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Republican Ted Cruz Is Living On Another Planet

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The funny part about this thread is reading people explain how the marktet works who don't seem to understand it.


Is it we don't know or we don't see it your way? Therein lies most of the divisiveness. It's "my way or thw highway" that has really gotten us into the mess we are in. I am pretty sure I will probably not unserstand your way of thinking about the marketplace. But have at it.

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Former President GW Bush was my President. I never voted for him, and disagreed with pretty much everything he did. But he was still my President. I live in a country where sometimes it's not "my guy" in office, but they are still representing me. Even Mitch McConnell and Rand Paul, both of whom I heartily dislike, are my Congressmen.

I thought Yarmuth was your Congressman?

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But you make it sound like Cruz is running against Obama. Far as I can tell, Obama can't get a redshirt third term.
He will be running against Obama, because the Dem presidential hopeful will have probably at some time or another defended/voted for/supported our current Presidents policies. But, I do get what you are saying. I would venture to guess that tactic is older than you and I.
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But you make it sound like Cruz is running against Obama. Far as I can tell, Obama can't get a redshirt third term.


I would venture to bet if the Dems hadn't lost the majority vote that they would be looking for a way!

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