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Everything posted by BEChargers

  1. I'm not sure how exact the numbers can be but I do personally know young men who "probably" would have had a much different life if not for football, basketball, baseball and the like in high school. If not for a coach or two along the way also that may have pointed a twig in another direction that allowed them to grow straighter as it were. Those people that say, "he's/she's just a coach" may truly never know the impact that these men and women have on people's lives.
  2. I didn't mention playing time. Has nothing to do with what I was trying to share.
  3. This popped into my head while reading a post from another thread. (Highlands coaching search) Maybe I'm one of the few but I really like watching practice almost as much as a game. I mean if the practice is a good practice by a good team or program. My dad actually preferred to watch practice over a game. He also would have toured any factory that would have let him to watch or see how different things were made, so I guess that's why he liked practices more. To figure out or to see how the game day conclusions are arrived at. I guess I get it from him. Anybody else out there really like watching practices? I would watch a different team for a couple of days each week if my schedule and the coaches would allow.
  4. Was told by an administrator at a neighboring school that they are getting what they deserve. That "everyone" knew what he was like at previous schools. I will also say that this person likes Tim Estes, but absolutely doesn't know what he was thinking when they made the hire.
  5. Would almost have to be replacing staff. Did you see the team pic in the State finals program. They had almost as many in golf shirts as they had in jersey's. Like 15 if I remember. Of course some of those could be training staff I guess. But they look like they have a ton of coaches already.
  6. Congrats to Coach Guffey. Does this mean he was an assistant while in college?
  7. In the above mentioned runs of Boyle and Danville at the turn of the century in 3 out of 5 years of Boyle's state titles, Danville also won 3 state titles. Meaning in the old 4 class system that 50% of the state titles up for grabs 3 times returned to the county ranked 111 out of 120 in area.
  8. I think it's an outstanding job. I also think it's a very tough job. Beginning to think Wolfe likes being pawed at. I don't know that but just a feeling I have. Of course he is also at a very good job. Maybe THE best public school job in the state. So if you're judging the HHS job on not being able to pull CW, I think it's not a fair judgement. But yes, I think it's an outstanding job.
  9. Franklin County is his home. He just took them to the state finals and was one play from coaching his alma mater to it's first ever state title. Plus he returns a ton of talent. I'd say that the guilt of leaving your home for one of the state pinnacles just got to him. He's a young guy and maybe he thought that he still has plenty of time to make a move to another big name school in the years to come after he has notched Franklin a title or two. I personally don't think he was afraid of the enormity of the job. I think he got text after text from people who didn't even know he was vying for the HHS job and was announced with most of them not aware. Then the parents and players of his own home town wished him luck, asked him to stay and whatever else you can imagine and it was too much to turn his back on. I will agree with one of the earlier posters. He is a good man. A man who made a BIG mistake. Highlands has a right to be upset, and to think otherwise is ridiculous. Also if you think this makes him untouchable you are also mistaken. I probably wouldn't give him an interview for a couple of years but after they go deep in the playoffs several more times in the next few years there will be school lining up to make an overture. Also, if you didn't want to challenge HHS a few years ago, don't swell your chest up now that they are struggling a bit and you are playing with the big boys now. I've personally listened to phone conversations of certain programs trying to find people to play and nobody wanting to give it a go. They when you have a couple of down years the phone is ringing off the hook. Be careful of what you wish for.
  10. I hate it for Highlands. I personally couldn't believe he was leaving Franklin in the first place being his home school and getting so close this year. Even if it was HHS. He deserves the flak he's getting because he made a bonehead move. Not the first to do it and won't be the last. I sure he is sick about what has transpired over the last few days. I don't think it was a move to sweetin his deal at Franklin, or to get his wife a better job or anything like that. He's an ambitious coach and one of the premier programs in the state gave him the confirmation that he's doing things that people are noticing. Hard to turn away from that. I believe the comments about the highlands faithful are also unfair. If message board comments play any role at all in someone taking or leaving a job I doubt they will be a very good coach anyway. They have a right to be upset about all of this. I can't stand being in transition and I know a lot of others don't like it either. BW is gone and you just want to get on with the business of the program getting pointed in the right direction and now you have to wait to see who's going to be the man to do it......again. It's frustrating.
  11. I know it's early in the year but do you think with the Covid factor's that the list will be shorter this year? Do you think coaches who might have moved on or encouraged to move on will get a pass from this past season?
  12. Congrats EJ !!! I'll be honest, being a Boyle Co. guy there were times in the last few years that I wasn't exactly shedding a tear for the Bluebirds after a big loss. But, being a huge fan of football, and KY high school football in particular, the state of Ky high school football is better when HHS is HHS. With this hire I think they will be HHS football again sooner than later. Congrats on a very good hire.
  13. If he has accepted, then congrats EJ. If he hasn't, just ignore this post.
  14. Hearing a choice has been made ! Is this true and we are waiting for the official declaration?
  15. Yeah, that statement was meant as a little joke. The amount of support at Highlands would be almost overwhelming compared to now. I was not however joking that I think it would be a good fit. With the right staff I think he would be successful from the get go.
  16. I think Clevenger would be a good hire. Winning guy, winning attitude and gets a lot out of the talent he has. Not sure how he would handle the support he would get up there. From one extreme to the other.
  17. With the social media climate, nothing is above criticism. Hire the best guy for the program and for the players and don't worry about the criticism. If they win, nobody will care and if they lose they will pounce on the on field issues and forget about the hiring process. I know the "right" things have to be said and there are always hoops to jump through but in the end there is always going to be somebody that doesn't like it. Who cares, it is impossible to please everyone.
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