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Everything posted by BleedBlue12

  1. TJ leaving the scene probably backs up your statement a little. :lol: I agree, they were probably just out enjoying Thirsty Thursday. Jones was worried about getting in trouble and bounced. Glad they're OK.
  2. Being at work has never been so depressing... Because I have a beautiful new copy of Skyrim waiting for me at home. Only 8 hours to go...
  3. Any idea how Poythress' decision affects whether or not Pollard will end up at UK?
  4. Stephen A. Smith just said on SportsCenter that he fully expects the lockout to end today. He wouldn't guarantee it, but thinks it is very likely to happen. So, take that FWIW...
  5. I would be fine with that. I'm a huge Pollard fan. Really like his game.
  6. I really haven't got to play too much, just a few games so far, but here's the care packages I've received: AC 130 Pavelow Reaper (maybe its called a Reaver) 5 attack helicopters at once On any other COD I've played, I've pretty much only gotten UAV's and predator missiles.
  7. I haven't had a bad care package yet. In fact, all of my care packages so far have been pretty awesome. Anyone else having this luck with care packages?
  8. Agreed. Tempo seems faster this time around. Also, it appears to take less shots to kill someone (or get killed).
  9. Didn't get home from GameStop until 1:30 last night. The line stretched from the plaza by the best buy and office Max to close to Nicholasville Rd. I was late getting there, so I had quite a wait in line. Only played a few matches last night, but I love the game. It is definitely similar to MW2 but still a great game. I like how there are no longer kill streak rewards, but instead point streak rewards. Suits my style better. Have only played Domination so far though. I'll give a better review of other modes in the next few days.
  10. That number is a tad staggering. Not sure if I fully believe it. Regardless though, I can see where this problem leaves a lot of people upset (myself included). At the root of it, these are deaths that are preventable. Jim, I also don't see where you are coming from with your argument. I greatly respect your opinions on this forum, but in this case I believe you are wrong. As 75Center said, the distinction between murder and preventable murder is quite easy to make and I believe the two have different effects on those involved. I personally believe that I would be more angry if a family member was murdered, or accidentally killed, by someone who should not have been there in the first place. That's JMO though... Plato - Great analogy.
  11. I'll be there for the midnight release. Afterwards, my roommates and I will have four TV's with four 360's set up in the living room. Probably going to hate my life at work tomorrow morning. Oh well....
  12. I just tweeted something about the situation, and after the DM he sent me I think it really is his father covering for him.
  13. I just got a Siberian Husky pup (7 weeks old). I'll let you know how it turns out a year from now.
  14. Heck if I know. I sent him a funny tweet once and he started following me. Has ever since.
  15. I believe Tubby Smith went to a Mason Co. football game once when Darius was playing. A few others did as well, I'm sure.
  16. John Wall RT'd me once, which then got RT'd by Patterson and Bledsoe. Antonio Cromartie actually wrote back to me. Michael Oher is following me. My roommates get responses from Steven Jackson, Lou Williams, Jonathon Stewart, and Mike Goodson quite often. That's all I can think of specifically right now. I enjoy the challenge of trying to tweet something interesting enough to get a response from someone whose Twitter is constantly being blown up by thousands of people.
  17. I'm not sure if this has been brought up, but what is UK's scholarship situation looking like for next year? How would NBA negotiations affect that if players are forced to stay in school longer? I'm just wondering if Cal is waiting for that situation to sort itself out before he really guns for players like Shabazz and the other top players in the class.
  18. How often do you see a 7' WR?? That's just cool to watch! :lol:
  19. I think he was just saying that's the kind of production he expects from Elite players in the NFL. Not that he necessarily has a team of all Elite players.
  20. I kind of got aggravated with the fans yelling "SHOOT" at Polson. He is clearly above that now, and no longer a walk-on. Glad to see his improvement. Can only help the team.
  21. Just pay attention to the injury report throughout the week. You may not even have to make that decision with Stafford possibly sitting this week.
  22. 4-3 in my Money League, even though my team has scored 100 points more than the next closest team and 200 points more than the second closest team so far this season. Don't ask me how I'm 4-3.... I really have absolutely no idea. Teams that normally score 80 points typically double that and put up 160 on me every single week.
  23. I really like Mos Def's character. He's quite interesting. And the Doomsday Killer is pretty cool too. I'm a huge fan, so it's probably impossible for me not to be excited about a season.
  24. Yes, me and my roommates got really good tickets. I've never been to an NBA game so this will have to do!
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