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  1. Many, if not most areas JV plays on Mondays. Northern Kentucky is the only place I've ever been that regularly plays JV games on Saturdays. Saturday was always a film/lift day for varsity/JV.
  2. Another game played on a field with questionable footing. I like the NFL playing games in other countries, but it's not fun watching players play on fields with questionable surfaces. Lots of slipping and sliding, with potential risk of injury.
  3. Since the Hall of Fame opened.There's plenty of guys who are in based solely on accumulating nice numbers over a long career without truly being great.
  4. Always have as far as I know. I don’t think there’s enough room at the high school for a stadium.
  5. He's gone from red hot to a dumpster fire. And there is a very real possibility they lose their opener to NDSU who's ranked #2 in FCS.
  6. I think we were a bit overcautious. I've coached and played high school football in 5 states and Kentucky was the only one that didn't use the Wet Globe Method. Places in the south would never be able to play games or practice if they just used the Heat Index. I think coaches are much better educated on how to deal with heat, and there are many safeguards in place to help prevent and treat issues should they come up. I wouldn't say we don't need to worry about heat now, but I think it's fair to say we are much more knowledgeable in how to deal with it.
  7. Wet globe is a much better indicator as it factors in more things that affect how hot it "feels". You'll see less cancellations with it, and it's what the military and most other states have been using to measure heat for many years. I'm glad Kentucky is finally onboard. Now if we can just get them to start practice later like most other states......
  8. In my mind, Votto is another one of those that belong in the Hall of Very Good. He hits none of the major benchmarks, and I don't think was ever considered a top 5 player during his time. He had what amounts to 10 really good years, only one of which came in his last 6 seasons. I think if he had another MVP, a World Series or Playoff MVP or a couple other really great seasons, he be much closer to a sure thing. Right now, I think he gets in, but probably on his second or third try. But I wouldn't be mad nor do I think it would be a crime if he didn't get in.
  9. I think people will be interested because Scott has a good core coming back that could compete for a region title. But I'm still having a hard time getting my head wrapped around Norton getting let go out of nowhere 2 weeks after being hired very quickly after the job became open. The guy has been coaching in NKY for a long time, most recently with Beechwood the last 7 or so years and is well respected. Strange.
  10. ??????? This is a little surprising. I know for a fact he was just speaking to possible assistant coaches for Scott just yesterday morning. He does have a long history with SK......could he be going there to replace Roberts?
  11. I'm now down a total of 35 lbs since the end of March. Only about 10lbs away from my college weight of 185, which has been my goal weight since starting this. I've been able to get off one medicine for blood sugar, and have halved one of my blood pressure meds. I've maintained a pretty healthy eating plan, and have been able to eat a few sweet treats once or twice a week, although they are just very small portions, and didn't allow my vacation in July to knock me off track. The hardest part is watching and keeping a lower protein intake to protect my kidneys, only 70-80 grams per day. I've been mostly a hardcore carnivore. I've tried a couple of the plant based proteins, but they just don't do the trick for me. Still having some shoulder pain, so haven't been doing much in terms of weight training, but just got a new set of bands and hoping to start upping the resistance training soon.
  12. Scott has a very solid team coming back. Fairly deep staff with a good lineup. Plus while the 10th has some good teams year in and year out, if you get good pitching, is very winnable. This job should attract some decent candidate.
  13. Maybe Kevin Goins from Scott? He is a Lafayette grad.
  14. This is my absolute favorite way to cook a pot roast. We use spicy ranch mix instead of the plain, and usually serve it over brown rice or egg noodles. We also add 1 large onion and mushrooms to the recipe.
  15. The problem many schools have with Day camps is availability of coaches. Day camps work great if you have a staff with mostly teachers. When you have a bunch of para's on the coaching staff, they typically aren't going to be available to participate in a day camp. I get what your saying, but you can't hold a camp without coaches, so often these camps are held in the evening.
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