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Coach Preston

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Coach Preston last won the day on February 2

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  1. Still young in some ways but we have taken our lumps for a couple of years and should be much better. I like our kids attitude and efforts.
  2. In my humble opinion WC is the poster child of how education is not always fair and equitable. So many times we see schools put in this situation. I don't have the answer but it is obvious something was done that destroyed in many ways what once was a proud school. That is not a knock against the current students or admin. But something changed. It has not been poor coaching that put them in their current status.
  3. Agree. Coaches don't need more rules. Because it works for some doesn't mean all schools need to be told they have to do it. Just use your common sense. Do what works for your situation.
  4. I have no iron is this fire but we took off fall break when we had no game and played for 3 straight state championships. I don't think I went out of town but it would not have changed a thing. I have done it both ways.
  5. I have been fortunate to have met Ray when I was 21 years old. I worked for him for 3 seasons. He sang at my wedding. He has always been there for me and ditto on all the good stuff I have read on here so far. A true Christian man.
  6. Whoever told you that I have applied is absolutely lying to you. I have not applied for this position or any. Just wanted to clear that up. Happy Holidays.
  7. Bardstwon's defense doesn't get enough credit imo. Tye Tye is on a whole different level than what you will see on most Friday night's in Kentucky.
  8. Tye Tye and the QB are special. Defense is very strong vs the run. Excellent football team.
  9. Custard is amazing to watch on film. No one has slowed him down. I have only faced two QB's in my 34 years as a high school coach that can come close to doing the things he does. He is bigger than both of those guys. Someone will pick up a tremendous athlete in this kid if he decides to play college ball. I also hear he is a great young man. We are getting better but are still EXTREMELY young. Entire backfield of sophomores. Two Freshman starting on defense with all but a couple underclassman. Two senior starters on O and D. Hopefully we can slow Harrison's scoring machine down. No one has yet.
  10. The worst part is they are cancelling scrimmages for teams that are hosting and there is no reason I can figure for doing that.
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