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Everything posted by allsport71

  1. Nice job as always lawnboy, your support for girls fast pitch is unmatched, will try and get some info out on Cooper down the road, good luck to the Bred's except maybe one game, you all will be strong as always, that is becoming a very good district with Highlands, Newport, a improved Dayton team and a new coach to lead the tigers, good luck to all.
  2. Nice job as always Panda, thanks for all the pics
  3. Long bus ride for the dogs, glad they got the win, looks like they made there free throws tonight.
  4. I miss read this earlier, very sorry for the loss, bless the family and friends of GRC
  5. Glad to see McLendon get the MVP , we'll deserved, he has played very good since the Harrison Co. Game, I think he is very under appreciated in the ninth region, when Holmes gets balanced scoring, they are a tuff out, always impressed by Coach Carrs team, they play so hard and have some pure shooters, best of luck to both teams the rest of the year, will be a interesting rematch next week.
  6. What a performance, didn't realize he had that many, congrats to the young man, should be a good championship game.
  7. Congrats to Lady Bulldogs, good luck in Florida
  8. Nice win for the dogs, this team was suppose to be pretty good, glad to see Avery with a bust out game
  9. Not very often , with that being said, I voted yes because of the picture above, I was there, Coach Flynn has a giant size pictured framed of the famous no call for ninth region folks, especially Holmes fans, but for the most part I think they do a great job and I think we are very lucky in the ninth to have some of the best officials in the state, I have did highschool baseball and then fast pitch for years, I know I have missed a call or two, but we are human and make mistakes, I always say we are there for the close calls, one side thinks safe, the other out, someone has to make a decision, it takes a lot of dedication and time away from home to be an official.
  10. Wow, ninth region having a tuff night, thought CCH would save us. Maybe they will make a run
  11. Who and when will Holmes play next, if they would have won, it was 7.30 Sunday
  12. Thanks Price 499, get some pop corn and re charge your phone. Sounds like Bolden had a nice game, Be made free throws , Holmes didn't, thanks again
  13. It seemed Holmes had 8 players on the floor on defense, very impressive win, thought this game would be closer, they are fun to watch.
  14. Two first qt fouls on Avery, plus Coach pulled all starters for a few minutes after lack luster start.
  15. This may be the first time I can remember James fouling out, give Lloyd credit, they came out on fire, out hustled and out rebounding the dogs, Hamilton a nice player, good to see Markle Mclendon getting his shot back, thought Mullins played very hard the second half along with Avery, this team seems to get down before they start playing hard, good luck to both teams.
  16. If your the loosing team, I would say it feels the same
  17. This will be a close game, Harrison played Holmes close last year at Holmes, should be a good one, if Bolden is on, I take the Dogs by 7, good luck to both
  18. I was not there, but I heard Taft had 8 points, this game did nothing for either team, I have sit thru a 80 to nothing football game and wondered why, I do the same here.
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