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Everything posted by OhYeaYouThink

  1. While I don't think Eta Rho said anything out of line, I actually think he is a classy guy [or girl maybe, who knows lol, I'm a girl so it can happen!] I do agree that we all know that the kids DO read these forums to read all the mindless and totally unintelligent crud we all have to say and whether or not they take it to heart is up to them, but I know if it were me, it would be hard not to, so I definitely see where you're coming from.
  2. I see nothing wrong with working at Krogers. I work for a bank and the people inside of Krogers who go to college like having their spending money and they say the job is pretty easy. I'm a senior in college and work at a bank [has nothing to do with my major] and make good money and work about 20 hours a week. It has been good for three years. Also maybe get a job as a server? This cha cha sounds fishy..I don't know, maybe not. Good luck!
  3. I think people are being a little oversensitive with the whole Buckler issue. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. I agree that the competition that Buckler is facing is nowhere NEAR what the others are facing, but i have never seen this Buckler kid so I won't comment on his abilities. That being said, if you don't agree with what someone says, that doesn't mean they are wrong, and it doesn't mean they are putting the kid down. I don't think Simpson is the best rb in nky, but I think he is one of the best. I'm not putting him down, I'm just saying I think Conner and Tiepel are better. No one is ripping me. I don't know, I say get a straw and suck it up?
  4. lol, just sounds so weak.."he broke his pinky". I love Romo though
  5. Oasis and it was amazing! But the lead singer is just a total arrogant jerk.
  6. I guess we'll go over this again, since it isn't sinking in. Losing to Beechwood, while a loss, I don't think was a loss like the ones to highlands, elder and mooney because I think it should have and would have been won. Won't get into it farther, game played again, CCH wins. Anways. And Should have lost to NCC? No lol. Why should they have lost? They were obviously the better team. It may have taken a half for them to get it together, but they did.
  7. 1. Highlands 2. Beechwood 3. Covcath 4. Boone Co 5. NCC 6. Conner 7. Campbell County 8. Ryle not sure after this.
  8. lol, relax, it's ELDER. Did you expect them to go over and blow them out and upset the entire Cincinnati area? No, more than likely, to my displeasure, they probably will not be state champions, but they will make a run in playoffs. They are a good football team. They only look down because they are getting beat by Highlands, Mooney and Elder. If that makes them down, then NKY is down. :jump:
  9. lol, it's just sort of sad that people are are saying that all because of a freshman football game, that was lost anyways, Mueller might run the score up on Dixie the next time they play. If this is true, and I'd hope it's not, cause he is one heck of a coach, that would be lame and classless. And it's pretty pathetic that anyone in here really thinks that. Why cant Highlands just accept they got beat and take it gracefully? You all beat teams 70 to 6, or 61 to 0...lord almighty. Good job Dixie.
  10. You really don't know the kid, so you really probably shouldn't make fun of him. He is a good friend of my younger brothers and he didn't slide in the middle of the field to just avoid a hit. If you actually watched a football game, you'd know he takes plenty of hits. In fact he broke his leg taking a hit for his team. Think before you speak dear.
  11. Yeah, I mean, it kind of made her look like a clown doing it that way IMO. You're better off anyways, I know that sounds so cliche, but those people only end up with themselves in the end ya know.
  12. It's a point I've brought up that some are not letting sink in. The 1a Beechwood team that just beat CovCath this past Thursday [although shouldve/couldve been beaten] would better every 6a team up here. Classification has little to do with it.
  13. Eh, it's not worth arguing with someone who is so quick to take back their faith in a team all because they arent blowing out teams 70 to 0. PM if you'd really like to talk about it.
  14. There is nothing wrong with praising a team. Especially one that is actually one of the better teams up here. Because they didnt beat Highlands doesnt make them worthy of the recognition they have recieved. JMO of course, youre entitled to your own.
  15. Relax, I was just throwing the idea out there, since it is what I had HEARD lol.
  16. Doesnt seem right to me either, mainly because alot of the most educated people I know are republican.
  17. I buy all of my boyfriends clothes [he is a big and tall, wears a 40, 34 in jeans and a XXL tall in shirts] at American Eagle and Dillards or Buckle online for Jeans. I know my brother likes mens wearhouse and American Eagle for his tall stuff. I have never tried LL Bean, ill look into it.
  18. In that second part, in regards to the emotional cheating, you say that it is cheating and lying, I feel like I need to speak up for myself. I was completely up front with my ex. I told him what was going on, that I had met someone, that I had feelings for the person and I loved my ex but we just werent right for each other anymore. But I had met the person I am with now, while I was still with my ex. I don't feel, however; that I am a liar, you know?
  19. Wow, where in Independence is this located? My aunt lives out that way. I really hope you stay safe out there. Yikes..
  20. Definitely agree, and I also agree with the above post that Counts won't be a two, but I could see him being a three. I could also see Thelen being put at three since I hear he has a nice outside shot and then putting Counts at four and Isler at five.
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