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Everything posted by HOOKSHOT

  1. Ashland is simply overrun with Burger Engineers !:lol:
  2. At the risk of sounding negative , If the Government is in charge of distribution it would take five days from the population to pay clerical cost and shipping per month !
  3. You are so destructively honest !:lol: It may be time to go back to your bobbing head avatar !
  4. Being played now. But it's over ! 60 -27 Mason ahead 6 min. left. P.T. folded early and really never got started.
  5. UNBELEIVABLE !! It's great to have two KY. teams to watch ! :thumb: Since one is allready out!:cry:
  6. I really thought Mason played pretty good. They were only 8 points off their average and that could be because of missed free threows. I don't know if they are 40 points better or not. Elliott however was about 20 off there average ,but still had their chance to win. I'm going with PT in a close one.:thumb:
  7. Big , big win for Mason Co ! Great game by Elliott Co. They WILL be back next year.
  8. I'm not sure either but I have seen more Cheerleaders move in the last ten years than players!:thumb:
  9. Solid post by Fast Break ! Somebody needed to say it.
  10. You are correct in saying everyone involved knew this. My post was in reply to a person not from this area. I beleive coach Dodd did everything he could with what he had. My statement was not intended as a put down. I don't beleive Rick P. could have come in and done any better. You gotta have kids out first and Russell clearly doesen't for whatever reasons. I beleive there is just to many different things for kids to do these days, and Russell being a small school it's just hard to feed all the programs. Even the girls ball program has taken a hit with not really enough players. Sixth , seventh, and eighth graders on the varsity bench. Hopefully things will get better in the years to come.:thumb:
  11. Don't pick Mason............they have been picked soo much they have had the whammy placed on them !:lol::lol:
  12. There is only one coach on this list that will be a candidate and I think he has a 90% chance of being the new boys coach. It will take a while to get this team going again. They have a few good kids coming but it may be three or four years before they compete in the region. Humphrey wants to stay a winner, probably why he made his last move. Besides , Russells gym brings back nightmares about him being point man in Marvs 1-3-1 traps !:lol:
  13. I'm sure that Rev. Wright was just having a bad day and would welcome us all to attend his servises !
  14. Shame on you guys. you know Rev. wright never gave a sermon like that before ! Espically with Obama present !:sssh::lol:
  15. You have to wonder about Haliburton getting there so fast ? I know I was amazed ! However , maybe after it's all said and done they will repay us with $109.00 a barrel oil ?:sssh:
  16. I know Rose Hill will miss him. It would have been nice to see him finish up for them. Also would have made the 16th a little more interesting next season. I enjoyed watching them play this year.:thumb: If Scott Co. makes a big run next season, the bashers will have a field day! But that's nothing new!!
  17. There are some really good posts here covering both pros and cons. But I'm not sure McCain or anyone can "finish" the job in Iraq. I will bet the farm that when the U S pulls out, the one with the most guns will then be in power ! Those people think ,if you don't beleive the way I do, I'll just kill you ! With or without the U S the fighting will never stop in Iraq.
  18. I am at somewhat of a disadvantage , I do not have a book. there is mention of this in another section however , and I beleive it refers to the defensive players position and being allowed to move into a blind screen unable to avoid contact. And I think it says," within reason, usually one to two strides". In moving across the end line he clearly had ample time to visually check his position and did not do so. By displacing the offensive player I beleive a foul could have been called. I don't know of any player ever being allowed to just knock a player to the floor legally. If you could do that, I'm sure it would happen all the time. It would be much easier to score if that could be done.:thumb:
  19. There's your answer ! He made no attempt to stop, and he did not go around the screener, he was on the floor ! As I said earlier, make the call ! :thumb:
  20. Just in : Bob Knight said it was a foul !
  21. The rule that was quoted earlier can be used for incidental contact, but is generally not called away from the ball or play, where no advantage is had by either team. However, in this case the advantage clearly went to the other team. What if Ky. had no time outs left ? They would have had to make a call one way or the other, 5 seconds on Ky or a foul .:thumb:
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