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O-Line 50

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Everything posted by O-Line 50

  1. Thanks for the respect.... It is sad to see how some people see these cities when they know nothing about them at all. I played at Dayton and I can say they have some of the most loyal fans in the area along with Bellevue and Ludlow. Even when a down year comes along and they lose to the other small schools the fans are still there week in and week out. Just look at the Dayton/Bellevue game that game was standing room only, it was insane! And just to note, I had the opportunity to play at an NCC or Highlands (like Future Coach said it happens all the time) and I turned it down to stay with my friends and I would never change that choice for anything, I'm glad I stayed. So to the rest of the people who really don't know these cities don't comment on them.
  2. I'm not sure if it has to be defensive or an offensive player good point.
  3. I have no idea, I'm guess since the player already touched the ball (RB) then the reciever is fair game. Once the ball is tipped (touched) the recievers are fair game... At least in the NFL :sssh:
  4. Awesome, hopefully he gets back into the grove of the game and maybe able to put up some of the numbers he did before.
  5. I had to battle with him the whole week before the Dayton/Bellevue game and i was so happy to see Dayton put it on them for reasons like that.:madman: And Ludlow was right there with Dayton and Bellevue they impressed me when they came to Davis and almost beat Dayton, it was a good game! Anyways, good win Braves...
  6. Which hand (wrist?) did he break? Was it his throwing hand? If it is could he play QB? Anyways, good to see him get back it was sad to hear what happened to him.
  7. Like they said above, I had the privilege to go watch that Colerain team and have seen St. X play and I would say that although the St. X D is very good it does not compare to that of the Card's a few years a go (2005?).
  8. I'm taking Boone in a very close and exciting game. Boone: 28 Ryle:21
  9. :thumb::thumb: They are an excellent team together.
  10. Oh yeah, And would a Bellevue faithful please answer my question. What arguments are there to make someone think this game will be close?:confused:
  11. Yeah but then that just makes Beechwood's massive line become more dominant and Bankamper (sp?) as well... Rain does tend to level the playing field some, but when the gap is this large I really don't think a monsoon would help.
  12. I would be surprised if they didn't start moving him into tight end too when they run one. He is fairly strong for his size and could be a good blocking tight end as well as a good catcher.
  13. Dayton by 40+... Also helps this game is after the bye week...:banana:
  14. I just don't see how one could say this game could be close considering what Bellevue has done this year and what Beechwood has done this year?....I would like to hear some of the arguements on how Bellevue could stay close please.:confused:
  15. I know in NKY Dayton has to be the most improved team and program the last 3 years...:dancingpa
  16. I'm going to say CCH is the favorite to win, but I feel it all depends on which Holmes team shows up. If the team that beat Dixie shows up this game could get really interesting. Good luck to both!:thumb:
  17. Just pure luck or do you think they actually match up with Beechwood?:confused::eek:
  18. Beechwood is just too strong this year and their qb is extremely fast, and thier tailback is very good as well. Good luck to both Beechwood: 45 Bellevue: 14
  19. Well said.... Good luck to him with the wildcats!:ylsuper:
  20. Excellent pics!!! And wow was that place packed :dancingpa:thumb:
  21. I think this will be a pretty good game to go and watch. If Bellevue can run the ball like they have most of year they can take the W, but Lloyd shut Dayton's run down in the first half of that game when they played. So I think it will be a fairly close game, and entertaining. Bellevue: 14 Lloyd:21 Lloyd seemed a little more athletic up front so they "should" be able to stop the run, but if they don't it's a big night for the tigers.
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