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Everything posted by FootballisKing

  1. South Oldham is 0 - 6. I think that they should be 3 - 3.
  2. Really????? I did not think that NO played poorly last week. I saw that game and I thought they played well. Or were you just trying to dig at SO. If so then I got it. If not I thought that NO pretty much had control of that game. :fire:
  3. Be REAL! No one in 6A can compete on any level with x or t. There is another board for the reasons why.
  4. J-Town - 7 Fern Creek - 5 Manual - 3 Seneca - 2 Central Hardin - TB - J-Town
  5. South SHOULD be better than they have shown. This should be a good game. Frakes says that the Mustangs take home the 42 - 13 win. I guess it will boil down to how bad do the Dragons want to play. ALL of the Dragons.
  6. I think that players like the distraction and the noise. The rest of us cannot talk because of the noise
  7. I don't think that the mustangs defense is going to allow that to happen. That kid gets more hard yards than any I have seen in a while. But when NO puts everybody in the box to stop the run, SO has not proven that they can effectivley pass, so its not tough to defense.
  8. The Colonels just came of a drubbing of a questionable South Oldham team. They have lost to folks like the "X" and Madison Central. How do they fair this week?
  9. Where is this one going? South is ssttrruugglling... North just came off a HUGE win after being disrespected by the HC crowd?
  10. I am very surprised that there were no responses to this post. This one intrigues me. Would you as a coach Accept these play sheets? Would you laugh and joke with the guy that STOLE them or would you kick him out for being an idiot? This is cheating as the information had to be STOLEN. This proves that the Coach or Coaching staff lack moral fiber. PA announcers and noise makers are fun to chat about, but lets kick the train back on track.:thumb:
  11. I'm bringing home a baby bumble bee. Won't my mommie be so proud of me. For bringing home a baby Bumble Bee.
  13. 7 - MALE 5 - Anderson County 3 - Oldham County 2 - Louisville Holy Cross 1 - Trinity
  14. So there must me Power or Money somewhere that I do not see becasue the Spring Practice issue looks easy to me. The other stuff will NEVER get fixed.:fight:
  15. Then wouldn't it or shouldn't it be an easy fix? There is Power or Money or both that I am missing somewhere, because it looks like a simple fix....for Spring Practice anyway. The other stuff will NEVER get fixed.
  16. South Oldham 28 Grant County 21 South Rebounds from the "behind the Barn" whippin that took last week at the hands of the colonel.
  17. OK so, I am to understand that there are limits to Spring Football. Basketball has become a year round sport, with a dad taking the lead and the coach telling players that if they are not in summer ball, he cannot hold their place on the team. Then there is Soccer, another year round sport, same as above. Don't forget baseball, Volleyball, wrestling. The only sport with any REAL rules, is FOOTBALL. Coaches can blow smoke up peoples legs saying that they want kids to play more than one sport, but reality is what they tell the kids and that is that if you are not at MY conditioning, MY summer ball, MY club matches, then YOU may lose your spot to someone that was there. Manipulating kids is what most of this is about. The largest revenue sport in most high schools, struggles to get spring practice. Set the dates, Say the month of May, FOR EVERYONE. Then it is clear cut and defined. KHSAA, never mind, I need to stop there.
  18. They played on the Middle School Field? Any body??????
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