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Everything posted by FootballisKing

  1. I really think that as much as the Tangs lost.... They will just reload next year. There is a lot of young talent and Coach Martin and his staff have them believing in Mustang Pride. Right now it is hard to argue that they do not own the county.
  2. I have not heard good things about the sv12. I have never been a fan of the NIKE bat, but this year there is some really good discussion about this bat. I do believe that the bat does not make near the difference the batter makes. I can strike out with a $500 bat just like I do a $50 bat.
  3. No one is complaining about restrictions or regulations that effect a football players health or well being. Let's not go down that road here. That seems a little sensational. The complaint is the limitation of 7 on 7 competitions in June, so that your basketball team can play some Out of Season games. It is about Football being more restricted than any other sport. If you are a coach that is afraid that players may get injured while participating in 7 on 7, then don't play. You and I can watch the teams that put in the time playing for the Championships.
  4. Basketball, Soccer, Baseball ALL have a distinct advantage over Football. 1. Who voted the change into effect? 2. WHY would football coaches "give in" to the pressures of a basketball, baseball or soccer coach? I realize that most coaches want their kids at every thing that their team does. This only hurts the student athlete more. outside of the bigger schools, I would think that most schools need to share athletes. Most of us do not have enough kids in our building to have Football Only, Baseball Only, Basketball Only, and Soccer Only athletes. If 90% of the schools do this, (While publically stating they need to share), then all of their programs will be content with mediocrity. Football coaches need to fight whoever, to keep June Football. The other sports have their seasons and off season opportunities to a greater extent than football.
  5. BINGO! If they were allowed to participate in all three, or as many as they could that did not overlap, it would be great. But when your told that if you wanna make my team you be at off season,(fill in the blank), or AAU, or any other out of season activity that conflicts with an in season or upcoming season, then it will never change.
  6. First of all I need to apologize to South Oldham. Someone thought that i do not like them or their team and that is not true. I was only saying that if you spend that kind of money you expect some enjoyment from that. I would be disapointed to spend $100 for a meal that I did not like. I would not want to spend $500 for a TV that did not have a good picture. That is all that was implied. Nothing more, nothing less. I enjoy high school football more than anything. I have been to games at every high school in the OC. Anyone would want all of the programs here to be successful. I am sure that is the goal of each school. So for clarity sake, GO DRAGONS! GOOD LUCK NEXT YEAR! I will attend some of your games just as I will North and OC. I know that it expensive to run any sports program. There are always costs that most of us do not think about but have to be paid. I was just bringing this up as to see what other systems, teams were up against during these ecomonically tough times. I do believe that the system in OC has done a great job with facilities at all three high schools. You won't find better as a whole anywhere. Sorry to offend.
  7. I belive that the Booster clubs in Oldham County keep the gate money. Then they use that to help the non-revenue sports. I don't disagree with their reward being a part of a team and so on and so forth. BUT, when you pay that much money for something, should you not get some enjoyment from that? If you dwell on that part you are missing the bigger issue. I do not remember ever having to pay to play growing up. I don't think Jefferson county teams pay to play. If you are paying for the tshirt packs or raising money for nicer stuff and so forth that is fine. It just seemed a little extrvegant to me that the fees were so high. It is my understanding that basketball, baseball, band, not extra-curricular activity is exempt from these outrageous fees in the OC. Not everyone in the OC has money!
  8. Does your school CHARGE kids to play sports? I know that in Oldham County most Football programs charge anywhere from $300 to $400 per kid to participate in Football. To my knowledge, they do not get anything special for that money. I think all 3 high schools sell "gold Cards" to raise money for the t-shirt packs they get. Why such the expense? Where is the School? Where is the Board? If you look at South, those kids did not even get a win for their $350. WOW! Quite an investment for no reward. Even North and OC that had very good seasons, what did those kids get for their money? Why so much? I just don't understand and just wanted to see how widespread this "Charging for the right to participate" spread. :confused::confused::confused:
  9. In Oldham County, the Booster clubs support ALL sports. They keep the gate from the revenue sports and then use that money to help the non-revenue sports. As most schools booster clubs are or were for Football only, in the OC it is not so. Football can get some money from the booster club but not near what they generate. They generate a ton of money through advertising sales, concessions and gate.
