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Everything posted by FootballisKing

  1. Anything on what there will be in the OC this year? I saw the Previews talked about North Oldham and Oldham County. Is the Baseball team as bad as football and that is why there is nothing on them? Looking for info? :walk:
  2. It is my understanding that Bill is no longer the Softball Caoch either? What is up with that?
  3. For everyone that still want to blame the 6 class system. Were there ANY 4 team districts when we had 4 classes? Were there any losing teams or 0-fer teams when there were 4 classes? I know that most of you are smarter than I am and could let us know.
  4. I was just getting into Dave and Scott. While they do argue a lot, I think that is what I liked about them. THey sounded like me with a couple of my freinds having a beer. I was not big on Valvano, but I liked what Will brought to the show. Bozich and McRite I thought did a nice job. It boils down to local vs national. I prefer to hear about what is going on in our area. There were several callers that ate up to much of the air time on MOST all of the shows. Andy, Carolina Steve, and a couple of others. But it gave you something to make fun of later. I hope that Jurich is not involved. BUT........... Hopefully some other station has the ........ ability to bring these shows back and get this area back on local sports radio!! :fight::madman::fight::madman::fight::madman::fight::madman::fight::madman:
  5. I cannot say that I know much about JH this year, nor have I seen them play. I have seen OC and knowing several of thos kids, I know that the talent, the ability, and the coaching is all there and they CAN win this game. I let you know Friday Night around 10:15 pm what my prediction is! :banana:
  6. This list could be extremely long..... MY favorite Christmas Song is.......................... CHRISTMAS IN HOLLIS - Run DMC! :banana::banana::banana::banana::banana::banana::banana::banana:
  7. 1. National Lampoons Christmas Vacation! By far the best! 2. Rudolph the Red Nosed Raindeer 3. The Santa Clause - All of them are fun. 4. The Little Drummer Boy - Love me some claymation, What technology! 5. Scrooged 6. A Christmas Story 7. Jingle all the Way 8. Elf - This was better than I expected. 9 Jack Frost 10. How the Grich Stole Christmas (Cartoon or Jim Carey) I will watch Christmas Vacation about 25 times between Thanksgiving and Christmas eve. Then it is done until next year! Now thats TRADITION! :dancingpa:dancingpa:dancingpa:dancingpa:dancingpa:dancingpa
  8. Lynyrd Skynyrd KISS The Beatles Pink Floyd AcDc Black Sabbath The Doors Led Zeppelin Rolling Stones The Eagles Van Halen Aerosmith Queen ZZ Top Cheap Trick Boston Doobies Black Oak Arkansas Foghat Meat Loaf I could not narrow this down if I tried, I just had to stop!:confused:
  9. This is ridiculous. http://thevillevoice.com/2008/11/18/939-pulls-the-plug-on-sports/#comments They had a GREAT lineup of local flavor. 6 to 8 - Dave Ragone and Scott Padgett 8 to 10 - Bob Valvano & Will Wolford 1 to 3 Rick Bozich & Zach McRite 3 to 5 Freak Show Jodie Demling had his own show in the evening. If anyone hears where these shows end up, please post it hear. Joe B and Denny are great, but I have not been able to get into the new morning show with John L. and whoever? :fire:
  10. There is NOTHING that Nelson County can do or 98% of the other public schools to match what x & t can do. It is a waste of time to debate, getting better...yah yah yah... Again, this has nothing to do with a 6 class system. There were games like this when there was only 4 classes. This is pretty much what I would have expected and will expect from x until the meet t in the semis.
  11. I am going to stay on my HORSE! I just really like what NO brings to the field. I think that they can beat you in so many ways. Some of those kids live near me and I have got to know them and I think that they are earning their rewards. Take away all of the football stuff, their heart and determination will be a factor in their victory. NO - 28 E-Town 21
  12. What two more teams to beat up on South? I don't think South would think it was fun!!!! :dancingpa
  13. 6 Classes got nothing to do with it. There were 0-fer teams when there were only 4 classes. There were BAD teams when there were 4 classes. Until you quit setting up 4 -team districts, (again not a function of 6 classes), and you quit taking the top 4, you will never really know. An 0-fer team has zero business being in the playoffs. They have EARNED nothing. Hello, welcome to the YMCA - everyone have their trophy? This is wrong! (Again not a function of the 6 class system). Games last week were horrible. Why bother? All that is going to happen in a game like those is that the better team may get a needed player hurt. For what? I think we should be talking about the 0-fer teams making the playoffs as opposed to whinning about the 6 class system. Dare I say there should be a private class? That is for another day and another thread. :fight::argue::devil::fire::ylsuper::ylsuper::ylsuper:
  14. Go Mustangs!!!!!! NORTH! :dancingpa:dancingpa:dancingpa:dancingpa:dancingpa:dancingpa:dancingpa
  15. Good luck to OC they should roll but...true what Col. Mike says....R.E.S.P.E.C.T.!!!! It can be a slippery slope!
  16. North Oldham as much as they want to - as much as they want to give up.
  17. I don't think x's injury list is going to make a difference. It is x for sake! x - 45 NC - 17
  18. 4 classes or six classes, that makes no difference. The economy does make a difference. The biggest reason (s) I believe are distractions, these kids have way more things to do and the money to do them, than I did when I was in high school. Then, if your team is doing or did poorly, the attaendence would be down there as well.
  19. Looks Like I am the onlky hoping or giving hope that South wins this one.
  20. South has not held anyone to 14 points in the first qtr. YOu really think this could be a final? I really want the dragons to win one, but I just don't know. They are giving up around 45 points per game. It is just going to be a tough task for them to complete. I really feel for the seniors that are going out this way. It just doesn't seem right with all of the talent they have over there to be this bad. Good Luck Friday Night Dragons!
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