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Everything posted by MrsFairFan

  1. I do like Coke Zero Cherry. I totally forgot about Ski. I liked that. Where can you buy that?
  2. Now he has decided to pee all over our house. UGHHH. He did great when we brought him home. He would go to the door when he had to go out. Do they have small bladders? I notice every time he drinks within seconds he has to pee. I try to watch his mood and see if he is sniffing or pacing but it seems like every time I turn around he is peeing.
  3. I need help. Toby is wonderful. There is one downfall though. He jumps and I don't know how to make him stop. He wants to greet everyone by jumping. Any suggestions?
  4. I am so sorry for your loss. What precious dogs.
  5. Thanks. He is great. He is a bit hyper but we are dealing with that. I am in love.
  6. I think if you show them then you clip them.
  7. FF had a pair and he loved them. I the bad wife lost them at the Kenny Chesney concert. :(
  8. I like Root Beer, Big Red, Cherry Coke Zero, and Sunkist.
  9. He all ready rules the roost. Can you tell?
  10. This is Toby the minute we picked him up. He went straight to our son.
  11. AWWWW. I have all ready told FF I forgive him. I think so far it's the best decision. He fits right in with us. He is always trying to love on us and our kids. I am so in love with him. I think we are boxer owners for life. Amazing how a dog can make such an impression on you. We never connected like this with our Golden.
  12. I am actually enjoying him So much. His name Is Toby. He is so playful and fun. He has such a personality. He thinks he is human. He constantly wants to be touching us and if we sit on the floor he plops in our laps. I hope I enjoy everyday like this. So far so good.
  13. We just got him home. He is doing great. He went right in his crate and he went right to sleep. I will post a pic soon.
  14. We went and saw the dog today. He is precious, very sweet, energetic and great with the kids. They ran and played and they all did great. They had a great history on him. He was with a family that was moving and they had no where to take him. He was around kids and apparently put through the temperament test. He is getting neutered which I hear helps. I will keep you posted. I don't want to say I am disappointed in FF, but I think he made a poor judgment call on getting a dog. I will use that "I told you so" card if needed. He has always wanted a boxer and I guess he felt he was the one. We will see.
  15. FF just sprung on me that we are getting a one year old boxer that he got TOMORROW. I don't know what to think. Any suggestions would be so wonderful. Are they good with kids, is it smart to get a 1 year old. I am bitter sweet right now.
  16. We have it and love it. I was awful when we first got it. I got booed off every time. Now I can get medium down which is huge for me. Our 4 year old son is amazing at it. he has most of the songs on easy mastered and he tries so hard to do mediums. They learn fast.
  17. YAY! Congrats. Can't wait to see pics.
  18. Incredible. When I saw this title and saw it was from you, I knew there were great pictures. Can't wait to see more. Have a great trip. I am quite jealous.
  19. We will be watching. I was in Indy all weekend and FF was in Ft Knox all weekend. It will be nice family time. We are ordering pizza and being lazy. Can't wait.
  20. What's yours? Mine is: Buttered Popcorn Toasted Marshmallow Pear Peach
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