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Everything posted by CincySportsFan

  1. That boggles my mind. In my mind, I can't find any logic to waiting two days to ask questions of someone involved in an incident, let alone show them a video ahead of time. For out LEO's on here, would this be considered a normal procedure for anyone else (other than an officer)?
  2. According to the news story I saw last night on Channel 12, the manager said he was surprised, because they were actually turning a profit at the Levee location.
  3. You know what they say about statistics, don't you. :lol2: Anyway, these polls don't mean squat to me since we don't elect by popular vote. In theory, you could win by several million votes, and if you lose the right states, still lose the election. Trump is probably very much in the lead in certain states. Same way Hillary is in others. The question is, how much do some of the swing states reflect the nationwide polls? Because that will ultimately determine who wins.
  4. I'll toss this out there for those that have watched multiple games of the series so far, but (and maybe it's just me) does it seem like Joe Buck is pulling for the Cubs? I know he will still get excited when the Indians do something good, but it just seems there's always something a little more for Chicago. I mean, I can envision him already having scripted out his phrasing for the end of the series, knowing that it'll get played for years upon years (ie: "After 108 years, the drought is over...go crazy Chicago, your Cubs are World Champions") and hoping that he'll get to use it. Even though Cleveland hasn't won since '48, I just don't get the impression that it's that big of a deal for him, should it go that way.
  5. They're not bad, in my opinion. Some teams' throwback uniforms are just hideous. This is far from it.
  6. Same argument that was made 4 and 8 years ago...if you didn't vote for Obama, it was because you were racist. Was that the case in some instances? Absolutely, I have no doubt. But, to make a blanket statement like this is just ridiculous. There are hundreds of reasons why you may not vote for a particular candidate, and to say that the ultimate reason is because the color of their skin or their sex is just stupid.
  7. Don't worry, you got this in the bag. No way Kluber gets them three times in a little over a week. This was my biggest fear about it going 7...the longer it went, the more it favored the Cubs. Cleveland needed to win it in game 5.
  8. "Cincinnati's Bob Gibson"??? Man, I'm really getting old...my memory is completely different.
  9. Hate to sound like a cliche, but a fire in the fireplace on a cold, winter day, with a good book to read.
  10. Can somebody explain to me why Lester doesn't at least step off when he has a runner on first?
  11. Amazing pitching job by the Tribe tonight! Some base running blunders perhaps kept this one tighter than it should have been.
  12. I think it's totally up to the individual's taste. There's been some teas that I've used where I've gotten distracted and they've sat for twice as long (maybe more) than they probably should have. Some I noticed became bitter and not really pleasant to drink, but others were just a little "stronger" in their flavors. So, if you like the taste of brewing it longer, I say stick with it. I will say that my venture into tea has me doing two things slightly different than before (when I'd just pour boiling water into a mug with a tea bag). One, is that I "pre-heat" my mug ahead of time. After I pour the necessary hot water into my diffuser with the tea, I'll pour extra water into the mug and just let it warm it up while the tea steeps, then dump it when the tea's ready. The second thing is, I use honey as my exclusive sweetener now. Don't know why or how it happened, but it just seems to me that I like the honey-sweetened versions more than sugar-related ones. (This is for hot tea only, though.)
  13. Grew up in NE Ohio, and while I was a Reds fan due to my mom and grandfather, we naturally got more coverage of the Indians in the paper and on tv. So, yeah, I've been a fan of both Ohio teams for as long as I can remember. Went to sleep many times listening to Herb Score calling the Tribe's west coast games. Andre Thornton, Duane Kuiper, Tom Veryzer, Buddy Bell, Rick Manning...the list goes on and on.
  14. Not me. I think the longer it goes, the more the pendulum swings to the Cubs. However, that being said, I always think it's a better celebration when the winning team finishes it off at home. So, I'd be alright with the Indians winning tonight, and then maybe game 4 to bring it back to Cleveland for a clinching game 6.
  15. I stand 6'2" and coached a fall baseball team comprised of 13 & 14 year olds this year. I was flat out shocked at some of the kids I had to look up to. (Unfortunately, all of them were on the opposing teams, but still...) Don't know how big this kid was, but I could see how you might think you could get away with it.
  16. Perez with a bullet off the railing in left, gives the Tribe a 3-0 lead.
  17. Old Pete predicted Schwarber would end up with 3 K's tonight. He's got one, but he also had a blast off the right-center field wall for a stand up double. If the wind wasn't blowing in, he might have had the homer.
  18. Had Lindor dead to rights, stepped off and still wouldn't throw over. Crazy.
  19. Kluber dealing. Has 8 strikeouts in the first 3 innings!! Difference so far...Indians get a 2 out single, and end up scoring 2 in the first. Cubs with a leadoff double, and strand him there. Tribe up 2-0 after 3.
  20. Didn't know if we were going to have individual threads for each game or not, but figured we could at least start here. Versus just about any other AL opponent, I might be rooting for the Cubs in the series. Not this time. I'm just about as big an Indians fan as I am a Reds fan, and will really be pulling for Cleveland in this one.
  21. I'm assuming those are winning percentages you've got listed there as well? I'm surprised that there's only 2 schools over 75% (Oklahoma and Ohio State). I mean, that's basically a 9-3 season. I guess it's just easier to remember the 12-0 or 11-1 seasons more than the 6-6 or 5-7 years that have been sprinkled in.
  22. I'm not a betting man by any degree...but, if I was, I would've lost a fortune that this would've been a record for the show.
  23. Happy birthday! This is as close as I could find to someone blowing out birthday candles while standing on one leg. (Just in case you're into that sort of thing.)
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