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Everything posted by Devil4Life33

  1. Last time these 2 played it came down to the wire and the Devils pulled it out in the closing seconds. This game is being played at Dayton. Any thoughts?
  2. I think Turner ended with 22 and Eastin with 14 for Dayton
  3. No fight, just an un-necessary shove in the back on a break away layup. A Bellevue kid shoved one of the Dayton kids when he was just inside the free throw line on a break away. It was very unfortunate that the kid hurt his wrist on the play after scoring the first 4 points of his LIFE in that game. All in all, the officials handled the situation well and the kid was tossed from the game. The incident did overshadow an overall great team effort by the Greendevils.
  4. Correction, no one guarded Calathes...until they decided to foul him on the last shot of the game. Ramon Harris going under screens to start the game off just let him find his rythm and he didn't look back 'til he choked on the free throws. I voted for Calathes simply because I would have more trust in him with the ball in his hands to make the right decision. Meeks is a close second, but you have to question his decision making at times. Even with North Carolina's defense I couldn't see Calathes turning the ball over 8 times like Meeks did earlier in the season. And has anyone mentioned that he already has 2 triple doubles as a sophomore?
  5. I'm not even sure why this deserves a poll. Beechwood in a rout. Beechwood plays very well together as a TEAM, not a one man band.
  6. Couldn't say it better myself, but they will be returning ALL contributing members of this team. Only losing one senior and he has only played in a few games because of an unfortunate string of injuries.
  7. Past: Chuck Hayes-I lost total respect for Tubby when he kept pulling him in his final game against MSU in the tournament. I realize he had 4 fouls, but it was double OT and I think he finished the game on the bench. Current: Blake Griffin-It is sick to see some of the things he does for his size. I also enjoy Steph Curry and Jodie Meeks because great shooters are always fun to watch I wish I would have got to see Charles Barkley in college, he is my favorite basketball player of all time. I have read and heard many stories about his rebounding while at Auburn...and all the from a guy that was 6'4"-UNBELIEVABLE.
  8. Yes it was Heritage that they had a little trouble with and Dayton plays very similar to Heritage...only better. They both shoot a lot of threes and like to get up and down the court.
  9. I think it is a bit foolish to say that they shouldn't have any trouble with Dayton. Dayton is very capable of pulling off an upset...I'm not entirely convinced that they will. Dayton has very good balance with 6 players capable of leading the team in scoring on any given night. If all 6 of those guys get hot they would give a lot of teams trouble. I'm just saying it is not inevitable that Newport makes it to the championship...that's why they play the games.
  10. One of my fondest memories from the 9th Region was in 2001 when Ronny Dawn went for 54 in an opening round game. It was in Dayton's gym against Beechwood or Calvary and it was amazing to watch. He was hitting shots from everywhere. One of the best individual high school games I have ever seen in terms of scoring.
  11. He hit at least 4 3's in the first half. 3 straight to start off the game and then a 30 footer at the buzzer will 2 guys in his face. All 4 that he made were either very deep or highly contested. I know he had 19 points at halftime, but I'm not sure if he made any more than 4 3's.
  12. I agree that it is too early to make these predictions, but I'd go with Beuttel based on what I've seen. He's given Beechwood great point guard play on both ends of the court and doesn't try to do too much, but if he needs to take over the game he can.
  13. Just noticed the face. You were being sarcastic....I'm a little slow:rolleyes:
  14. You can never have enough good point guards...and if you don't think UK needs a pg then you're not watching the same team I am. I know Vilarino is coming in next year and possibly Jai Lucas, but like I said you can never have enough.
  15. Maybe you forgot that you brought the student sections into this conversation, which has absolutely nothing to do with basketball. And to bash players/students upbringing is absolutely ridiculous. Because the Lloyd student section made racist comments towards our Pakistani player a few years ago means that those students parents are also racists? I'm not sure I completely buy that. Sure these kids parents have a great influence on their lives, but high school kids will do and say as they please when not around their parents and I don't believe you condemn a childs parents everytime they misbehave. If both student sections are getting this much talk on here then they are obviously doing thier job of getting in the other team's heads, but for arguements sake can you stick to the actual basketball game?
  16. Dayton 78 Silver Grove 62 Dayton should be the far superior team, but I wouldn't be surprised if the end score is closer than the actual game itself.
  17. Good point. If you don't give it up in practice you won't have it to give up in the game.
  18. If it is true that they chanted that, then I will agree that it was/is tasteless to taunt an injured player. That being said I have been to many LLoyd games as well as played against them when I was in school and have witnessed the student sections at those games chant some very tasteless things and sometimes even racist (we had a player from pakistan one year). Kids will say what they can to distract their opponents so that is irrelevent IMO.
  19. 7-st.henry 5-lex christian 3-tates creek 2-cov cath 1-west jes TB tates creek
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