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Everything posted by OhYeaYouThink

  1. Wait, who lost? lol. I did not watch, I had a paper I had to type. I'm crossing fingers it was Obama though.
  2. Hmmm, I was going to say no absolutely not, until I saw the emotional part and yes I kind of did once. =/ Guilty. But, I left the person I was with because I had planned to do so anyways, I had just been with him so long I couldn't get myself to actually do it. Gosh I feel like I'm in a confessional.
  3. Disagree, CovCath is the team to beat. Look at their talent. Newcath beat them in the finals and lost in the regular season last year, and I see them losing both this time around.
  4. Yeah I actually think those talented players would be talented on any team. Neico Teipel is just a downright good football player, and he would be on any team. I don't think Beechwood had a lick to do with it, same with Mainello and Conner. But I understand what youre saying. And I agree to an extent. But good football players will be good football players on most teams. It's your supporting cast that makes the difference.
  5. Yeah that is kind of what I have observed and also heard. He struggles at the plate. But hopefully that will come this year. As for catching, fortunately for him, Maile and Isler both graduate this year so next year he is good to go!
  6. yeah it might be the feaux hawk that I think is adorable more than the actual mohawk ha.
  7. lol, I know and agree. Actually I know for a fact it's not always cheating with another guy. But cheating nonetheless.
  8. I'll be honest, I did not even notice at all that a player was taken off the field or to the hospital and I hope he is doing okay. And momentum shifts are part of the game. But your QB is your leader of your offense, the glue that holds it together and leads it, agreed? Was 4 the QB cause if so, then I'll concede. But at this point in time, youre totally correct, neither Beechwood or CCH are the dominant team in NKY; Highlands is. But Beechwood and CovCath are both at the top, 2 and 3 I'd say. Just because the gap between 1 and 2, 3 is large doesnt make them not there.
  9. I'm a 20 year old girl, so keep that in mind, but some guys can really pull off the mohawk look. Some little boys look absolutely adorable with their done in a cute little mohawk. Absolutetly no one in the whole world can pull off a mullett. It's scary and not attractive and disgusting and it screams "I'm a hillbilly".
  10. Alright so I read and re-read this and I'm really not sure at all what your last sentence is supposed to mean? And no I did not get beat, the CovCath team got beat, by themselves. But that is besides the point of what you said. Your argument is subsitutes and I'm assuming you mean the backup QB and punter since that was all I can recall being put in should be ready to step up. Well I think they did the best they could and they were prepared to the best of their ability. However, they are backups for a reason, so it's a bit much to say they didnt step up to the call don't you think? It's not an excuse at all, they lost with what they had, and I feel they beat themselves. However your starting QB going down does affect your team, because this offense could have pulled it out, trust me. Look at Conner this past Friday, their QB went down and everything else went down with him from what I've heard.
  11. I mean, really think about it? End of third, this is a one score game. When Isler went down, it was 21 to 14. It all went downhill from there. Losing him did not lose the game, but guarantee it was a huge momentum shift and blow. Who truly knows how this would have turned out? Instead we just fell apart. And I honestly felt we were going to pull through. No one can argue there was a huge difference in the level of those teams because it was a great game until that fourth quarter. Yes, Beechwood had more speed, but that didn't win the game. Covcath fell apart, thus beating themselves.
  12. haha, shocking! Although, I don't think us women are always much better.
  13. That 1A school could beat most of the 6A schools up here, if not all . So good try, but no cigar bud.
  14. I am of the belief that CovCath could have and should have won the game. Beechwoood is good but I wouldnt say they are much better than Covcath, if at all. Like I said, I believe Covcath could have won that game.
  15. lol, Cov Cath is as good as any team up here besides Highlands. How is that embarassing? I'm sure plenty of people will want to argue this, and have at it, but you're wasting your breath because like it or not, it's the truth. Highlands is the only team better up here in NKY. That is not embarassing.
  16. I'll agree, saw the kid play and he is going to develop into something pretty nice in these years to come. I think he will do pretty well on JV this year, and I am sure he will see a little varsity action. I don't think he is going to start, but he is definitely a good ball player. I'm also not sure where any sophmores will fit in on this team. Pinch running is about all I can think of...
  17. I'd say Timmerman will be QB next year for the varsity Colonels. He is a sophmore this year if I'm correct. I think it'd be smart to go with a guy youll have for two years as opposed to a guy you'll only have for one.
  18. Why do you take back every good thing you have said about CCH this year? Just curious? Or if it was a joke, I'm missing it lol?
  19. You know what is funny? It's a huge bandwagon. Everyone was gungho CCH, and the minute things looked a little bad, they all started bashing. The only school who has the edge up on CCH this year in this area is Highlands. Unfortunately, CCH is not playing up to their potential but they have the people to do it. The Beechwood game this past week was a good game, and honestly I thought would have ended up being won by CCH had it not fallen apart at the end of third going into the fourth. Losing your QB is tough for any team in the middle of the game, just look at Conner this past week, St. X as of late etc., it's a momentum shifter to say the least. I hope Van Sant, Deters, Isler, Tepe, Schadler and the rest of the seniors can finish out their senior season with a positive note and hopefully make a decent run in the playoffs, because they deserve it .
  20. I'm going to go with Ryle on this one. Seem to be doing pretty well and I don't think Conner has enough to keep them down.
  21. No matter how positive the supporters and fans of this team try to be, no one in their right mind thinks we will go over there and beat them. If we do, great! I will feel like an idiot, but I will be happy! I don't think Highlands could even go over there and win to be honest. Make a better showing, probably, but not win.
  22. I got the flu shot last year because my dad bribed me (I'm a big baby when it comes to needles) and I still got sick. So, I doubt I will get it.
  23. Elder wins this one easily unfortunately. With the way the defense has been getting trampled on, I just don't see it happening. Not to mention CCH starting QB is out for this game and I think giving them a touchdown or two might be generous, but hopefully I am being very pessimistic.
  24. And for the record, I'm glad he was convicted .
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