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Everything posted by OhYeaYouThink

  1. Yupp. As the other guy said, does it really matter and who cares?
  2. bingo. lead off batter's job is to get on base every single time. He will get on just about every single time. I'm positive Lafever can get him over to second and Darner and Isler can get him in.
  3. True. I think it is no question CCH is the favorite. And I also believe they SHOULD win. But like you said, it does not always work out that way. I'm pulling for them though. Two devastating losses in the region finals in the last two years.
  4. If teams pitch around Maile, they still have to encounter Darner, Nutini, Isler, Van Sant, Holocher, and a couple of others at some point in the lineup. Who cares where he bats? He may not get as many RBI's but there are other RBI hitters on the team. At leadoff he gets on base EVERY time either by a walk or a hit. That is a fantastic way to start; great odds. As for homeruns, where he hits has no bearing on how many homeruns he hits.
  5. lol, well she wasn't bad herself.
  6. I know you asked for only Obama supports and as I am not a supporter of either, I will comment. I am already off that day, but if a candidate I was supporting asked me to take the day off I would not, because I need to get paid! I would go vote though
  7. I'm with you. Remember the Titans, but if we are going with animation, it is Aladdin. He was a hunk. ha.
  8. I don't think they are a shoe-in. But I do think they have a leg up on the other schools.
  9. I will go with CovCath on this one. I don't know a darn thing about the other team though so this is just pure faith in the team I am a fan of
  10. I don't think the score necessarily showed a lack of class by CCH, but leaving in Van Sant and Deters did. I think it is great that Deters broke a school record for a single game with 331 yds, but classless that he was left in. The passing I can somewhat live with, because with the starting QB out, Young should get opportunity to pass and develop his game; but leaving Van Sant and Deters in really did not improve or develop them. And as someone stated earlier, Covington of Holmes looked like a pretty decent player. He should be used more.
  11. Why are you CONSTANTLY so on the defensive? It was tasteless to leave Deters in there as long as he was left in, among some other key players. Jv should have been implemented sooner than it was. And I was NOT one of the people in the stands whining about it; that's just how it is.
  12. I was going to bold everything you said, but that would be pointless, so I will just say that you hit everything dead on.:thumb:
  13. I was born into a catholic family. I have been confirmed. I attend church on occasion. I am all for birth control. In this day and age, it just is not realistic to think that abstinence is the only way to go. That may be sad, but it's the sad truth. I would rather bring a child into this world when I am sure I can provide a life like the one the one that was provided to me and at this stage I'm not ready.
  14. Aqua-Barbie Girl lol Incubus-Dig Tim Mcgraw-My little Girl Tim Mcgraw-Just to see you smile there are a few others.
  15. Since when is running the mile to tryout for a team unfair lol? Man, that used to be a requirement before we even stepped into the gym for basketball when I played. If you couldnt do the mile, you couldn't play. It is a given, the boys in the gym already qualified, so the two boys who are trying out need to do the same. I don't see how the coach is being mean?
  16. Exactly. Why didn't these boys play their 10th and 11th grade years? Did they get cut? Decide not to play? I mean we don't know the circumstances, but if they just decided they wanted to come play for their senior year, they need to earn the right to play, because the boys who played the two years the boys sat out, worked their butts off.
  17. Why shouldn't they have to prove themselves? They stopped after their freshman year and think they deserve to just be able to walk in and say "hey i'm back for senior year, time to play!" That is not right to the boys who have worked their butts off for the other two years. I don't think they should be chased off, especially if they went to summer workouts and conditioning. But I do think they need to earn their right to play again.
  18. Yay! That is so great he gets to go home. Is he doing alright? Must be doing well if they are allowing him to leave Childrens.
  19. But what does Ryle have? Or are you saying you don't really know, because that is fine I just thought you maybe knew because you said you thought they should be higher. As for CovCath, I think they will be fine. Losing Maile hurts, but probably not as bad as some people think. I think they will play better as a team without. Scoring wise, they will have A LOT of issues if they play up to what they are known for and just shoot the three non stop and go into panic mode if they get down more than 5. They need to utilize the type of players they have this year and three point shooting isn't a strength. I am also kind of interested to see how Highlands does, hearing that some of the athletic football boys are coming out..hmm.
  20. I'll agree about CCH being ranked a little high at this point. What does Ryle have to make them deserve to be higher? Honest question, no sarcasm. lol.
  21. I don't see the big deal in that, especially with some backups in. But who knows? I was being a chatty cathy during that game.
  22. I read the blog yesterday on cincinnati.com and I am almost positive there was a list. :thumb: Because I remember Covcath was 3. And Earls and Shover and Giwa among others were listed as top players as well.
  23. Oh, are you sure? For some reason I thought he did. I guess he just listed them out.
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