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Everything posted by HOOKSHOT

  1. Wow ! You can throw stats out the window on this game ! Ashland had to many turnovers to count and Rowan couldn't make two with a pencil. Both teams didn't play their usual game but I guess they all had a case of nerves. Tough loss for the Kittens to end a fine season. Congrats to Rowan Co. and good luck at Diddle.
  2. Watched them both several times and I have to go with Rowan Co.by 13
  3. Well it ended up scary close, but I think that gets them in. Another big win for Bill G. HOW BOUT THOSE CATS !!:thumb:
  4. Rowan with way to much bench ! They looked pretty impressive to me. Morgan lost to the 16th winner ! Nothing to be ashamed of, they played hard all the way.
  5. You must have bought the economy model, mine breaks away !:thumb:
  6. I'm sure it will and............I'm sure it will .
  7. Man......you sure can add ! you just can't read ! that would be for one day. I said two days. Now times your answer by 2:lol:
  8. Well Bush is giving us a tax rebate! To stimulate the oil industry. At least thats where it will go , in your gas tank !Lenders have probably created part of this problem by giving housing loans way to eagerly out of greed. They knew some of these people couldn't pay when they gave them these varible loans. Now they are crying the blues and the government will more that likely bail some of them out ! Wal-Mart and some of the big retailers share some of the blame by putting the small buisness shops out, and have also forced some manufacturing out by squeezing their wholesale prices to death. The auto industry has been busy trying to keep up with each other building too many different models making retooling expenses sky rocket and passing the cost on to us. And like a bunch of dummies we keep paying their prices. WHO IS TO BLAME ? We may share some of this fault !
  9. Dfenz ,I will continue to make the trip to MSU as always. I would like to see it more centrally located though. Hoping to see KCC build a new facility in the future that would house the crowd. Don't take what I said as a complaint cause I'll be there where ever they play it. If you read another post you may see somebody in the 10th grumble a little for the first time in many many years, since theirs was moved this year. Thanks for the history lesson but the first time I made a trip to MSU on a school bus , Summit Middle School was not even a dream. :thumb:
  10. I guess you make that drive on a school bus all the time ? One hr. twenty minutes even with Industrial Parkway , at best !
  11. Well no kidding ! So we keep it at MSU. Make the same teams make the trip every year. Some will drive short distances and the usual will drive about 1 1/2 hrs. Thats fair!:lol:
  12. JMO the bus ride has to be a disadvantage. Ashland, Rose Hill ,Greenup Co., Raceland, Russell all have very close to 1 1/2 hr. bus ride on a school bus.
  13. Next week in two days of play , after attending school all day somebody is going to ride a bus for a total of 6 hours. I would think Ashland or Rose Hill would be thrilled to play at Boyd or Greenup Co. I would give another team home court advantage to save all that bus time. An hour and a half each way on a school bus gets old quick !:thumb:
  14. I guess by that your prediction is..................??
  15. Just giving my opinion as you did ! You don't need any help !
  16. Physical,hold, grab steal, different level, cake walk. All of those things describe a pretty good team . Pretty much Sounds like a compliment to me , not sour grapes !!
  17. GO, I knew what you were saying by "sloppy", and it was not directed at any one person. Just a general comment. But I am not so sure about ALBRIGHTS statements voiced about Russell on different threads ? I think there must be some dislike slithering out !!:laugh:
  18. You want stats, let me give you one; less than three percent of high school kids get to play at the next level . SHE is in that three percent !! PRETTY GOOD STAT IF YOU ASK ME !:thumb::thumb::thumb:
  19. Not really...................why don't you tell us ?:lol::lol::lol:
  20. At this point I don't think it really matters ! We have seen enough to pretty much know who is going to state!
  21. Nice job on the games (by the way). There looked to be about 1 sec. left on the clock but it's hard to say. But if they put time back ,Sam would have had company on the line and may have been easier for her ?
  22. Go, I thought time should be put back , what do you think? Also I have never seen fans allowed to do that, probably close to one hundred fans running the full length of the court ? I felt a warning should have been issued, and fans returned to their seats.
  23. SAY NO TO TIME OUTS ! To each his own though ! I love the counting method I see used sometimes, I think some of them are on one million-one by now ! Talk does not always work. I have several school teachers in the family and beleive me there are a lot of spoiled kid out there now. New cars, ten year olds with cell phones. Only the best clothes for them , even if they are going to out grow them in three months! Crazy! I also think the school shootings became more popular when the news media starting making ten day news reports out of them.
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