  10. OOOOOppssss. I forgot to mention....................... FORMER LINEMAN AND PROUD OF IT!!!! :dancingpa
  11. Coach Weston (Tubberville) - I know some schools that would LOVE to have that kind of success! Maybe a couple of them will go after Caoch Weston at all cost. Should x dump glaser for not being able to beat t for the big game the last couple of years? Coaches with winning records dumped and those that cannot win stay??? Never ceases to amaze me. :fight::fire::fight:
  12. :thumb::thumb::thumb::thumb::thumb::thumb: 1. Sensationalism - Sells 2. The same reason that shows like entertainment tonight survive. 3. The 4 letter network - they don't report "news" they are the sports version of entertainment tonight. 4. The majority of the american public. They like the flash, the glitz, the glamour, and they don't want to work to get it. Not to many linemen fit that mold. The public would rather watch MTV CRIBS and lust over all the nice things that they will never have, rather than listen to a story on how the offensive line made the difference in a game, or how the defensive linemen work ethic enables them to do the things that they do. Skill Positions......... What is not skillful about getting 350 lbs into a 3-point stance and drive blocking some 300 lb defensive lineman 5 yards down the field so that the little rb that doesn't like to get hit can get his yardage. I find it difficult NOT to refer to linemen as SKILLED! :mad::argue::mad::argue::mad::argue::mad::argue::mad::argue:
  13. I will not be able to attend the games in BG like I could in PJCS. On Friday I could slide in and out of work and Saturday was an all day deal for me every year. Now I am not sure that I will be able to attend them like that any more. I am going to miss them.
  14. I voted for T. I am not a private school supporter. If I had voted with my heart, I would have voted SK. I just cannot see SK beating T. Quite honestly with my heart I would pull for any Public school over any Private school. So, I refuse to make decisions with my heart. I believe that Highlands is the best team in NK. I believe that SK did a good job getting to the finals. Congratulations, I would love for you to dethrone the T. I just can't see it happening. Sorry.
  15. I will be there for all of them. I am every year, the 3A and 2A games should be the best of them all. This will be the last year that I get to see all or maybe any of the games. I cannot make the trek to Bowling Green for 2 or 3 days.
  16. What are we going to do about the side of fans that sees the hold vs the side that does not? What about the coach that sees the facemask vs the one that does not? Don't forget the goalline....Some fans may see a touchdown while the other side sees a fumble? Can we get to where there is no human involvement in the officiating? Part of the game? Who cares what the fans in the stands think? We have guys in striped shirts that are on the field to tell the fans in the stands whether the kick was good or not. I am moving over to the Baseball board to lobby for lasers coming off home plate in the strike zone, this way when I am sitting in left field I can tell if the umpire is right!
  17. There is a new phone coming over from China Called "anycool", I believe. http://cgi.ebay.com/New-Anycool-T818-Quad-Band-Dual-Sim-TV-FM-Mobile-Phone_W0QQitemZ330290403751QQcmdZViewItemQQptZCell_Phones?hash=item330290403751&_trksid=p3286.c0.m14&_trkparms=72%3A1234%7C66%3A2%7C65%3A12%7C39%3A1%7C240%3A1318 Check this out on ebay. Dual Sim card capability. TV function until Feb. 09. All kinds of features. I do not know much more except a guy on Goss ave. is selling them. S&P Phone repair. I am thinking about trying this deal out. :dancingpa
  18. I think you forgot something very important. PARENTS & ADMINISTRATION. At most public schools, there is a sense of entitlement. A sense that because I am a Senior I should start and play the whole game. When that does not happen, the parents then go crying to the coach for their son is entitled to play. Can ANYONE picture a parent doing that with Beatty or Glaser? NO. If the public coach does not allow this type of meeting, then the administration climbs their back. Bottom line - most Private Schools hire the BEST COACH for the job and they let him COACH. Most public schools find the best person, that fills a teaching need and will not rock the boat for the administration. Winning cures a lot of ills. Whether parents of X & T players like the coaches will never be known as long as their bench sitting son is given a championship ring. :ylsuper::ylsuper::argue::banana::banana:
  19. Now that the well wishes for Oldham Co. and North Oldham have been given, the question becomes why is South Oldham so bad? They had every bit as many and as good athletes as the other 2 teams. So don't say athletic ability. Their coach was the O coordinator when they were in the top 10 in scoring. They scored in almost every game this year. Defensively I think they gave up around 45 points a game. That seems to be the biggest issue. All three teams have athletes. All 3 teams play younger kids. All three teams have coaches that are relatively new. Where is the disconnect? Anybody know? Col. Mike, you seem to be very plugged into football in Oldham County, what are your thoughts? :confused:
  20. What a GREAT season for these young men and this team. Coach Billy Martin has NO where they need to be. The Mustangs did a great job friday night and had E-town on the ropes. Turnovers kill. The kids have earned this season and this success. I believe that we will see #30 / Tuller playing somewhere on Saturdays. Great year Mustangs! Keep your heads held high! :dancingpa
  21. Very Proud of Coach Brown and his staff having this type of season while putting in a new Offense and new defense and getting through all of the off season distractions. I look forward to seeing Ichiro, Dylan and Chad playing at the next level. It looks like OC is back, 5 A foes better watch out!
  22. I guess I should have said that I was looking for information on South Oldham? :D:D:D
  23. The Stangs do have a lot to prove. They have not reached this level without the chip and the underdawg montra fits them well. I hope that North Oldham wins this game. It would mean a lot to their team and their fans.
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