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Colonels_Wear_Blue last won the day on September 4

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  1. Hard to say, honestly...but the Beechwood rivalry does take a backseat to the Highlands rivalry. So in that regard, if Beechwood treats this as their biggest rivalry game of the year, then no, Cov Cath doesn't treat it as being as big a rivalry as Beechwood does. But that's not to say (at all) that it's not still treated as a huge rivalry game. That kind of adds to the point I made in the first post of this thread, though, that basically every year Cov Cath has three games where they are playing rivalries - Highlands, Beechwood, and Dixie - we're absolutely guaranteed to have every ounce of everything coming at us from our opponents. I say that's a good thing come playoff time.
  2. My first thought every time Beechwood week starts up is Coach Ray coming into the weight room and taking a knee just after pregame in 1998, and Coach Ray charging in and tearing over a 300 pound industrial fan and throwing it across the floor because he was so incensed over a certain Beechwood running back running down in front of him and jeering while the coaches were on their way in for the pregame speech. We were all fired up as hell....and then promptly squandered a 21-7 halftime lead, went into overtime and missed a 21 yard field goal from the left hash and the watched Beechwood kick in a 22 yarder from the left hash to win it in overtime. Also definitely hard to forget standing on the sideline and watching Adam Wulfeck dive into the endzone late in the 4th quarter to put Beechwood ahead to win in the 1997 game.
  3. I'm gonna say I'm cautiously optimistic about Cov Cath. I played in too many of the 1990s games to feel like this one is anything even remotely close to a sure thing.
  4. A little over an hour and a half till kickoff and the poll is 46 votes for Beechwood and 49 votes for Cov Cath. Looking at the votes, there are a small handful on both sides of the game picked the other team. I think it's definitely gonna be one of the more closely matched games between these two . Beechwood theguru, MaddenCurse44, HS Fan Man, SPKY17, Maroon Beech, Paul Dean, royal36, Quarterback18, Duncan74, Scooby2323, FatNate, The Head Director, TimeWillTell, Hard Work, The Double Deuce, FJ11, Joe Lorenzen, RememberTheTigers24, Bowhunter74, Hornet34, The_Bull44, Hardin County Preps, Hungover_in_Andover, BWTigers, BrickhouseCOV, Beechwoodfan, Al Bundy, TigerRat34, Milo, Sparkey, 4th&1, OMD, hector607, GoCATsNKY, Ted Stickles, Bluebird, JustHighSchool, fatsnbul, TigerMomx3, Lucky Dog, PP1, CCHFC, Camelfans, jumbojack, TigerKing, NKY KnowItAll Covington Catholic Colonels_Wear_Blue, Gotigas, RedHawk, OldSchool45, snakesnot_2000, hrcarrier, 16thBBall Fan, TheMagicMan, Bluerunner, bluecolonels95, Kyfootballking, richard maners, TheBearsFavoriteHat, BBN, Velvet Jones, NKYPrepSportsFan, Falcon Pride, StraightShooter, Subway5024, Astro Domino, 859sports, Bluesport, GottaLuvFootball, NKY soccer, Profootballer, DoubleDuce, Shaquille_Oatmeal, UKato91, Dukey_662001, Cov_Cath_Hwy, Coach112, ApolloFan98, GREEN ACE, WinningColors, Tones, NeuroColonel, blue-five-two, Damien, DRKARK, InsideSlant, BigBlue92, Deaconjim, DARZ, Stirmechew, Mr. Giggles, KYRedandBlack, 1992Rebel, ChizeL822, kyag
  5. I kinda expect to see us play it conservative with passing this week - especially early in the game. Eddie may send some receivers on deeper routes early on to feel out the defenders and then consider trying to actually pass to them later in the game, but I think he'll more than likely stick to tight end drag routes, swing passes, and screen passes, and an occasional tight end release. I believe you're correct about last year with deep shots. However, I think for as much as Coach Eviston loved passing deep with AJ Mayer and Caleb Jacob (particularly 2018 and 2019 Caleb Jacob), he has changed his passing up to where more often than not if he's going for big yardage, he's trying to have the QB get the ball is into the WR's hands 12-15 yards off the line of scrimmage while the receiver is running in stride, and then any long yardage is made after the catch. He does take the occasional deep shot, but that seems like it's only happening 2-3 times a game at most, whereas with the arms and accuracy that Mayer and Jacob both had, it was happening 6, 7, 8 times a game sometimes. I'm an Excel nerd and I keep a lot of historical stats on Cov Cath football, but don't have any hierarchal stats on how many deep pass attempts we have per game or per season...lol, that would be a pretty niche stat to keep track of, beyond just being a pain in the rear to follow. I've got these, though, and average yards per catch probably indicates a little.
  6. I think that's probably relatively close to what it'll end up being.
  7. Sporting Times will have a live video stream of this one on their website: http://STFanclub.com/live They apparently also have a free app you can download on ROKU and Amazon Fire to stream live on your television.
  8. Sporting Times will have a live video stream of this one on their website: http://STFanclub.com/live They apparently also have a free app you can download on ROKU and Amazon Fire to stream live on your television.
  9. I believe WRVK 1460 AM still broadcasts Rock's games. You can listen to their channel here on their website: http://www.wrvk1460.com/
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