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Everything posted by BleedBlue12

  1. I agree. The NCAA shouldn't be able to control what the city of Lexington does with their arena.
  2. So because the event is gaining prestige and growing it should be punished? NCAA rules apply to all student athletes, not just highly recruited ones. The fact that better players are playing should make no difference at all. Come on now...
  3. Soooo... Can the Globetrotters play at Rupp? That's non-scholastic.
  4. :lol: I too suffered from soft drink addiction. Haven't had one in over 8 months now. Even though I've always been fairly healthy and fit, I have just felt better since I stopped drinking soda. Obviously not as difficult to give up as smoking. Congrats to swamprat and everyone else who has overcome the addiction. My dad is a smoker and has attempted to quit multiple times, so I know how difficult it must be.
  5. Robert Griffin is my favorite player and I think he might just be the most talented. Definitely Heisman worthy, but I don't think he gets it over Luck or Richardson. Here's to hoping the Jets drop all of their remaining games and can somehow get RG3 in the draft... Even though I think Sanchez has some talent, my life as a fan would be complete if the Jets picked up Griffin.
  6. As BM and Clyde stated, most students need access to Word, PowerPoint, and Excel. The iPad doesn't have these features. Yes, it can be a useful tool for school as well, but only in addition to a laptop of some kind.
  7. As much as I want a gaming forum, I have to agree that the combo should be fantasy sports and gambling. Makes more sense.
  8. As a Jets fan, I'm beyond disappointed in how they played... Embarrassed even... I still think Sanchez has all the tools he needs to be a successful QB, but I'm beginning to question if he will EVER be able to put them together. Props to Tebow for yet again pulling out the win in the waning minutes.
  9. http://slander.revolutioni.st/isolationist.html Most people see him as an isolationist. There is a difference between being an isolationist and a non-interventionist. This link does a pretty good job of explaining the difference. Ron Paul is a non-interventionist IMO.
  10. Ain't that the truth. I think the media's bias against him is a crying shame.
  11. Do you care to elaborate a little more on specific issues?
  12. Hate to hear this for NKU. They are in an awkward position of being probably too good for a smaller conference, but not good enough for a larger one. I feel the OVC was definitely the best fit for them. Hopefully they can find a conference that will allow them to become a D1 school.
  13. Good to see that everyone has nice things to say about him. It makes me wonder why not much has been said about him on here prior to this thread though. Looking through the GOP thread, I didn't see much on Ron Paul. I guess most are just counting him out. On other sites, I have actually seen many who believe he is the best candidate, but because they don't think he has a chance of winning they are throwing their votes to other candidates. I'd really like to see some of the people who aren't planning on voting for Ron Paul come on here and give their reasons. I know there's plenty out there. :lol: The main reason I'm coming to the BGP board with this is because of all the boards I read online, this is clearly the most intelligent, fair-minded group of people I've seen.
  14. I'm assuming it has to do with the way many people view him as an isolationist?
  15. What is it that keeps him from ever having a shot? Foreign policy? Giving states control over social issues? I agree with him on both issues, but can see where many would disagree.
  16. I am actually a Ron Paul supporter (yes, I know. Take off my aluminum foil hat.) and I have read a lot of reasons why people refuse to consider him. Like him or not, he is a very polarizing figure. People either love him or hate him for the most part. I am really just interested to see what my BGP brethren think of him. Do you like him? Do you hate him? What are your reasons? Is he CRAZY? What do you think his chances would be against Obama if he won the nomination?
  17. Ah... Cracked.com one of my favorite sites on the internet. I can't tell you how many things I have actually LEARNED from this humor site. I love it.
  18. Pollard drops UK from his list... :cry::cry::cry:
  19. The combo forum would have to get more activity than some of the other forums on the site. I would be very active in the gaming and fantasy sports forum (two of my favorite things in the world).
  20. Even though I don't see this as a big deal, I feel like the whole situation is about to blow up... Just a bad feeling.
  21. They are well rounded. Very solid rushing and passing attack. The QB is a good one. They have a trio of backs that get the job done. I just don't know much about CCH's defense to tell how Ashland will fare offensively.
  22. I'm really disappointed I can't make it back to Ashland for this game. I will be listening online though. Good luck Tomcats!!!
  23. On one of his INT's last night, he actually had his man wide open in the endzone. Had his back blocked his man, easy TD. Since he got hit from behind during his release the throw came up short and got picked. Really good game by Palmer though. Hopefully he keeps improving.
  24. Same here. Once January rolls around I can go back to enjoying my Thursday nights again haha
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