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Everything posted by Devil4Life33

  1. Their opinions change with the wind...and I wouldn't consider either of them an "expert" on anything. They know a little about everything but a lot about nothing. UK's out...we'll all have to get over it. If they have any dignity they'll turn down the NIT. I know they could use the extra practice, but like I've said in other posts, if the kids aren't getting developed now what's an extra couple weeks gonna do for them?
  2. He can bring in all the recruits he can get his hands on, but if he doesn't develope them once they get to UK then he's going to fail anyway. No one on the current UK roster has improved at all this season under BCG except for Miller and I would attribute that to the game starting to slow down for him. I'm tired of hearing the arguement that he hasn't had enough time when there are several coaches that took over programs this year that have had success with what other coaches couldn't. I'm not that old, but I can't remeber a more embarrassing stretch for UK hoops...to lose to some of the teams that they've lost to at home over the last 2 years makes me want to puke
  3. I read he had a 2 run error at first against the Twins.
  4. Hoopshype.com has a draft section on their site that has been pretty accurate at predicting which players will get drafted and they update it constantly. I have yet to see Meeks in the first round of their predictions (they won't show second round predictions until much closer to draft time). This is a site purely devoted to the NBA game and they know what they're talking about, that being said, IMO it's a huge mistake if Jodie leave after this year. They do have Patterson being drafted 16 by the PIstons and that has been pretty consistent over the last 2 years. They also had him going at about the same spot last year if he would have come out.
  5. I wouldn't agree that I "trashed" the kid in any way or said anything about him talking trash or talking to the officials. You are entitled to your opinion with regards to his defense, but IMO he didn't give it up on every possession and that is my only gripe with him...but I'm not a voting coach either so it really doesn't matter what we think:laugh:
  6. I spoke without thinking...I guess they still have a chance to get to Rupp if they were in their DIstrict chamionship game :sssh: Good luck in the regional tournament!
  7. Had to watch it 4 times to believe it. Absolutely ridiculous, just slide around until you have better driving angle or are away from the pressure. The official was right next to him. WOW!!
  8. Based on the coaching staff's inability/unwillingness to make adjustments during the game and their inability to develope a point guard, I am really concerned that the wildcats don't have a competent coaching staff. I agree that Deandre Liggins derserves a little more patience, but it is alarming that he is the same player now as he was game 1. I think that it speaks more to the deficiencies of the coaching staff that they have not been able to develope a dependable point guard than it does to the talent and ability(or lack thereof, whichever way you see it) of a player like Deandre Liggins. Sure there have been some nice recruits come in, but if they are not improving when they get here the Cats will never get back to the level of prominence they deserve. I hope that the coaching staff can show the fans they have the ability to develope players (especially a point guard) before it's too late and we're left to start all over because these coaches couldn't cut it. The same point guard issues plagued this team last year, but they were covered up, to an extent, by Bradley's scoring. The Cats will not go far without a dependable point guard.
  9. Wayne Turner. Best floor leader I've seen in my time following UK basketball. If we needed a bucket in a close game Turner was getting into the lane for a short jumper or a nice pass. No team in college basketball needs a pure point more than the Wildcats do.
  10. If I had a vote it would go to Buettel. I saw all these kids play at least 2 times, some more and Buettel impressed me the most. He was an excellant floor leader, great shooter, and if the game was close he had the ball in his hands. I never saw anything in his personality or court demeanor that would cause me to lose respect for him. It looked to me that he gave 100% effort whenever he was out there I totally disagree with all the Bryan supporters though. I believe that this kid has the most talent of anyone in the division and he has an uncanny ability to score the ball. That being said, I would not give him the award because the times I saw him play it didn't look like he was giving 100% effort at the defensive end of the court on every play. He showed flashes of brilliance on defense and an ability to be a lockdown defender but the effort was not consistent at all. There were several times when I saw him trot back on defense after making a basket. Those are things that most coaches won't tolerate from there own players, so I can see why a group of coaches would not vote him the POY even though, IMO, he is the most talented player in the division. As for Flanigan, he played very well in the games I saw. Great shooter, team leader, but I was just more impressed with Buettel and IMO Beechwood's success should ultimately decide when its such a close race.
  11. This was a great story. I've never seen these kids play, but I have been following some of the stories on here for the last couple months. I am really looking forward to seeing this team at the state tournament. I think this story can serve as inspiration for a lot of schools around the state. I'll be rooting for Elliot this year in Lexington, Good Luck!!!!!!
  12. Didn't know a lot about the team around him but I was hoping to see Hood in Lexington in a few weeks. Guess I'll have to wait until next year.
  13. Highlands by 13 I say Newport has problems in the 2nd quarter and never recovers. Seems to have been there pitfall in every game they've lost this year.
  14. I was waiting for someone unbiased to comment on all this (I obviously am not)...it's a shame that we aren't on here talking about how hard both teams fought in that game. as good as Dayton played, Newport had every chance to fold up and go home, but they didn't and they pulled it out in the end for a great win. I think in saying that Dayton was the better team Monday night shows no disrespect to Newport at all because they had the guts to pull it out, but for anyone who actually watched the game, Dayton out played them for about 29 minutes or so. Sucks that a no call had to factor into the game, but like you said these things happen. Congratulations to both teams for giving all the fans something to talk about and a great basketball game to watch.:thumb:
  15. I don't think this matters at all to talent evaluators. If you remeber Marvin Williams was drafted #2 overall from the Carolina team that won the Championship a few years ago and I believe he was the 6th man.
  16. Congrats to Cooper. Nice win for a first year school!
  17. This Dayton team showed tremendous heart tonight. There were several instances where Newport made runs that could have killed the Greendevil's spirit, but they kept battling all night. The Greendevils were absolutely the better team tonight. If Bowden builds on his late season run he could become one of the best big men in this area. Great performance by this young man and it couldn't come from a nicer kid. I totally agree with the inconsistent officiating comment. The missed goaltend was HUGE, turned out to be a 4 point swing. The free throws that turned out to be the game winners came from a questionable foul call also. But like Uphill Battle posted, this shouldn't overshadow the game that the Greendevils played tonight. This game should be a great motivator for these kids during the summer. Congrats to Newport on a hard fought win, but I for one, couldn't be prouder of the kids from Dayton. Thanks for giving the fans a great season, I can't wait to see you guys play next year!
  18. He should be back for tonight's game against Ludlow. It was just a sprain, but he did have to miss practice time.
  19. Turner is turning into the best player on this team. He does a great job of setting the tempo and has been picking up his scoring recently. I expect BIG things from him next year
  20. I heard that he is out for their remaining games this year and may be suspended for the first 2 games next season because he caused an injury with his flagrant foul. Anyone from Bellevue have further details?
  21. Final Dayton erased a 14 point deficit in the 4th quarter. They were down as much as 21 at one point in the game.
  22. Forget 7, how did Bellevue get 1 vote? They've won, what, 3 games all year?
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