kids were taught how to use them And how to respect them. They knew where the keys were. Same with my car keys. I had full faith my kids would not go crazy. No daddy ever thinks that junior is the kid getting picked on or the one that will snap. We all take educated risks. I’m sure your kids respected your outlook on your beer and liquor. No I have not read where the dad said his kid is the victim . Unreal. I agree this is how it can easily happen.
  5. Love the folks that don’t understand gun legality. Having a concealed carry means you can hide your weapon. Everyone, without permit can carry one on their side in public.
  6. My friends did. And none of them have committed crimes.
  7. Geez, aren’t we all living through this now?
  8. Nope! Didn’t even know when the elections were until on the way to the airport heading out of town. Had I known would have done a write in ballot.
  9. I appreciate the help. I put in my time, worked hard. Time to make the most of my life and enjoy the fruits of my efforts. Cheers!!
  10. You locked up your alcohol and your car keys so your kids didnt take them from you unknowingly? Or are you saying you educated your children about the potential harm of underage drinking or underaged driving?
  11. It’s not like this kid was 3 years old and happened upon his dad’s gun. He knew what he was doing. So if he took his dad’s car keys and ran over some others, dad’s at fault? Always blaming someone else.
  12. I own around 80 guns. I’ve only have killed things with about 10 of them.
  13. Must be a millennial thing?? Don’t get it.
  14. And if your service dog is a Great Dane, buy it a ticket!
  15. Talking about this thread on vacation with some friends. Lady says, cant eat peanuts if a kid on the plane is allergic. What if you are allergic to dander? Can they prevent pets from being on that same plane?
  16. I can see the dogs on a plane being more of an issue. Especially with the ever growing amount of people beating the system just so the dog flies for free. The man is a fool for hitting the lady, but he was complaining of allergies. All planes are packed now a days and not much extra room for a Great Dane.
  17. Cheeseburger bloody mary’s Now off to the pool or beach. Yesterday was lobster bloody mary’s, tomorrow crab leg. So many decisions.
  18. Now I’m hearing Yanny most of the time.
  19. TAC

    Eating Out 2018

    Damn auto correct
  20. TAC

    Eating Out 2018

    I was thinking Walt’s or Runy’s for steak, but thought of the budget. Grandview tavern or Beahl street could be an option.
  21. TAC

    Eating Out 2018

    Drakes was a good choice. Try BJ’s too by the mall. Lots of menu choices there.
  22. Teachers need a break? Other professions do not?
  23. Discussion has been around for a while. Argument for it is that it helps the retention of studies for the kids. Also a lot of kids get a chance to eat while at school which may not be offered in their home lives.
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