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Everything posted by MrsFairFan

  1. I want Natalie gone. I can't stand her. Watching BB after dark is making my feelings for her even worse. The girl never shuts up. I know you are supposed to talk game but she is non stop and I am tired of hearing her lol. I hope someone else gets HOH next week and kicks her to the curb.
  2. WOW good luck and keep us posted. Maybe 3's a charm?!
  3. You default picture is precious...I know that's off subject but I had to tell you.
  4. I love subway. So do my kids. We have had it 3 days in a row.
  5. I like: Casey Jeff Michelle Sometimes I like: Laura Ronnie he is interesting Russell Jordan Kevin I do NOT like at all: Natalie she needs to keep her mouth shut and quit talking for people Jesse Shima Lydia I would like Jeff to win.
  6. We love this show. I am addicted to BB after dark as well. The cast is a bit weird this season but I am liking it.
  7. Its going to be nuts in that area. Its all ready too crowded. Traffic is ridiculous every direction anymore.
  8. We saw a guy take a hit to the mouth a couple of weeks ago. He was way too close.
  9. What is this statue you are talking about? Is it just a superstition?
  10. How awesome. You and your wife and that baby/babies will be in our prayers. Keep us posted and Congrats.
  11. We are dealing with that right now. About 5 days ago we lost power. For some crazy reason it blew the electric in the garage. We were out of town so we haven't used the garage. Well I went to get something out of the freezer and WOW. I am letting it all refreeze then taking it out and washing like crazy. Its not fun.
  12. I like Easton if its a middle name.
  13. I wonder if he had been sick for a while or it really was this sudden? Its seems odd to me. Still sad.
  14. It doesn't sound like you want to find out who this is lol. I would be at the landlords door and on the phone with the cops immediately. Especially with all those items you have in your place. I wouldn't be taking my time with this. Camera or not I would notify the police and landlord.
  15. I would tell your landlord and call the cops. Someone else may be having this happen to them as well and if more than one person complains,they could have cops sit there all the time. I used to live in Buckner, Ky.
  16. We have Geico. Love them. They are very generous to military members.
  17. I have done both of these. It's so much fun.
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