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The Boston Suspects?


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I'm confused, why in that pic is there already blood and debree every where but they're carrying the bags on their shoulders? Are we sure this isn't a photo shop job?




It is an overlay. The guys standing there before explosion and then pictured after. Two pictures in one.

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From the other thread check this link out


4chan ThinkTank - Imgur


They seem to be interchanging 'white cap' guy with a guy who is clearly military. I have seen references to SEALS. But they are two different people. White hat does not have khaki pants on. The no hat military guy (and his partner) have uniform like khaki pants and desert colored shoes.

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They seem to be interchanging 'white cap' guy with a guy who is clearly military. I have seen references to SEALS. But they are two different people. White hat does not have khaki pants on. The no hat military guy (and his partner) have uniform like khaki pants and desert colored shoes.


Here you go.

» Navy SEALs Spotted at Boston Marathon Wearing Suspicious Backpacks? Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

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Got to 5:00 mark.


Saudi National will be deported for 'national security'.





From another sire -


The Saudi guy is here on an expired student visa just like the Saudi 911 perps.


This Saudi guy has relatives in Gitmo.


This Saudi guy has a half a dozen relatives known to be violent AQ types in the ME.


This Saudi guy was close enough to a classic AQ style IED that explodes in the US that he was injured.


The odds this guy isn't involved is similar to winning the lottery 5 weeks in a row

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