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Everything posted by HOOKSHOT

  1. Intersting story, thanks. From now on listen to Grandma !
  2. Act of God or whatever , they could delay the draw to give these teams an equal chance to play, with fans there ! Just because the dome has a problem they don't have to panic and do something like this. TOTALLY ABSURD !
  3. You got that right ! Why could they not delay the draw for one or two days and give these teams an equal chance to play ? This is a completly unfair disadvantage !!:fight::fight:
  4. SPINDOC ,You do realize that if most of the posts on this thread come true............Rose Hill will have a gym for sale shortly !!:rolleyes: Now thats a rumor !
  5. I hope you are not including social security as an experiment. We pay for that with every pay check. AND the reason it is claimed to always be in trouble is they borrow from it to fund other things and never repay it ! IE They used it to help fund the Vietnam war and did not put it back. AND they never mention it either !
  6. Miller and Setty combine for 50 points and Elliott wins a close one 59 - 58 !:thumb: Or Masons bus breaks down and they have to forfiet ! Or Miller gets lost in the mall and doesn't show up!:lol: THAT COULD HAPPEN !!
  7. I have enjoyed watching Euton play and am sure he will do well wherever he goes. He still has four or five years to be the player he wants to be, if that's how long it takes. Most don't get that chance. I'm sure we will be able to follow his progress on BGP. Good luck and hope to see you in UK blue.
  8. I don't know why anybody would care if they do transfer for what ever reasons they may have ? It happens all the time. And that would be their buisness.
  9. I never said I wanted a split, but some people do. Ashland isn't the only school in the region. I agree with your statement that the 16th will never match up. Maybe once every 20-30 years.
  10. More fuel for division split ? Most know it, some want to keep the "dream" alive, and the rest will keep taking the "gimme" wins !!:sssh:
  11. My mistake, you are correct. Connor only had 4 losses in their region and lost to Henderson Co by 13 at Diddle. Mason was 2nd in their region at 24-8 . Johnson Central finished their year at 25-7 with a 20 point loss to E-Town at Diddle. Johnson was 2nd in their region. E-Town could win it all. I'm not sure of these teams regional standings at the time Ashland played them. (Maybe that's where I got the 5th or 6th.) No dig intended, they did great in the 16th, had they gone to Diddle I would have been pulling for them.:thumb:
  12. It's really hard to compare them until they are both on the floor. I know Breathitt finished at the top of their region with a couple of losses to big teams, but Ashland didn't really play any big teams outside the 16th and lost to a couple of teams that were only rated 5th or 6th in their regions , plus they lost to East Carter. The 16th was overall a little weaker than some other regions. So I'm not sure Ashland was really good enough to play at Diddle. Maybe one game and out. I think Breathitt will go out today.
  13. Well I don't think it was uncommon for Rowan to get out rebounded in any game, but they seemed to make up for it in turning the other teams over and out shooting them. I also beleive the 16th refs let teams reach, and hand check, and just overall play more physical. I personally think the open court fouls went uncalled to often. It doesn't take much to make a player lose ball control when being pushed and hand checked.
  14. In their next game they better have him in mind, because they are sure going to need more points than they had tonight. Still a very big win for them against East.:thumb:
  15. Just talked to people at Diddle. They said the thing that won the Regional for Rowan Co. may have been the reason for their doom against Breathitt. Their defense being ruff and tuff which was not usually called by the refs in the 16th was called at Diddle. No disrespect intended , I was pulling for them. Not sure how many fouls were called on Rowan but there was a lot of bench time for the starters and that resulted in the rebounding going the other way. Congrats to Rowan Co. on a great season and good luck next year.
  16. I watched the vidio and the ball was still in her hand when the light came on. What a shame.
  17. Rowan has a nice bench and they just keep coming at you from everwhere. They are a quick bunch of go-getters thats for sure. I think they can play with most teams just by their hustle D.
  18. Well it would sure open a big can of worms ! I know most hate to see a game end on a whistle with a player on the line. They would have to deside where replay could and couldn't be used. In the end every shot and every foul has an effect on the outcome , so where and how would the line be drawn ? And who would make that call ? I'm sure the losers would like to use it. I guess in some situations it would be useful.
  19. Espically if you had to ask an official where it was !:laugh:
  20. That was one heck of a game ! Jackson and Euton both with double doubles ! A very big win for Elliott Co. A sad ending to Rose Hill's season , but will have another shot in the future. Congrats to Elliott Co. and good luck against East Carter.
  21. I'm thinking you, your buddy, and the baseball would all end up down at Metro awaiting bail !
  22. She made the all tournament team ! Go easy, you may get another thread closed.
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